L Shape ships on the back side of our moon!

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L Shape ships on the back side of our moon!

Hi everyone, this is an articles I came across on a couple of websites and I wanted to share it with everyone. 

First, I think we may have some help from our galactic family that is here to help us with the current situation happening on our planet.

As always please use your own discernment. 

Here are a few of the links:


and here:



I think we are in extraordinary times.  Finally please listen to this last youtube video published in 2007. I think you will get the idea. 

"The extra terrestrials will come in droves in both physical and nonphysical forms" 

Here: http://youtu.be/VW4h1u842Xc

And as you may know from several sources, false flags the magnitude of 9-11, nuclear attacks or marshall law will be allowed as decreed by haven and the creator and our galactic family.

Peace and love to all.