Message from our Beloved Divine Mother: RE: Balance and Abundance...through Nasrin Safai

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Message from our Beloved Divine Mother: RE: Balance and Abundance...through Nasrin Safai

Message from our Beloved Divine Mother: RE: Balance and Abundance...
"My Children of Light, I am your Divine Mother, I come to you with great joy. Since you anchored the
energy to the 5th Dimensional Octave and opened the Portals of Light, much has changed. Always in
the world of Duality, you balance the Light and Dark, the good and bad, the pleasure and pain. The
measure of how much you were able to achieve in the past few months can be felt with all the events
that have transpired. It requires a Net of Light as some have called it. It requires the coming together of
all of you . . . Whether you call yourself, “New Agers, Old Path Followers, Spiritual Seekers or students
of the Mystery Schools, as long as you are embodying the Light, as long as you carry upon your
shoulders the awareness of what is happening on Earth and the responsibility of leading the multitudes
and masses to the Light, you have been called!
This gift that I have prepared is for you . . . Metatron Requests a Dispensation! Recently Metatron of the
Cosmic Council came before the Tribunal, at my Throne, and requested a dispensation for those of you
who are Overlighted by the Energies of the Masters of Wisdom . . . He asked that a dispensation be
issued for those of you who are understanding of the nature of this Reality and care to continue Life on
Earth in its pure and pristine state, and work to that end with all of your might and power . . . When He
came He brought with Him the Hierarchies of the Masters of Light and Wisdom, every one of the
Chohan, every one of the Celestial Guardians, every one of the Elohim, every one of the Masters that
you work with and every one of the living Masters; they all agreed to come with him.
He specifically asked for two things:
Health and Wholeness - The dispensation that He requested was that those of you who are promoting
The Light and serving the Multitudes and Masses be given, first and foremost, health and wholeness in
your body, mind, emotions, souls and spirit. You are to be given, in his opinion, superhuman
powers. . . To be able to work for 20 – 22 hours in a 24 hr period of time without feeling tired. His
request was that each of you be given the ability to multiply the impact of what you do on behalf of
Earth by 10 times,100 times,1000 times. This is why I call it superhuman powers. To be able to do 10
times more than what you have been doing by receiving means where your body, your mind, your
nervous system, your brain system, the polarities of electric and magnetic, your masculine and
feminine Aspects are Overlighted by supernatural powers from the Masters and Divine Mother, so that
health and wholeness is brought to you.
This is needed because when you do this work, you drain your energy. This is not a mystery, this is a
reality, this is what you experience. His request first and foremost, was that you should be given the
nervous system, the brain system, the electromagnetic force field, the mind, the emotions and the
physical body, the health and wholeness in organs, in cells in tissues, in molecular structure, in brain
cells that is perfect, more
perfect than any human being at this present moment on Earth is able to accomplish and to the
perfection of that of the Living Masters. Those living Masters who sit and give their love for 22 hours,
see thousands of people without moving and get up and do it again the next day and the next day and
the next day. . . That level of strength and power is what Metatron requested from the councils.
Financial Abundance and Resources:
The second, and in His opinion equally important, request was that you be given resources, manpower,
strength and stamina, foresight and most importantly financial abundance to the point where you will
take leadership positions, you will be the heads of industries, you would be the entrepreneurs who will
bring the new ideas, new concepts, new designs, new behavior, new services, new ways and means to
accomplish tasks that the best of today ’s entrepreneurs haven’t as yet achieved.
We have been working with these two requests on the table for a few months. This request came at the
point where you successfully opened the 5th Dimensional Octave and were able to reach critical
mass . . . As a handful of souls, you were able to anchor the energies to the point where, what we had
envisioned attaining by the end of 2012 was attained in the course of the first 3 months of the year
2010; a year to remember.
Divine Mother’s Dispensation:
I have worked on this proposal and I have brought a dispensation. In this dispensation, I am now
gifting you with the Presence of Great Cosmic Beings whom I have chosen to call the Angelic Forces of
Abundance and I am offering you the Angel of Abundance Rainbow Grid which consists of 10
categories of Angelic Forces who have been given the task of supporting you to accomplish these two
primary tasks . . . Some of you will begin
immediately and see the results in a flash and some of you will begin slowly and gradually, as you
clear the deck to receive the gifts from these Angelic Forces.
