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Yoj & Saint Germain




Dear Friends of the one great Cause
of Spiritual Freedom, I welcome you into my Flame
as I too feel welcomed into the Radiance of your
collective Flame of Ascended and Free Consciousness.
 I see each of you as not only Priests / Priestesses of
Sacred Fire, but as well the Princes / Princesses of
the Royal House of Father/Mother God. And it is in
this Crystal Palace of Divine Consciousness that we
sojourn together.

You have been told that for such service as you have
achieved you were already spiritually advanced before
this embodiment, even if it is not obvious to your outer
mind or of those around you. The importance of this is
that emphasis from Ascended Master Teaching
previously needing to be placed on individual spiritual
development could then be transferred onto the global
unified advancement of all Humanity. We are past an
emphasis on individual unfoldment and completely onto
an emphasis on collective advancement. We are here to
achieve Freedom's Holy Star in the next 'short period of
time' and this will take sincerely confident Lightservers
whose focus of development is entirely on the whole.
When we ask you to 'take time to be Holy' this is meant
 to reconfirm to yourself the great momentum of Light
and spiritual training you already have.

Much Ado About NESARA: An Update

Lia's picture

2012 September 16

 by Steve Beckow

Original Banner for the Galactic Roundtable discussion group, 2009


NESARA is ready for introduction, apparently, and is just awaiting the right moment. At the same time, lower-level members of the cabal, not in containment, are causing as much mayhem as they can and their latest wrench in the works – an anti-Muslim movie – has caused a short interruption. But we’re told matters will soon be back on track.

Perhaps you’re aware, as I’ve been, that it’s been very, very quiet recently, aside from the outbreak of violence in the Middle East. This may have been because we were on the verge of NESARA’s introduction.

Turkey, Greece to cooperate in returning stolen artifacts

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Hurriyet Daily News - Serkan Demirtaş, 9/12/12

According to Culture Minister Ertuğrul Günay, 3,327 pieces of artifacts were returned to Turkey since 2008 as the result of intense governmental efforts. He is now set to sign an agreement with Bulgarian minister for the return of stolen artifacts between two countries

Ertuğrul Günay says 3,327 pieces of artifacts were returned to Turkey since 2008. Among them were Troy artifacts.

~ Readers share their Experiences of the Planet Wide Portal Opening~

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Submitted by Ra-Raela on Tue, 09/11/2012 - 21:56.

Oh boy, I can sure feel it. My heart and heart chakra are singing the song of joy. Felt all day like something momentous was about to happen. Now I know why! This is such an exciting time to be alive, in spite of all the negativity out there. I still see a lot of people deeply asleep. They walk around like zombies. I want to shout:"Wake up!" And then I realize, the best way to help them, is to wake up myself! I've been having hot flashes like crazy! The heat from my body is tremendous. But I've noticed, that when I am in the state of love and joy, they don't come. Only when I'm not in congruity with myself, do they appear. Interesting! I'd like to hear what other people are experiencing as well.

Anchoring And Expressing Your Creative Energies. (Have You Been Hit By The Cosmic Bedazzler?) By, Bella Capozzi

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Anchoring And Expressing Your Creative Energies. (Have You Been Hit By The Cosmic Bedazzler?) By, Bella Capozzi. September 16, 2012.


✎ Watch any child, or group of children, and what do you see?  Be a silent observer and really, really watch.  Regardless of where on the planet you live or what economic or social dynamic is present, there is one common denominator and that is creativity.  All children create, and they are always creating, all the time.  They doodle all over their notebooks and papers in class.  They instinctively gravitate towards things like building blocks and play-dough.  They decorate everything in their path, and as any Mom or Dad can tell you-there cannot be enough crayons, paints, and shakeable glitter in the house!  Children love to role-play, enjoying such games asdress-up and pretend, and they are not at all self-conscious about it!  Children are fresh and newly arrived from beyond the veil, and they innately recall that Back Home “Creation” is the name of the game.  They have yet to be tossed onto The Matrix, to fight for their survival.  They remember that they can create whatever they wish, through imagination and intention.  Unsullied by doubt and still secure in their connection with Source, they possess the innocence that we adults so unintentionally let slip away due to life’s circumstances, conditioning, and our struggle to get by.

The Cabal’s Final Death Throes Have Begun

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Quinn Nowlan, Awakening Now 2012

As we reach the final home stretch of 2012, things are beginning to take shape with a new sense of expediency never seen before.  The channels have all stated that their final activities in removing the Cabal have already begun and that these activities would speed up as we neared the end of 2012.


