Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...

Oz Angel's picture


I don't know about you, but these last couple of weeks I feel like I've been put through the wringer. Such intense dreams that I know I'm really working hard in my dream state - but when I wake I can't even catch hold of the last thread before it dissappears into a new day. I feel constantly tired, have had a headache that is bordering on a solid week with no releif and I'm finding my emotions running away with me..


I feel like I'm on the presipice of great change ~ but I couldn't tell you what, how, why or when... It seems even language is diserting me as I struggle more and more to find that right word in conversations with anyone. I've heard a few times in my quite moments that I'm going through a re-wiring... and if that is the case then it could explain the random muscle twitches in my legs/ arms and eyes that come and go at what would appear to be un-opportune moments..


It's a good thing I can keep my sense of humour as all of this would surely seem ludicrous to the 3D rationalle.


I never have claimed to know a whole lot but I can tell you for sure "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto"... I guess I'll just keep riding the wave...


Much Love ~ Joy and Abundance )0(




Thanks for the blog! I'm

Nauticalboync's picture

Thanks for the blog! I'm happy to realise that others are feeling the same things I am.

Me Too!

Allison's picture

Thank you so much for sharing! I too have been going through all of this and it is not what I would call "normal" for me by any means!!! At least we're getting it done sooner rather than later! =)