Christina ~ Our Role : To Assist With The Planetary Retrofitting of Gaia ~ Sovereign Souls And The Rule Of Love

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 (A Message From Gaia) ~ 6 October 2012

Thank You to Lucas
Josephine Wall Presence of Gaia-UK copyright

What is the retrofitting of Gaia? I opened a clear space for invocation and contact with my Cosmic Soul in direct connection to The Living Light. This is the transmission I received. It is appropriate to what is occurring today and more are awakened to receive such a communication. I am re-posting this discourse for our current timeline event. Each in our own way, contribute to the ascension of our planet and all inhabitants of planet earth. I am sharing a transmission that I received during one of my weekly live transmissions. I first received the message during the London Olympics. It applies in regard to our current transition, as it does appear there is a transformative event to occur within our immediate reality.


“Retrofit: The replacing of, or modification of; in this case the existing powerful influences to improve the energy efficiency, increase the output and extend the lifespan of Gaia and her inhabitants, while decreasing the probability of harm.”

The Declaration of Commitment to Indigenous Peoples 2012

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Commentary and Thank You to Ann

“This is not a statement to governments. Guess why . . . This is a declaration of commitment from us, to us. We’ve been missing in our responsibility to each other, and we are going to correct it. These are the times to correct those errors.”

UK MPs shocked over BBC 'complicity in tax avoidance'

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Press TV - 10/6/12

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been accused of complicity in tax avoidance for more than 25,000 of its employees.

The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) said discovering the scale of fraud at the BBC was quite shocking as the corporation could not provide evidence that these individuals are paying the appropriate amount of tax.

“We were shocked to discover that the BBC has about 25,000 off-payroll contracts. Some 13,000 of these are for individuals who are on our screens and on the radio every day. They are the public face of the BB,” committee chairman Margaret Hodge said.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Ancient Maya watchtowers marked astronomical seasons with sun shining into slits during solstices and equinoxes

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Mail Online - 10/5/12

Experts in Mexico say they have determined that the ancient Maya used watchtower-style structures at the temple complex of Chichen Itza to observe the equinoxes and solstices.

The bases of the structures were found atop the walls of the long ceremonial court, where a ritual ball game was played. But to determine their use, archaeologists first had to rebuild the small, stone-roofed structures.

Each of the structures has a narrow slit running through it.

A view of El Castillo the Pyramid At Chichen Itza on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. In the foreground is a watchtower while a pyramid stands in the background

A view of El Castillo the Pyramid At Chichen Itza on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. In the foreground is a watchtower while a pyramid stands in the background


Power Path: October is Evaluate ~ Adjust –~Create By Lena Stevens

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The theme for October is EVALUATE-ADJUST-CREATE.

This month is much more intellectually oriented where much comes up for review and evaluation. It will be about making decisions, being practical, and doing what you know is best. For some, this time comes as a welcome relief from the very driven energy of the last couple of months; but for some, the month will present its own challenges of confusion, resistance, ambivalence and possibly feeling stuck.

You could be evaluating almost everything this month: Finances, work, environment, relationships, career, projects, health, practices, routines, home, your physical environment, your reactions to things, your beliefs, your spiritual life etc. The big question will be, “How important is it in your life, and does it serve you?” If not, there are adjustments to be made.

In order to evaluate anything you need to have the space and time to do it. There is a breather this month as the very yang action influence backs off a bit and allows us more clarity about what we have been doing and what we have involved ourselves in. If adjustments are in order don’t be afraid to make them. This is about putting yourself first and trusting that the right decisions will lead to the creativity needed to implement them.

The Hybrids: Human – Celestial DNA is Undergoing Quantum Magnetic Activation’s!!

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I think I have come to a huge realization this morning as I put all three pieces of yesterdays puzzle (readings) together.  This acceleration point that I have been seeing consistently in all readings since September 29th is charging up our new magnetic field of energy and attraction as well as momentum forward/upward.   What we are really witnessing and understanding within ourselves and others, is a massive change out of quantum energy within our biology as well as our individual playing fields we call life.

If you can imagine, the path you are walking from beginning to end is 10 feet long, it just appears like years because of the lack of magnetic pull from one experience to another.    Let me try and make this very important fact as clear as possible.

The Key to Humanity's Freedom~ We The People~ May these Words Ring Your "Liberty Bell"

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The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


Reality Check~Just Say Yes TO NOW

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~Real Feelings occur in the Present Moment of Now~
  The Present moment of now is about Feeling, Feelings are the only experience in the Present Moment of NOW! Feelings are Based On Truth and Real Feelings are always of Love and Joy! True Reality occurs in the Present Moment of NOW is Unlimited, and All Possibilities. HUMANITY JUST HAS TO SAY YES TO NOW!!!
In the illusion Humanity could not see anything or feel anything, because in the illusion there contained no truth. In the illusion Humanity looked outside themselves and then attempted to put truth into the illusion which is impossible. Truth can never match a lie. The same as the process of attempting to put truth in a box, WHEN TRUTH IS BIGGER THEN THE box and TRUTH only exists outside of the Box~
Being Multi-dimensional is the same as the experience "Be Here Now", Be the Experience, you cannot control it, control is what illusion attempts.Once the Being Lets Go, Chooses Love in Every Moment, then Love becomes the only Reality and Experience.

Who Is This Higher Self?

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Who Is This Higher Self? | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database


There is an aspect of ourselves that iS invisible, yet very real. This dimension of ourselves that is such an integral part of each and every one of us has been called many names. Thehigher self, the sacred self, the inner self - all falling short of sufficiently describing what this dimension really is. Along with discovering your highest and most sacred self comes an inner knowing that probably best describes this mysterious invisible aspect of ourselves. Discovering your highest self is at the heart of living a spiritual life and is the key to higherconsciousness.

Transmissions from the Earth Allies Regaining all your Senses

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You have to let go of all lower thoughts, and then you step into "The Present Moment of Now", which is the Same as "The Love Called God Everywhere Present" You/Hu=ALL. Feelings only exist in the Present Moment of Now, anything in the past or future are not feelings, therefore they are not REAL and do not exist, except in fantasies. Feelings are only the experience of Love, True Feelings are all Higher Thoughts. Love is the Conduit of Being, where the Flow to Awakening is ever increasing. Let's give this example: what occurred in illusion is that you "lost" your senses. This was done to you, to dumb you down, so that it was easier to control you. Now, through all the Medical Teams, Your Family of Light assisting you, and through Our Information of Universal Codes, we are assisting you In Regaining all Your Senses. So Now, You are Coming Alive. You have been asleep, and in a dream. Your True Being of Freedom is Awakening from out of this dream, with then there being no more dream, Just True Reality, Alive, and Living in the Present Moment of Now, which is Always Eternal Life, Forever and Forever, darkness to never exist again. All that will exist is Light, which is Joy, Love, Abundance, and Happiness. As you Learn and Remember to Love Yourself, You Recognize, Your Light, and You begin to have Feelings, Like Bubbles of Joy in your Tummy! 


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