Surely, the only advice worth listening to...

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Aaron Asphar
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Surely, the only advice worth listening to...

So many lightworkers are seeking answers, and finding themselves frustrated over and again by conflicting advice, crushing uncertainties and all the rest of it. Why is this? What's going on? Doesn't sound very divine does it - why is God putting us through this confusion? Or is it that we are being purged of our dependency on outside information? We all want to serve, but is it really helpful for lightworkers to be writing advice collumns that appear to be barking orders at people? What then is our role when it comes to sharing - has instruction and advice actually become damaging for all of us now?


Krishnamurti: "And so many people offer different ways of solving the problems—the gurus, the priests all over the world, the thousands of books, everybody offering a new solution, a new method, a new way of solving the problems. And I am sure this has been going on for a million years. “Do this and you will be all right. Do that and you will be all right.” But nothing seems to have succeeded in making man live in order, happily, intelligently, without this chaotic activity going on. Why do we human beings live this way—in this appalling misery? Why?" - Amen. How can we have order where there are conflicting voices telling us what to do or even voicing their opinions? What is the solution to this?


There is only one solution - and this isn't a mere opinion, certainly not advice - and you will agree with it I'm sure. Each of us must center our own truth, which is to say, the truth of the whole. Each of us must become our own center of truth, and to prevent causing other lightworkers damage, perhaps we are being encouraged, by the experience above, not just to go within, but moreover, to be utterly strict with ourselves and say only the opinions and advice we know to be true, or otherwise have been explicitly guided to share, otherwise we add to this confusion and mayhem. How else are we to be encouraged to go within and discover this source for ourselves? Already there's so much writing of such variable quality that anyone seeking to find out about the awakening for the first time could end up with any old shit quite frankly!


This is just my feeling, and as it doesn't appeal to me in the slightest to be a party pooper I feel it is guided, otherwise I wouldn't share. It aint my preference or ego that's for sure. I pulled out of writing some months ago for this reason - though I'm not barking advice: if your conscience speaks up about this then this is your internal confirmation.