Solar Energy Plant Spill Has Tea Party Panicking

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FREE WOOD POST - April 4, 2013 By Christina Hulen

"Solar" "spill" "Arizona" "Tea" "Party"

In a little reported story, a solar energy farm located in a heavily Tea Party populated area of Arizona, had to shut down the collection tower for a maintenance problem. While the plant’s spokesman assured local residents that there was no danger whatsoever, the local Tea Party members were up in arms.

 “This is just another example of the liberal media failing to report on an important story,” said head of the Arizona Tea Party chapter, Buzz Redfern.

“All those hippy liberals have no problem complaining about a little oil leak but have nothing to say about this epic disaster. All they can focus on is the tar sands pipeline in Arkansas blowing up and contaminating residential neighborhoods and the drinking water. But hell, you can step over the river of oil flowing down the streets and buy bottled water.  What are we supposed to do? When they shut down that collection tower sunlight started spilling everywhere."    

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