Patrick Sullivan: Agartha of the Inner Earth on Creating Joy Within

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Hello we have returned with news that we feel is pertinent to the growth and joy of our friends on the surface. We are Rai and Lona from Agartha. We physically reside within the interior of Gaia but are multi-dimensional and can be in multiple places at any given time we choose with no sense of separation of self.

We have been lovingly tasked with the assistance of the growth of the human population toward what has been termed ascension. Ascension as those that work with us is the growing in a dimension of which can also exists in other dimensions some of which may be lower, but what has been termed the 5th dimension and above. As we all have realized this is a growth and an eventuality for individuals on the surface to move away from fear and fear based thoughts and consequently one’s creations arising from those types of thoughts. It is the willingness to create out of a deliberate desire and a wanting, as opposed to creating out of desperation and need, this will bring more joyful results to your expanded experiences.

~Gaia Portal Update~ The Fireworks are now Beginning…

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28 Sep


Grid point sparking occurs as alignments finalize in preparation for next stage of Ascension process. Energy upgrade for the Gaia Entity is required for final period leading to the 12-21-12 Grand Window.

Scientifics in the 3D-4D are occurring so as to prove concepts of Higher Levels. More to be unveiled increasingly as day passes night.

Many are called. And many answer that call. Unlike prior sylloquisms.

Messages from Gaia have overridden Cosmic ones. This may seem odd to some, but Gaia is the primary focus of the Cosmos at this time. We see all is proceeding smoothly, and do not anticipate any more stops in progress through the 12-21-12.

The Fireworks are now Beginning… And they are Real…


Ann Kreilkamp: Late evening, September 29th: Full Moon to Trigger Uranus/Pluto Square

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Posted on September 28, 2012

September 29, 2012 (click for chart}

Geez, I just noticed this.

From today on as the Sun at 5+ Libra approaches opposition to Uranus at 6+ degrees Aries and squares Pluto at 7 degrees Capricorn, the essential tremendous volatility and explosiveness and/or awakening and self-organizing reconfiguration of this 3D plane we call “reality” is totally activated.

Moon will complete the line-up (11:17 pm. EDT, September 29th, chart set for Washington D.C) when it conjuncts Uranus and opposes the Sun (Sun opposite Moon is “full moon:” as the sun sets the moon rises) at 7°22 Aries and triggers that Sun/ Uranus/Pluto configuration in the solar system that parallels and mirrors above, the evolutionary/revolutionary forces in motion here below.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Service Each of you has unique skills and talents

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Friday, September 28, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Service

Each of you has unique skills and talents

Each one of you has vital role to play out in this shifting time of the earth realm. Each and every one of you have talents and skills to assist, support and are encouraged to help and support others who are also on the path of ascension, making a huge difference in your world.
Ask the angels to help you be in service and ask how can you make humanity and earth a better place. Ask them where and what you can be doing right now to make a difference in the lives of others. You are encouraged by the angels to give you abilities, knowledge and time. If you need money to assist ask the angels to help draw it to you, if you need assistance, ask the angels to bring help to you. Whatever it is that best helps you help others, we are here awaiting to assist all of you to live your life in your purpose.

Oracle Report - Friday, September 28, 2012

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Friday, September 28, 2012


Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Pisces

Today we will need to look after things that we care about - people, things, or ideas.  There is a need for protection and nurturance.  It is a day for guardianship of those who are having an emotionally difficult transit on this stage of our journey.  Be aware of this.  If you encounter someone who is struggling, take time to listen to them.  This energy is sending a call out to spiritual warriors to help their brothers and sisters.  The frequency of your heart ripples out and affects the field in your vicinity (it actually spreads out farther than you may want to know!).  Random acts of kindness are a favorite tool of the goddess' creation in life.

Lisa Gawlas ~ The Sound Of Sexual Energy What Tunes Are You Playing?? ~ 28 September 2012

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Something struck me yesterday, so profoundly, so deeply that emotionally, it dropped me to my knees on so many levels.  Here we are, in the Light of the greatest shift the earth has ever experienced, getting blow-by-blow details in real-time.  We had been given the instruction set all year-long and are being set up for the instruction set of the next phase of our lives and what it means to all of us.  But what is truly exciting and absolutely humbling… WE DID IT!!  We put in the work in both our inner and outer fields to assure the shift happened for every living thing on earth.  This profound moment in time could not have happened without each ounce of work we did collectively and individually.  Take a big moment and just feel with that.  Give yourself a big hug and pat on the back, because without YOU, WE would not be Here.

