Our Song

SophiaLove's picture

It is time for you to love.  This is the answer to every question. 


There is a way to love militarily.  There is a way to love between nations, cultures, religions and individuals.  All this is evident when your answers internally resonate.  There is no force more powerful than truth.


As One we move through life, travelling the path of space and time, speaking our belief.  As One, our actions could spell out the depth of our self loathing.  There are destructive acts that in their allowance only further push us, as One, towards our own demise.


This is the voice that rings throughout the heavens – the song of humanity – the sound of our soul.  We are speaking with our blind obedience to a master who dictates self worship.  Once we release our subservience to greed and observe and follow love, our world changes.


This can only happen with wide open eyes and an attitude of strength of conviction.  You must trust yourself.  This comes naturally when you love yourself.  Loving yourself is the thing each of us can do right now that will change the world.  As you love, you will not allow lies, deceit or other activity that could diminish you in any way.


You are here to flourish.  You do not expect flowers to grow without sunlight and rain.  In the same fashion, you must be watered and placed under the nourishing rays of the sun in order to grow.  This is a necessity.  Rather than being beaten and lorded over with rules, restrictions and negativity – it is time now to nourish and support.


Do only that which promotes growth.  Sometimes that means removing the toxic element; the one that is destroying what otherwise would prosper.  Free will means that you get to choose whichever method serves your intent.  You have been doing so always, only now you do so consciously. 


Take each decision into hands of love and offer only truth in return.  This will serve always the purpose of growth and freedom.


Your gift is your love.  This sometimes looks like quiet determination and other times loud statements; yet always it looks like action.  Love demands action – it moves ever forward, inching into oneness.  All benefit ultimately when love is at the core of the action.  For One demands that this be so.


We are parts of the whole, pieces of the song, chords in the melody, strings in the tapestry.  If we are frayed or otherwise out of sync, the song or the cloth is weakened.  It will eventually pull apart – no longer a unified melodious work but a piece in need of harmony.


This is Our Song.  We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.


