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Projection- Something that thrusts outward, something projected on a screen, something done by unconsciousness. Example- In the old paradigm of 2d, duality, everything was just projections from the unconsciousness, a delusion. This is how the ego functions. It projects the illusion of isolation and separation onto what it sees, which creates the "world" [and the world is the projection, like a fun mirror house that you have at Your Carnivals], and then plays a game of this. In True Reality, Full Consciousness, The New Paradigm, there are no projections. Love is Everywhere Present, All the Energy is Whole and Healed. There exists no separation.

Promise- A Declaration Assuring that One Will Succeed. Example- WE Represent the Promise of The Grandness that All the Events of First Contact will Bring. This Planet's Awakening is Inevitable, which is also a Promise. Love always Promises Love and Says Yes To More Love. When they discussed the Promise Land, They Were Speaking of the Land you Reach when you Go Within, Where WE are, and Love IS.

Deeper- An unlimited distance under the surface, extending from front to rear, or inward, to the outside, understanding wise, profound, intense. Example- The Deeper you Go Within, the More You Will Always Find. Love comes from within and the Within, the center of Love, becomes the reflection from the inside of the Center, to the outside. Love is a Deep Understanding, that is You, WE are Just Here to ReHeart You of this Truth. DING!!!

"Your Sub-Conscious is Spherical Just Like the Universe"

Sphere- A three Dimensional surface, where all points of which are equidistant [meaning from the center] from a fixed point, A Spherical object or figure, a Planet, Star, or other Heavenly Body, "the sphere of the Heavens". Any Series of transparent, revolving Globes which together Create Everything such as the Stars, Sun, Moon, and Planets, to surround or encompass. Example- Love, is an Energy that, when Unified, Creates A Sphere. Love can then Create Within the Sphere and Expand from the Center to the outer, Where Love is Everywhere Present. Love is Spherical. Your Chakras are Spherical within You, and So is Spirit.

Concave- Curved Like the Inner Surface of a Sphere. Example- When Energy is Unified, its a Sphere that Expands from the inside of the center of Love, in a concave form. From the inside to the outside.

Convex- Having a Surface that curves outward, as the Exterior of a Sphere. Example- A Sphere which is Real Love Energy Unified, is like a lens, that expands from the Center, and then outwardly. It's like A lens in the concave and convex context. The Sphere of Energy of Pure Consciousness of Love Shines Directly from the Center of the Being, where Love and the Unknowable are, and this Expands outwardly in Creation.

"WE are Here to Re- Educate Humanity of the True information. The Information that was not allowed into any of your school systems. It's Called Conscious Physics 101. Creation is Based on Conscious Physics and WE will Start with the Basics YOU=YOU, ALL OF YOU=ALL OF US, completely AND totally and WE are ALL ONE." Mother and Father God

Linear- A straight line, limited, having only one dimension. Example- In the program, you were taught linear thinking, so that it was easy to manipulate and control you. If you thought something existed outside of the linear limits, which are a box, then you Would see the box and linear thinking like it is. You Would Be Aware there is MUCH, MUCH More. If you knew there was more, How can you be controlled then. Love is Here, and Love is Multi-dimensional, Everywhere Present.

Song Upside Down Jack Johnson

Multi- Dimensional- Many Dimensions Of Spacial extent in Space, that are Unique. Example- Multi-Dimensional is the Present Moment of Now, Where ALL Occurs Simultaneously. A thought that is Whole is Multi-Dimensional, Truth is Multi-Dimensional, because it's Wholistic, all Connected Together in Love. A Multi-Dimesional Thought is a Sphere that is Contracting and Expanding and Vibrating and Spinning in Every Direction at Once. Not Chaos, but Creation, which is very exacting.

Ding Dong- The Peal of a Bell, any repeating sound of a bell or jingle, over and over. Example- Within Each Soul on Planet Earth=Heart, a Ding Dong is Going off inside the Hearts, connected to the Being. This is Beginning to Ring Louder and Louder. The Ding Dong of Love is Ringing, an Unstoppable Energy Vibration, which Ensures Everyones Awakening.

