Lake Michigan Level Touches Record Low for Month

Rain's picture - Dan Egan, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/Updated 10/17/12


Marine One helicopter and a decoy helicopter fly over Lake Michigan on June 2, 2012 en route back to Washington, D.C. An official said the Lake Michigan/Huron surface level last week was measured at 175.70 meters above sea level, about equal to the record low average in October 1964.

Lake Michigan kissed its record low water level for October on one day last week, and federal officials now predict the world's fifth largest lake is likely going to plunge into never-seen-before levels in the coming months.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reported on Monday that on one day last week, water levels were essentially at the lake's official record low for October, a monthly average that was set in 1964. The weekend rains brought a slight rebound of about an inch, though the long-term forecast calls for the level to continue dropping in the coming months into areas never seen since modern records began in 1918.

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