The Truth About Michael & Lucifer

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Earth Ally Will Harader


Michael & Lucifer

Archangel Michael, the Prince of Light, and Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness,
locked in battle for all eternity over the fate of mankind, or so
the church would have you believe. It's perhaps the most rearranged
and misinterpreted story of them all. Allow me to explain a quite
different version of events.


God and the Angels were together in Oneness, Everything was still united as One. Creation existed,
but individual experience of Creation wasn't yet possible. It's like
having a cake, but not getting to eat it, what fun is that? Creation
wanted to experience itself being Creation, and so the Divine Plan
was formed. Some of the Angels would enter into a dream, where they
would pretend to be outside the Oneness so they could participate in
the unique aspects of the Oneness. The one you know as Lucifer was
the first to volunteer to “leave” Heaven, while Archangel
Michael was the head of the angels who stayed. No conflict here,
rather everyone working together towards the same Goal.


Virgo New Moon ~ Choosing Our Path

Lia's picture

The Virgo New Moon on September 15-16 is a favorable time to plant our seeds in fertile soil. Developing the skills, enhancing our health and getting organized are the key components for making our plans grow. We want to focus on improvement in our personal and professional lives versus unachievable perfection.

The asteroids Ceres and Vesta who rule nurturance issues are challenging the Virgo New Moon. Additionally, Asteroid Pallas Athena (Goddess of Wisdom and truth) coupled with Uranus in Aries and asteroid Juno (wife of Jupiter) joined with the North Node in Scorpio are calling forth the power of the feminine to heal and unite. Now is the time to release the war mentality and care for our people. We could begin to see a deep shift in our attitudes related to nurturance in our governments and at the grass roots.

~ Osho~ I Don't Know The Last Barrier

Lia's picture




My contradictions are meant to do exactly what is happening to you. I don’t want your mind to be convinced by me. I want to relate with your heart, because that is the only true communion. Mind to mind is always superficial.


I can be consistent, but then I will be convincing your mind – and that is the last thing I want to do. I am not a missionary, and I have no message for you. I have only experience, and the way to convey the experience to you is not through words, theories, philosophies. The argument is not the answer.


So first I have to dismantle your mind, and the best way to dismantle your mind is to contradict myself as much as I can. Either you will escape, feeling that you may go crazy, or if you have guts, you will remain here and really go crazy!


When the mind becomes inoperable, that is the moment when the heart starts functioning.


~Feel You are God~ Release all which is not~

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~We are our own worst enemy and, we are also our greatest friend when we honor and learn to release blame and victimhood. Let us take a step at a time and together, we will be there. When we are strong enough then we may take the hand of another and another and on and on until we bring EVERY person who is ready to LIVE AND BE AS GOD I…N SERVICE WITHIN THE DIVINE PLAN EVER UNFOLDING IN PERFECTION…so it is..♥~


It is a rush of energy indeed as you start to feel GOD within you. It can  create many emotions and these emotions will surface so you do not have any blockages between you and your TRUE GOD SPIRIT within you. Emotions that get pushed in and kept in create blockages so the energy does not flow as it should…when this energy does not flow it can create separation and from separation comes illness and sickness. When the GOD energy flows pure and abundant, we cannot get sick and we can do anything…♥


~Truly we are mighty warriors of Light and we are the forces of the greatest power in the Universe and that power is LOVE.~

Love is a tsunami

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Given all the evidence around us that everything is connected and to somehow think we are individually not, is pure foolishness. Its just an ego thing and ego is seperate from reality. Reality has no ego. It just is and tapping into it heals all kinds of problems in our lives. In fact probably all of them.


Love is a tsunami that is in plain view. Unlike perceptive animals who flee to the hills, we stand on the shore awaiting its arrival and speak to the people who may not be aware. For this tsunami is not death dealing, but life giving and it will transform the entire perception of what’s “normal” now. If one chooses to cling to the present scenario, they will still be ok, only miss out on all the fun!




♥ Choose love ♥

Do You Want Your Bubble Back?

Lia's picture

Wednesday, 5 September, 2012  (posted 13 September, 2012) 

It was so exciting when the Angels told us that we were going to be coming out of our protective bubbles. Those of us that experienced these bubbles had them for 18-24 months. These bubbles were placed there by our Angels so that we could intensify the light energy that was capable of flowing through our bodies without being disrupted by what was happening around us. It made us invisible to most of the energy that was here on the Earthplane during that time. We did well in increasing the light and so it was time to come out of the bubbles. This happened over a few months for the people who had them, between March and June of this year. At first, it was great! Answers to prayers came.

~Space Weather Update~ ASTEROID FLYBY:

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ASTEROID FLYBY: Today, an asteroid as wide as three football fields is flying past Earth. At closest approach, 2012 QG42 will be 2.8 million km (7.4 lunar distances) away, so there is no danger of a collision. Nevertheless, it is close enough for backyard astronomers to track using large amateur telescopes; the space rock is glowing like a 14th magnitude star. [movie] [3D orbit] [ephemeris]


ROCKET EXHAUST: The White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico conducted a test of the Patriot interceptor yesterday, producing iridescent rocket exhaust visible as far away as Phoenix AZ, Las Vegas NV, and Salt Lake City UT. David Blanchard photographed the display from Flagstaff, Arizona:

The test proceeded as follows: A Juno rocket was launched from Fort Wingate in Gallup, New Mexico. This served as the target for another missile, the Patriot Advanced Capability 3 interceptor, launched shortly thereafter from White Sands. A press release from White Sands confirmed the test and stated that "the
Juno performed as expected."