Lia's picture

GodHead- Divinity, the Divine Nature of God, Oneness. Example- When you awaken, you awaken in the One GodHead, that Includes all of US. WE are together, One GodHead. This is where Humanity is headed for, Cooperation and Teamwork, Together as One GodHead.

Surreal/ Surrealism- The radical Transformation of all existing, social, scientific, and Philosophical values through the Total Liberation of the unconsciousness. Example- True Reality is very Surreal. Because it is out of the experience of illusion, and unconsciousness is transformed into Pure Consciousness! Thus we are ONE AGAIN!

Solution- The Answer to a Problem. Example- The Solution to all Your Current problems, is Love. This is the only answer. You begin by Being the Change, which is the Love and Truth of Who you truly are, and this Transforms from the inside out! Be the example of Love Everywhere Present. Shine Your Lights of Love and Brilliance. 

Solve- To Discover the Solution to a problem, to answer and explain. To work out the Correct and Right Action to a problem. Example- We of the Celestial, have come to Planet Earth=Heart, to Solve your Problems, by Sharing the Absolute Highest Truth with you, about Who You Truly are, So that you can Find your Way home back into the Light. We have Solved the problem on Planet Earth=Heart, and it is the program ego mind, Allow Love to Fill you Up, Love is the only Answer.

Attachment- The condition of being attached to something outside or external. Example- If you are in illusion, you have attachments to the outside, in order to connect within, "YOU MUST LET GO OF ALL ATTACHMENTS TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD." 

Eternity- The Totality of time, that has no beginning or end, the state or quality of being Eternal, Everlasting, the endless period of time after death, immortality. Celion Dion and Bee Gees- Immortality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVBzspv1NS0
Example- You are Eternal Beings, and Always and Forever, in Eternity, you are immortal. The Kingdom of Heaven is Eternity.


Completely- Whole, having all Parts working in Cooperation. Having all Necessary Parts. Example- We are Completely Sure of the Highest Truths We Share with all of You/Humanity. We are completely in Full Consciousness, completely The "LOVE CALLED GOD EVERYWHERE PRESENT", AND completely Sharing the Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth So help US GOD!! LOL...WE are God, Hello our Children of Creation, it is Your Awakening..Moments, Your Graduation into True Reality.

Confidence- Trust in Self or another, A Feeling of Assurance, Certainty, Confident, Having Confidence in oneself, self assured, trustful. Example- In order to Love, Trust , and have Confidence in Us, and Who We Truly are, You MUST LOVE, TRUST, AND HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF, AND WHO YOU TRULY ARE.

Trust- The person in which Confidence is placed, Feel SURE OF! Example- When You Trust yourself, You Trust Love, because there is nothing left to do. Love is Truth, which is Trust.

Truthful- Consistently Speaking the Truth, which corresponds to True Reality. Example- We, Being in Full Consciousness, are Speaking the Most TRUTHFUL, statements, on Planet Earth=Heart. 

Attract- To cause to Draw near, to draw to oneself, magnetic, to draw near to oneself through action. Example- To Attract your Destinies to you, you Must Shine Your Light, Be the Change, Be the Love you are. The Oneness Energy is like a Magnet, and is Calling you Home, Back into the Light, through your Heart, Follow the Signs.

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

Lia's picture

Today's Definitions...
Within- Inside, not outside, inside the body, Heart, Soul, Inwardly. Example- Your True Being is Within you, for nothing exists, outside of You, everything comes from Within.

Without- not having, lacking, without any of. Example- The Phrase "Go, Within, or go without!

Internal- Of Relating to, or located within, inner, intrinsic, inherent, effective within the body. Example- Each Being has an internal Compass, that shows/Guides you through your own unique Path back into the Light. Free, and out of duality.

Freedom- The Condition of Being Free, Liberty of the Person from Slavery or Oppression, the Right To Enjoy all of Life, in Every Living Moment. Example- Our Information we share with You, is Your Freedom out of duality and slavery, and back into the Higher Realms.