SaLuSa said in June of this year, “At present we of the Galactic Federation ready ourselves for the final thrust against the last cabal.” (1)  Look around the world and you will see this statement is quite real as we are now seeing on the world stage.


The attack on the US embassy in Libya that killed a US ambassador and three of his staff is a prime example of what SaLuSa was saying.  This so called “terrorist” attack that left four Americans dead was nothing more than a false-flag operation carried out in a last ditch effort to bring about a new world order who seeks world dominance through the enslavement of humanity.  Matthew Ward confirms this in an August message to us where he states, “Even knowing that light beings from advance civilization above and on the planet have been foiling ‘black ops’ plots, the dark ones are keeping at it.” (2)


~Space Weather Update~ Quiet Sun

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QUIET SUN: Solar activity is low. NOAA forecasters say the chance of an M-class flare today is no more than 10%. An X-flare is even less likely: less than 1%. No flares are in the offing.


NOT AURORAS: For the past week, solar wind has been buffeting Earth's magnetic field, turning skies around the Artic Circle beautiful shades of green. But not every green sky is caused by the aurora borealis. On Friday night, for example, pilot Brian Whittaker was flying 34,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean when he witnessed verdant hues caused by a completely different phenomenon--airglow. Here is the picture he took from the cockpit window:

"A dark and moonless night away from all lights allowed a great view of this textured patch of airglow," says Whittaker. "The illumination was faint, but it could be seen especially in contrast to the dark ocean abyss below!"


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Pubblicato in data 23/apr/2012 da jagbodhi

This is a cutting edge discussion with Iranian physicist MT Keshe, regarding plasma physics and alternative energy, ufos, and the new paradigm. 

This discussion with MT Keshe is hosted by Kerry Cassidy and includes Matt Pulver, who is currently working with Paul La Violette, has a background in physics and is also now working with Project Camelot on a new site: Blue Science Coming Soon!



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`  September 16-23, 2012

Beloved Ones,

The call to go within becomes ever more insistent as the energies intensify and the shift of the ages moves inexorably forward. There are crossroads ahead and decisions and choices to be made. Each of you is aware that there is no going back and that you have become living conduits of Creator Source energy. You are each a walking conduit for the Light of God that never fails and this realization is now beginning to click into your awareness. Everything that you do in your mundane lives is of utmost importance because you always stand in your Light and your integrity.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Azrael Your ancestors are part of you always

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Sunday, September 16, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Azrael

Your ancestors are part of you always


Just as every tree on earth is connected to each other, you are connected to your ancestors. Family reincarnates with family, and so many of those who you think are no longer with you, truly are. For not only are they a part of you, they are also you. When you heal, you heal with your grandparents, and when they decide to re-enter the cycle of life and birth once again, they will free to choose new challenges and opportunities.
Your loved ones are never truly gone, they are a part of you and if at any time you want a rainbow bridge to feel their love once again, call upon my light and league of angels to help raise your vibration so that you can connect with your beloveds. Most often communication is in your dreams as that is when you are most open. You can also connect with in meditation and we will guide the way. Be prepared for a huge insergence of love when you connect and let it surround you and you will know that they are with you. Share with them anything you wish you has said when they were with you and listen as they say the things that they could not while in phyicicality.

Historian Richard Dolan on the UFO phenomenon, interviewed in Norway on 9/11/12: There’s something going on. It’s important. And it’s secret.

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Historian Richard Dolan on the UFO phenomenon, interviewed in Norway on 9/11/12: “There’s something going on. It’s important. And it’s secret.”

Posted on September 15, 2012 

“I do believe that we are being visited . . . I don’t know if these beings are from outer space, or from earth, or where they’re from. Twenty years ago, when I started researching this topic, I was more conservative, and I sort of fell into this.”

Here’s what we can say for sure: There’s something going on. It’s important. And it’s secret.”

It’s a pretty logical conclusions that they are beings from space. But there’s a lot of strangeness to UFOs. That makes some people wonder if it’s even stranger than outer space. Do these beings come in and out of our reality? Or do they just live here? I think that’s the case. These beings have been here for a long time.

If I were an alien, and I didn’t want any hassles, I’d create a secure environment, under the ground, under a mountain, under the ocean floor. . .

Sounds of Space: New 'Chorus' Recording by Radiation Belt Storm Probes' EMFISIS Instrument

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GFP Note: To listen to the sounds, you can either open this file -

or visit this page - Listen: The Sounds of Space.


Science Daily - 9/13/12

Illustration of RBSP spacecraft with instruments labeled. (Credit: LMSAL)


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