GMO Sugar Beet Industry Contributes $55,000 to Defeat GMO Labeling Laws

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 01/31/2014

gmo protest 263x164 GMO Sugar Beet Industry Contributes $55,000 to Defeat GMO Labeling Laws

Photo: AP

Just in case you weren’t aware, genetically modified sugar beets are in just about every food imaginable. You’ll find it listed as ‘sucrose’ (among other sneaky labels) in thousands of foods at your local grocery store. The national sugar beet industry (which switched to GMO seeds when the federal government warned that if it didn’t it would face a sugar shortage) and its GM sugar beet crops have already contaminated nearby organic fields. A new ballot measure in southern Oregon has the sugar beet industry in a tizzy because it would ban the use of genetically modified organisms in Jackson County.


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