High- Extending or projecting far upward, High Elevated, An advanced State of development, in a state of excitement, Euphoria. Example- We are Bringing to You the Highest Thoughts, that are Heaven Consciousness. 

Thought- An Idea, intent, Purpose. Example- We are Bringing in the True Information of Higher Thoughts of Joy and Truth.

Humorous- Having or characterized by Humor, Funny, Laughable, Comical, Expressing Humor. Example- We of the Celestial find the ignorant ones very Humorous, because we Know Who you Truly are. 

Sign- Something that suggests the Presence and existence of a fact or Truth, an indicator, and indication, a symbol. Example- Synchronostic Events are Signs that Your Higher Self is Communicating with You, Follow the Signs. This is Your Soul Speaking to you.

Wisdom- Understanding of what is True, Right, or lasting. Common Sense, informed, Aware, To Be Aware of the Truth. Example- In understanding the Information we share with you, you will gain Wisdom. This occurs through the Experience, as We Gained Wisdom through Experience, to share with you. 

Golden Age- The First Age of a Planet untroubled, Living in Unity and Happiness. A period or Moment when Human Beings live together as One Team, Unified. An Era in Prosperity for ALL, Abundantly, and Equally for ALL.
Example- Your Current Society, will and is Crashing down, and out of the Ashes will arise Something Brand New, Something Very Grand. This is the Beginning of the "The Golden Age". For you are Gold, You are Love!

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

Lia's picture

Projection- Something that thrusts outward, something projected on a screen, something done by unconsciousness. Example- In the old paradigm of 2d, duality, everything was just projections from the unconsciousness, a delusion. This is how the ego functions. It projects the illusion of isolation and separation onto what it sees, which creates the "world" [and the world is the projection, like a fun mirror house that you have at Your Carnivals], and then plays a game of this. In True Reality, Full Consciousness, The New Paradigm, there are no projections. Love is Everywhere Present, All the Energy is Whole and Healed. There exists no separation.

Promise- A Declaration Assuring that One Will Succeed. Example- WE Represent the Promise of The Grandness that All the Events of First Contact will Bring. This Planet's Awakening is Inevitable, which is also a Promise. Love always Promises Love and Says Yes To More Love. When they discussed the Promise Land, They Were Speaking of the Land you Reach when you Go Within, Where WE are, and Love IS.

Deeper- An unlimited distance under the surface, extending from front to rear, or inward, to the outside, understanding wise, profound, intense. Example- The Deeper you Go Within, the More You Will Always Find. Love comes from within and the Within, the center of Love, becomes the reflection from the inside of the Center, to the outside. Love is a Deep Understanding, that is You, WE are Just Here to ReHeart You of this Truth. DING!!!

"Your Sub-Conscious is Spherical Just Like the Universe"

Sphere- A three Dimensional surface, where all points of which are equidistant [meaning from the center] from a fixed point, A Spherical object or figure, a Planet, Star, or other Heavenly Body, "the sphere of the Heavens". Any Series of transparent, revolving Globes which together Create Everything such as the Stars, Sun, Moon, and Planets, to surround or encompass. Example- Love, is an Energy that, when Unified, Creates A Sphere. Love can then Create Within the Sphere and Expand from the Center to the outer, Where Love is Everywhere Present. Love is Spherical. Your Chakras are Spherical within You, and So is Spirit.

Concave- Curved Like the Inner Surface of a Sphere. Example- When Energy is Unified, its a Sphere that Expands from the inside of the center of Love, in a concave form. From the inside to the outside.

Convex- Having a Surface that curves outward, as the Exterior of a Sphere. Example- A Sphere which is Real Love Energy Unified, is like a lens, that expands from the Center, and then outwardly. It's like A lens in the concave and convex context. The Sphere of Energy of Pure Consciousness of Love Shines Directly from the Center of the Being, where Love and the Unknowable are, and this Expands outwardly in Creation.

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

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