What these Angelic Forces will bring to you is the awakening of the energy structure within your
Physical Body, within your 5 Body System, within your Brain System, within your Electromagnetic Force
Field, and most importantly within your Nervous System . . . Because when you say things like, “I don’t
know how I did it but I did it; I dared to do it, I dared to believe it and it happened. ” That’s your nerves
complying with what your mind
was agreeable to, your emotions were agreeable to, and your Personality Aspects were agreeable to.
To accomplish what Metatron has proposed and the Masters of Light and Wisdom have sanctioned,
you need these Angelic Forces and further more you need a boosting of your Nervous System, your
Brain, your 5 Body System, your 5th Dimensional Body Magnetic/Body Electric, your Mind, Emotions,
Soul, Spirit and Physical Body.
Divine Mother’s Meditation before Metatron of the Cosmic Council I invite each of you to visualize
yourself standing in front of me . . . Around you visualize, in a large circle, all the Masters of Light and
Wisdom from all Hierarchies and the Great Cosmic Council,
headed by Metatron of the Cosmic Council . . . To all of you who have never had the experience of
Metatron of the Cosmic Council, this is a Being who sits on the Hierarchy, as the Highest Essence. He is
in a Male Body because Form is Male and Spirit is Female. Divine Mother ’s Force moves through this
Metatron of the Cosmic Council, as it does
through all of you, yet because we want to have someone represent that Council, this Being appears in
a Male body.
I want you to visualize the Metatron of the Cosmic Council. He comes and stands before you . . . He
places his hand over your head. He places the other hand over your Heart/Cosmic Heart Chakras and
he pours out Energies of Light from the Cosmic Councils to you . . . He has paved the path for you to
receive this dispensation.
Now, I call upon the Legions of the Angels of Abundance Rainbow Grid. Every one of these Angelic
Forces carries the energy of the Emerald Green Healing and Abundance Light . . . Seven of them will
also carry one of the 7 colors of the rainbow.
Angels of Abundance Rainbow Grid:
Visualize standing in front of Divine Mother. Angelic Forces of the Crown and Cosmic Heart Chakras,
Crown Chakra:
First we call the Angelic Force of Pure White Light who will be in charge of the Crown Chakra. See a
member of the Legions of the Angelic Forces of Pure White Light come forth emanating Pure White
Light. This Angelic Force will place her hand over your Crown Chakra. Feel the Pure White Light pour
into your Crown and into your body . . . Cosmic Heart: The Angelic Force in charge of the Cosmic Heart
Energies is stepping up to you.
The body of this Being is emanating Turquoise Light and the Emerald Green Light of Healing. This Being
will be in charge of the Cosmic Heart. Visualize that this Being is holding a piece of Turquoise the size
of your fist. The Angel will place it inside of your Cosmic Heart . . . The Turquoise looks solid but when
it is placed into the Cosmic Heart
Chakra, it melts into your Cosmic Heart and into your thymus gland. This liquid Turquoise Light mixed
with Emerald Green will begin the healing of the Thymus Gland. This Angel and the Turquoise are
vibrating to Cosmic Energies. Turquoise is permeating the energies of The Great Silent watcher and is
also very sacred and revered by Christ Maitreya.
Now we will call the 7 Angelic Forces of the Abundance Rainbow Grid:
First Angel; Red and Green, Root Chakra.
Visualize the Angel of Abundance for the Root Chakra. Envision the Angelic Force emanating the Red
Light of the Rainbow mixed with the Emerald Green for healing and abundance . . . The Red is for
passion, Life Force, action and for connection to Earth. This Being holds a fist size Blood Red Ruby,
clear and transparent. The Angel stands in front of you and places this fist full of Red Ruby Vibration at
the Root Chakra. Ruby is for money and abundance, Passion and Procreation . . . Pause and bathe in
these energies.
Second Angel; Orange and Green, Sacral Plexus Chakra.
We call the second Angel, the Guardian for the Sacral Plexus. Visualize this angel coming to stand
before you, permeating Green, merged with Bright Orange Light . . . See in the hand of the Angel, a
fistful of Citrine, an Orange colored gemstone (if you prefer, you can imagine Orange Sapphire). This
gem will be placed in the Sacral Plexus and will be absorbed. Green Light of Healing is mixed with the
Orange but it doesn ’t create a new color, the Green stays Green and the Orange stays Orange. It will
bring healing to the Sacral Plexus. If the Sacral Plexus is closed, your creativity can be blocked. When
your creativity is blocked, then you ’re disconnected from your abundance . . . Pause and bathe in
these energies and allow blockages from your creative channels to
be released.