Hear,Here and Now

Monica Jackson's picture

The changing is so disruptive and exciting at the same time. I am so happy to be alive to feel this time in my human skin.   So much has changed yet the outside still goes on like a old car. Clunking along, smoke blowing out the tail pipes rusty rims, torn upholstery, tires bald and the breaks hardly there....


Flashes of light now and colors as an artist it is an inspiration and as someone who always thought things were hinky, a relief and knowing love was powerful even before I knew just how powerful.


Things really blew up when our PC went dead, right at the end of June....We got our first Apple on my partner's birthday in August....we are also wireless...Positive things are popping up for us and I have a smile at the ready...Now when I see the news or go back here into the computer world, I do see and feel a difference....I can't stay here too long, I have to get up and go outside....


We are learning our new computer and our creativity flow as started again and that feels so great to want to paint and create again...It took until today to even want to share...not that I didn't want to but words are more difficult now...I find sounds intense, some actually shattering. Smells, wow, there some you just don't want to and they can make a girl swoon.....Colors the colors of Nature standing out as if on a black piece of paper...Feeling love actually pouring into my heart leaving my knees week.


I am grateful to be Here. I am excited and hopeful about my future. I am calm yet not and knowing the difference all at the same time. I Stand for Peace and Love and the rest well, I just don't care anymore......Have a great weekend everyone, Breathe it all in it is worth it and where ever you are is exactly where you Are.



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Strength Strength and courage are yours

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Friday, September 14, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Strength

Strength and courage are yours


Everyone has an inner strength they can draw upon, although it is sometimes nice to be reminded. Sometimes when the energy around you is filled with chaos and confusion, it is easy to forget you are a beautiful, strong and courageous spark of Creator Light, after all, you are here now doing this earth journey.
If you are feeling vulnerable for any reason at all, ask your angels to surround you in their loving light and feel their strength and love. Sit quietly for a few minutes, out in nature if you can, and let yourself feel your angel entourage as they surround you love. Ask them to help you with any project you need assistance with. Then when you return back to your world, notice the people, places and words that you are drawn to as these are the answers that you seek. Be open to receive them.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Unleash Your Creative Power

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Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Unleash Your Creative Power


Posted by Anthony Morrison



By GLR Fran Zepeda – September 14, 2012



Greetings, fellow Lightworkers. I come before you today with the Company of Heaven to rejoice in your commendable progress.

Throughout your World there has been much awakening, an opening of proportions not seen before. You may be feeling a lull of energy right now, but behold that with this is stirring much that is unseen.

My dear friends, what is your desire for your World? Make that forefront in your minds and hearts right now. With the energies now present you may mold anything you like. Do not let any boundaries of prior thought patterns hold you back. You are leaving that behind with all the releasing of old energies of duality that you all have been so immersed in of late.

Behold the Lightness of your Being. Behold the Joy within your hearts. Hold on to that and do not identify with the energies that are releasing, which are immense and can sometimes trick you into believing that this is still your reality. But, alas, it is not.

My Awakening Experience

Phil Rowen's picture

 Submitted by robinsuepettit on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 02:40.


In my mid 20's, 1995ish, I picked up a book by Raymond Moody on near death experiences, and that is where my journey began.  I suddenly became fascinated with after death experiences, ghosts, and the world of spirit in general.  I felt myself compelled to explore everything that had to do with "new age" spirituality and I must have read a thousand books on these subjects over the past 20 years.  This became my passion where each exploration opened me up to more questions I had to find answers to. 

My curiosity could not be quelled and over time, my readings and contemplation thereof shaped my belief system.  Coming from a family of both Christians and atheists, I found little support with my endeavors and have felt like a loner most of my adult life.  Whenever I try to discuss my discoveries and ideas, my words fall on deaf ears and closed minds.  My family and friends characterize me as flaky and nuts.  The thing is, I feel so attracted to the subjects I explore, that I can't stop even when those close to me can't support me on this.  I began reading channeled works about 7 years ago when I picked up a "Sedona" magazine and the information I garnered from channeling was so fresh and connected to the "other side", that I was immediately hooked.  So, just as a side note, I wasn't into following  conspiracy theorists (which I have now renamed truth-seekers) until the last week of April 2012 when I would say I awoke with a BANG! 

Resistance Causes Persistence

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Resistance Causes Persistence

Posted by Steve Beckow


You can either be with your feelings … or turn to  Ida Rolph

Perhaps you’ll permit me to expand a little more on the theory behind the article “It’s OK to Mope.” Especially since some of us are doing such deep clearing work round about now.

Some of us have grown up thinking that we need to resist our unwanted feelings.  We may have been taught as children to control ourselves, be restrained, not give way to emotion, etc.

The Victorian generation, which I studied as a young historian many years ago, believed that we grew by suppression.

My generation at the time I was studying history was all about creative expression (letting it all hang out, etc.), but the Victorian generation was all about creative repression.


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