One could say nothing profound came out of yesterdays connections, simply because all of humanity were in a place I lovingly refer to as “the snow channel.”  For those of us old of enough to remember… back when TV was still in its infancy and we had a whopping three channels to watch, everything night they went off the air usually around 2am and what would be broadcast until its next programming day (usually at 6am) was “the snow channel:”

SaLuSa ~ 9/28/2012 The Next Few Weeks will Be Important

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The time lines are beginning to merge into the ones that carry the most energy, and are naturally strongest where people have the intent to ascend and those who do not. What you will be looking at is the result of your mass consciousness that is creating according to your wishes. Ascension itself is going to bring changes that have been divinely decreed, and are of Universal proportions and controlled by the higher forces. You do therefore create your own experiences, and Ascension will be your final one as you leave the cycle of duality, to take your place in the New Age. Events can be changed according to your speed and level of advancement, and that allows for any delay caused by the dark Ones. So we say to you still keep focused on the actual Ascension, and prepare for an input of powerful energy that you will be aware of.

There is always going to be much discussion about how the future events will take place, as there are many different views about it. What you have been promised will certainly come about and you have much to gain from it. In fact the timing has often had to be adjusted, and you are of course now aware that some events have had to be put back. However, you will not miss out and you will pass on to a higher vibration, and benefit from the many changes that will lift you up further into the Light. The old paradigm will by then have no further influence in your lives, and you will enjoy the absolute peace and joy that comes with the new one.

Konstantinos: The Crew of the spaceship ‘Angelon’~Clarifications and Update

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Sep 28

Posted by kp40

Hello dear friends. On September 26th 2012, before I was going to sleep, I wished to connect in the dream state with the rest of the crew of the spaceship ‘Angelon’. Somehow, as it seemed, this happened. On September 27th 2012 in the morning, before I wake up, I found myself (in the dream) in a bay with some storages around.

Then, a woman, whose appearance I can’t recall, appeared and told me that she was aware of my work regarding New Age and channeling. ‘So, I must show you this man who has a lot of experiences’ she said. Then, a middle-aged man appeared. We sat next to each other. Because of his general look, I asked him if he is an American Indian or a Gypsy.

The man in my Sept 27th 2012 dream

On the "Israeli leaders meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in NYC" video that's recently gone viral

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I wanted to let everybody know the truth about this video, as it's started popping up all over the Internet. We even featured it here on the GFP, thinking the title and description of the video were accurate. Turns out upon further research, barely any of it was true. The video itself is real, but the description of what's going on is completely deceptive. Those are not "Isreali leaders", it's Rabbi Dovid Weiss speaking, and he lives in New York. It's a group of anti-zionist rabbis who want to see Israel gone completely, not any leaders of Israel.

2 Minutes on Monsanto and GMOs

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Our 2 minute video on what you need to know about GMOs...

Please help us in our fight to get Genetically Modified Foods labelled in California. We are voting on Prop 37 in November 2012.

Factory Farming and Giant Chemical companies have spent over $25 Million dollars in the last 3 months to defeat this measure. And they are just getting started. We cannot fight them with dollars.

Our only hope is AWARENESS. If people understood what was really going with our food they might demand change. If we change minds, we can change the system.

We created this 2 minute video to help explain what's going on with GMOs-

Please SHARE on Facebook and Twitter so that friends and family can learn more about what we are up against!


Heavenletter #4326 How to Be a Hero, September 28, 2012

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God said:

Fear is a mode, a mood, a mind. Moods change. Your mind changes them. Change your mind. If you are suffering in life, you cannot take away the events. You can take away the suffering.

When you suffer, you are holding out for something more. You hold yourself at ransom. You hold out. You take a stand. You protest. You will not accept that which has already been given. Suffering is a choice you make. You are not without choice.

The sky can be gray and cloudy, and still you are happy. There can be blue skies. The sun can be shining, and, yet, you feel morose. You don’t have to put yourself through the paces. What is done is done. Move on.

Perhaps you have been begrudging life. You want to set new rules. You want to play for all or nothing when you can bless yourself right now. When you suffer, you have given yourself the short end of the stick. You have chosen suffering because you have decided to hold out for what you want. You will not settle for less, and, therefore, you give yourself suffering.

~ Space Weather Update ~ Harvest Moon

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HARVEST MOON: This weekend's full Moon is the Harvest Moon, the full Moon closest to the atumnal equinox. Before electric lights, farmers working after sunset relied on the light of the Harvest Moon to help them gather ripening autumn crops. Now it's just a pretty sight. Look east for the Harvest moonrise on Saturday night.

FARSIDE EXPLOSION: A sunspot on the farside of the sun exploded on Sept. 27th, sparking a bright flare of extreme ultraviolet radiation and hurling a massive CME into space. Although the explosion occurred on the other side of the sun, it was visible on cell phones around Earth. Here is a screenshot from NASA's 3D Sun app:

The 3D Sun is a great way to monitor events on the farside of the sun. It displays a realtime globe, which you can pinch, zoom and spin to examine explosions around the complete circumference of the star. Extreme UV images from NASA's twin STEREO probes and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) are combined to assemble the 360o view, now available on iPhones, iPads, and Android devices.


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