Harry Belafonte Compares Koch Brothers to White Supremacists

Silver's picture

Alternet, By: Steven Rosenfeld, 11/04/2013

A half-century ago, Harry Belafonte sang about oppression and put Americans at ease. Today, the 86-year-old actor-entertainer speaks uncomfortable truths, even if his historic comparisons offend his targets.


On the final Sunday of New York City's mayoral campaign, Belafonte attacked the billionaire right-wing Koch brothers during remarks at the First Corinthian Baptist Church, where he compared their political thuggery to the Klu Klux Klan as the Democratic candidate Bill De Blasio sat in the pews. The remarks prompted a rare response by the Koch’s publicist criticizing Belafonte as “false and reprehensible.” Meanwhile, De Blasio, who is expected to be elected mayor in Tuesday, brushed them off — not saying they were false, but just not said the best way. 


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