Third Angel; Golden Yellow and Green, Solar Plexus Chakra:
We call the third member of the Angel Rainbow Grid; the Angel of Solar Plexus. This Being is emanating
a Golden Yellow Light. In the hand of this one is a piece of Golden Sunstone; Sunstone with veins of
Gold. As it is placed in your Solar Plexus, it becomes
liquid Golden Light . . . Breathe and bathe. Your Solar Plexus is the center for Power. When this center
is blocked, you feel disempowered and lose your self confidence. Connect from this chakra to the
Angelic Force who is standing before you and feel the Emerald Green Light permeating, spinning and
swirling inside of your Solar Plexus to heal lifetimes of scars and memories. Let all of those memories
be released. Feel empowered; feel the supernatural powers which the Universe is offering you, pour
into your Solar Plexus . . . Breathe and bathe.
Fourth Angel; Blue and Green, Seat of the Soul Chakra:
We now call the Angelic Force of the Seat of the Soul. This Angel is emanating Aquamarine Blue and
Emerald Green Light. The gem which this angel brings is a Blue - Green Diamond. When this Blue Green
Diamond is placed in the Seat of the Soul, you may get a sensation of Heat moving under your ribs . . .
Breathe and bathe.
Fifth Angel; Green and Green, Personal Heart Chakra:
We call upon the Angel of Abundance for Your Personal Heart Chakra. This Being comes in Emerald
Green and a range of Citron Green to Jade Green. This Angel holds a piece of Emerald the size of your
fist. This Emerald will go into your Personal Heart Chakra, energetically opening your Personal Heart to
Love and Compassion. Feel heat moving into the Personal Heart Chakra. Bathe in the Green Light and
let it permeate, spiral, spin and swirl in your Personal Heart Chakra. Breathe and bathe.
Sixth Angel; Purple and Green, Throat Chakra:
We call upon the Angel of your Throat Chakra. This Angel emanates Purple Light mixed with the Green.
Divine Mother chose this Light because your Higher Purpose needs to be communicated (in all ways,
including verbally) and the center for communication is the Throat Chakra. Also She chose Purple for
transmutation but most importantly for the return of Divine Order and Divine Organization. In the hand
of this Angel is a fist size Deep Purple Colored diamond. This is placed in your Throat Chakra. Here in
the Throat Chakra, it also emanates to your Channeling Chakra, which sits behind the Throat Chakra at
the base of the neck . . . Breathe and bathe.
Seventh Angel; Deep Purple Magenta, Third Eye Chakra:
For the Third Eye Chakra, we call upon the Angel that completes the Rainbow Grid. This Angel is
emanating Magenta and Green Light. In the hand, is a fist full of Magenta colored Blue Sapphires.
Sapphire is the symbol of Power. Blue Sapphire especially, brings Divine Power. The gem is placed into
your Third Eye Chakra, as this Angel fills it with Purple Magenta Light . . . Breathe and bathe.
Angelic Forces of the Guardians of the Seed:
Now we call upon a member from the Angelic Forces that have been called the Guardians of the Seed of
the Pure and Innocent Feminine Creative Force Field. We call upon the Guardian Angel of the Seed from
the Pool of Creation. This is the one who is most closely connected to the energy of Divine Mother.
Gold is emanating from this Being ’s body and in both hands there is a Golden Seed. It is twice the size
of the gems that you have received so far. See the Golden etchings that are the secret Mysteries of all
Seeds of Probable, Possible, Alternate and Ultimate Realities where you can benefit and receive
financial Abundance. The Angelic Guardians of the Seed are offering you the Seed of Life, encapsulated
inside the Seed of Abundance. It will be placed in the space between the Cosmic Heart and Personal
Heart. Liquid Gold fills the Vesica Pisces made by the overlapping spheres of the Cosmic Heart and
Personal Heart Chakras . . . Breathe and
See these 10 categories of Angelic Forces of Abundance Rainbow Grid . . . Call them every morning as
you awaken. Call them every night as you fall asleep; ask them to do the healing during dream time.
And call upon Metatron of the Cosmic Council and say to him, “You have called from the Cosmic
Council these Abundance possibilities, now manifest them and bring them into my Reality and guide
me to use them with the best results. Show me the way. Show me how to take advantage of all the gifts
that have been offered to me. ”
(Through Nasrin Safai
In Eternal Gratitude to our Beloved Mother - Namaste