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We live in what I call "The Matrix Grid". A dense world where creation is pretty slow, a world of separation that WE, Humanity, has created to live in. Everything comes from Love, WE have allowed it to become what it is, an environment of survival with very little regard to the rest of Love, the All That Is.


The opportunity WE ALL HAVE is to support Unconditional Love to help bring in The Golden Age we all want. Mother Earth wants to support Love and we are this Love at the core of our Hearts, we want our own Love to come to the surface so we can shine our bright beings unconditionally. Money, like everything else is just energy. This energy called money needs to Flow for it to become effective in our lives. If we hoard it, we make this energy stagnant and nearly impossible for it to Flow. The Flow creates our abundance that we all desire, just the Flow of it. We are controlled to think that we must gather material/money things as much as we can, which just creates a stagnant flow, not really helping bring Joy/Love/Peace/Harmony to this planet. The physical world we live in is less then 1% of what we can actually see, that's it when we can feel there is A LOT more there then what meets the eye. How do we create money in our lives, we are co-creators!!?!!

ALL energy is in constant motion, including the energy of money. The Illuminati have been fighting against us for a long time, and it's a spiritual war, not a physical one, although physical wars have happened as a result. They have taken control of this energy called money, making it nearly impossible for those who do support Love to have it, and that's all by their design, to keep us as cheap wage slaves so they can profit, at our GREAT expense. At the expense of OUR Freedom, our Sovereignty, our ability to experience constant Joy/Love/Prosperity/Abundance, etc etc. The Dark ones have taken 99% of our wealth and holding it so it's stagnant, while 99% of the population tries to flow that little 1%.

The opportunity we have here that is being offered by OUR PARENTS of Creation is truly a once in millions of lifetimes opportunity. Mother and Father God give everything to Love,  and through this give everything to US!!


Yes, you could go into a secret society and start learning the secrets, the secrets to creation, of course you have to kiss their ass constantly and beg for even a penny back all while you give ALL of your power to the controllers who want everything for themselves and nothing for the rest of us, this is ignorance at work. Let's FLIP THIS AROUND!!

I have now met and have spent time with Mother and Father God many times on many occasions. They Truly are "God's of Love and Light". They took a chance and came into "The Matrix Grid" in the hopes that we would ALL find and support Love, they freely give the secrets out, and ask for nothing in return. This is True, Unconditional Love, as usual, they give everything away to Love (US!). They are constantly working to bring a much better life for ALL of US! It's extremely RARE that we could actually meet our Soul's Mother and Father in the physical world, not just the spiritual world. They came here to help US!! They have survived on so little money it's very surprising they are still very very happy, why, because Mother and Father God are Love and need nothing else. We are created in Like~Image so of course our Soul Parents can show up, then show us the Light we couldn't find ourselves, mainly due to a very ignorance society.

In my experience, my life had fully fallen apart, I had a wife and a child, but no income, no house, no internet, no computers, not even my free-energy projects, I basically had "lost it all". I am very good at getting jobs/income and never crossed my mind that I would have to go without, well, it definitely happened. When I was at Rock Bottom, my heart wide-open, that's when I was guided to Mother and Father God. I got lucky and got a very short-term gig which brought in a few dollars. I have been majorly broke and money just vaporizes it seems, that's what happens when you support Illusion, you get nothing back. So go ahead, donate to your local charity and see how far that get's you, it's basically a total waste of money energy. I know I support Love and want any donations to have the biggest impact for Love. I sent $100 to Mother and Father God as it went to support Love and not my debt, which is just a bottomless money pit anyway it seems. That $100 came back very nicely, shortly after that I found a great job[ even though we all know this will be dissolving]. Just for sharing with Mother and Father God, I got out of my debt issues and now I live in abundance. Normally our Soul Parents, Mother and Father God give us everything, we have little chance to send the Love back as it's always given right back. Since they are here, let's support them, God came here to help us, it's only fair and equal to help them out as well, they bless any donations 100+ times over and it will come back, maybe not in money, but some form of energy. we must break the stagnant flow and turn it into abundance flow. If I could donate $2,000, I would, I want the experience of Love coming back to me in very large amounts!! There is no better place to donate and share then to donate to Love, and Directly, to Mother and Father God.

Mother and Father God are capable of anything within Love, which is really all that exists. Support Love via donations or simply by particpating and get everything. Support ignorance and you get kicked to the curb for your efforts. The choice is ours and ours alone, I'd say it's finally time to support Love as Love will always give back much more then it received. This will kick~start the flow of abundance into our lives, it did mine, now it's the world's turn.



~THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THOSE WHO SERVE LOVE~ For us to continue we need Everyones support.

We are 1100$ from November's funding Goals~ If everyone shared a simple 5$ this does add up quickly~

