HeavenLetters – How To Be A Hero – 28 September 2012

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HeavenLetters – How To Be A Hero – 28 September 2012

God said:

Fear is a mode, a mood, a mind. Moods change. Your mind changes them. Change your mind. If you are suffering in life, you cannot take away the events. You can take away the suffering.

When you suffer, you are holding out for something more. You hold yourself at ransom. You hold out. You take a stand. You protest. You will not accept that which has already been given. Suffering is a choice you make. You are not without choice.

Brilliant Post: Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Galactic Free Space – 28 September 2012

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Brilliant Post: Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Galactic Free Space – 28 September 2012

The words, the order, the timing are all important, just as Creation forms.  The channeled topic leads way to the information flow that supports your moment in time, which leads way to your understanding of the new future you are birthing forth.  The words are coded with information and your infallible Higher Self, your astute human Self, unravels it for your benefit.  There is information in each moment that is silent and invisible, yet potent with Truth, unraveled just the same.  It is your internal Space that is Free. 

When you awaken, your awareness as newly experienced will astound you

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When you awaken, your awareness as newly experienced will astound you

September 28, 2012 by John Smallman

You are all moving inexorably towards the moment of awakening.  It is to be an event of unimaginable significance because it marks the most remarkable shift in humanity’s awareness as you come to a much greater understanding of the true meaning of Love.  Not the word – which is unremarkable, overused, and also horribly misused – but the power, the all-encompassing Reality that is Love.  It is the container in which all creation exists, and of course It is limitless, without boundaries of any kind – and the word container is used here only because you need some kind of concept or idea in which to place that which is limitless so that you can get a slight intellectual grasp, a vague glimmer of what It is.  But what It is, is really completely beyond your ability to comprehend in any meaningful way. That will change.


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Published on Sep 27, 2012 by paradoxman316

For me, even the alternative news seems somewhat confusing. In Spain, the people are telling the government to resign. In Bolivia, they granted rights to Mother Earth for the first time in history. In the US, Congress has apparently walked away from their job until after the election; and they arrested the President of the Republic. It is reported that many of the elite are going into hiding, perhaps trying to escape. All over the world there seems to be a certain level of chaos and confusion as the clash of paradigms escalates and systems crash everywhere. It might well be a call to disentangle, a time to center ourselves.


Laura Bruno ~ What Goes On The Truck?

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As David and I prepare for our “right sizing” and relocation from Madison, Wisconsin to eco-friendly, artsy Goshen, Indiana to support David’s aging parents, we’ve begun to ask ourselves in earnest, “What goes on the truck?” Instead of moving in one huge haul, Life has urged us to make three smaller runs to Goshen, which means two of our three upstairs bedrooms already look packed and staged for the first truck run. Sorting and determining what we box up and move forms a significant part of our days right now.

But the question, “What goes on the truck?” also holds symbolic meaning for us, as we recognize this move offers a major reset for both of us. In addition to some bulkier, older pieces of furniture, significant heavier and outdated thoughts, emotions and patterns won’t make the cut. Just as our new home offers a similar amount of living space but in a highly different, more efficient footprint, we’ve begun to view ourselves as streamlining and upgrading. What stories and experiences do we leave behind? Having served their purpose, these no longer useful modes and filters get donated to the Universe for release and transmutation.

Kicking Chemtrail's Butt! Indian In the Machine

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Watch the sky spirits kick chemtrails butt.... and no I'm not drinking the bong water... watch the video and learn something. ;0 Learn how to perceive the spirit world and join in the sky party... thanks to all of you increasing awareness... how far down the rabbit hole do you really go?

More documentation here... http://indianinthemachine.wordpress.com/2012/08/14/chemtrails-defeated-by-flu...

Indian in the machine (more sylph links here)

....and here....

"What's Love Got To Do With It" Taryn Crimi

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“What’s love got to do with it” Today we would like to speak about love, we humorously have chosen the title from a famous song on your planet. We find this title to be quite appropriate for our discussion today because we want to focus your attention on the misconceptions of love on your planet and the misdirection of where you are trying to find it. There are many forms of love as you know them, the love you have for your child, the love you have for your spouse, the love you have for your mother and father, the love you have for your friends, the love you have for your animal friends just to name a few. All of which humans would say that the “love” they have for each one of those relationships are different. And it’s true that humans do experience a form of love. However what we want to speak about is true, unconditional all encompassing love; for many have forgotten what it’s like to feel that kind of love, the love that is so abundantly available in the higher realms. You were showered with unconditional love continuously when you were in the higher dimensions. You are still being showered with that love however it’s much harder for you to feel it in the denser realities. It is what all of you are continuously yearning for.

Brilliant Post~Getting in Alignment with the Universal Flow

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    Hi Friends  ~

    I haven't read of anyone's experience in becoming One with the Universal Flow, so I would like to share my experience of it.     It comes about after a lot of realizations stemming from living in the Now.
   It just won't happen until you have come to that level of awakening where the mind does not control your everyday actions, and you don't live in the past or the predicted/perceived future. 

Demonstration of Drop, Cover, and Hold On In An Earthquake

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Battalion Chief Larry Collins of the Los Angeles County Fire Department, an experienced Urban Search and Rescue specialist, narrates a demonstration of Drop, Cover, and Hold On, the recommended procedure for preventing injury during earthquakes. The demonstration was part of a Great California ShakeOut media event in September, 2010. Learn more at www.shakeout.org and www.dropcoverholdon.org.


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One Who Serves:
Ohm Mani Padme Uhm
Greetings to you, each one. It is good to be here with you, my brothers and sisters. We always so enjoy these times that we can have a little bit of chat and discourse here. It is always a very beneficial time for us certainly that we can be of service, that we can be in the situation where we can provide guidance and help in whatever way comes to you or needs from you here. And it is certainly our pleasure to do this at all times. We’re going to release here to another briefly that wishes to give message here. Shanti and be back with you shortly.

ETs/EDs & Earth Stabilization = Survival

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Commentary from the 2012thebiggerpicture: There’s no arguing that John Kettler loves to spin a great yarn, and while we’ll have to use our discernment wherever his colourful stories are involved, I think there’s a lot of truth to this one.

For example, he says he’s bilocating now, and a ship at the North Pole is about one third the diameter of Earth in size. Tolec, of the Andromeda Council revealed that one of the Galactic Federation’s biospheres is the size of Pluto, so John’s claim is believable as far as I’m concerned. We’re in good hands.


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ In One of Our recent updates, we shared we had craft at both of the poles stabilizing the Planet. John Kettler, is now confirming this truth for You. All Our Love The Earth Allies


ETs/EDs–What Are They Doing For Us?

ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extradimensionals) of the Liberation Forces figure prominently on this site. Yet, despite seemingly endless reassurances and evidence that they are doing something, over and above fighting a raging multidimensional war, people still keep asking “What are the ETs/EDs doing for us?” So, I’ve decided to share a direct experience I recently had, as a result of a truly remarkable visit to what I’ll call a Planetary Stabilization Ship, or PSS.


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MAG. 6.0 Solomon Islands



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2012: The Harvest Time of Our Hearts

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The heart of Apocalypto


A few nights ago as my husband surfed TV channels, he landed on a movie that I later found out was the 2006 Mel Gibson film Apocalypto, a supposed portrayal of ancient Mayan culture. I was half-paying attention when a graphic scene caught my view: a man in ceremonial dress standing high in front of a cheering crowd as he held the still-beating heart of one whose life had just been sacrificed to appease the gods.


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