Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Cut your Cords

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Clear away old attachments

When you allow another to get close to you there is an etheric thread of light attached from them to you. Ask Archangel Michael to wave his mighty sword of light and cut the cords that bind you to the past, to lower frequencies, past relationships and thoughts that no longer serve you. This can help you break an undesired cycle that you now feel it is time to get out of. You have the gift and it is time to move on.
Watch your thoughts as you clear yourself of old toxic energy. Be sure to replace it with positive thoughts and visions and keep focused on bringing in the new and the wonderful. The more you expect the new and the wonderful, more will come your way. See the beauty and the wonder that surrounds you and be in each moment with joy in your heart.

Giant UFO seen by four thousand villagers in China - We're HEEEERE!

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Giant UFO seen by four thousand villagers in China 



A UFO sighting by four thousand Chinese villagers was seen in mid April 2012. Villagers were awaken by a huge hovering craft only 50 meters from their rooftops.Witnesses watched it vanish in the night sky. They observed the craft emitting a kind of floss or cotton substance.

A UFO/Alien event has taken place in China that is being hailed by some scientists as irrefutable evidence that Earth is occasionally visited by alien beings.


Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE 04-23-12

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‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE




Greetings Love Beings,

please say a big Thank You to our Groud Crew Team Member Lucas who helped me in this research today doing great work for all of Us.

In fact, I did find little time to finish this update and he came as a sweet helping hand!


Love You

Keep sharing and Loving as there’s nothing better you can do.

~All for One~

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Sunday, 22 April, 2012 


Greetings on this beloved Earth Day! For you know that all days are earth days like all days are mother’s days and father’s days and sacred days, but there is great power in the alignment of consciousness between your brothers and sisters. There is great power in the unification of one thought, one desire, one intention. And so today honours the magnificent Mother Earth and all that she provides and how deeply she is embedded into your experience.


How We Communicate with You~ By GLR~ Steve Beckow

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How We Communicate with You

2012 April 23
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

SaLuSa of Sirius

In an article which told us much about the nature and performance of the galactics’ sentient ships, Wes Annac’s Pleiadians also shared interesting insights into how the galactics communicate with us. I’d like to look at what they – and other galactics – say on that subject.

The Pleiadians revealed that “we have not come to a full discussion of much of what we speak with you about.” They explained why.

“This is because there is so very much intricate and detailed explanation to go into that would at present perplex you and boggle your minds, which is why we are and have been sticking to the more general and easy-to-understand discussions that can be absorbed in a more measured way by humanity.

Calling the Soul

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A beautiful new Diamond Light Code Transmission featuring the exquisite music and voice of Marcome. Engage with the vibrational truth of the consciousness of the Light Codes as you journey to reclaim and embody the full essence of your soul. 
Combining the energies of geometry, colour and sound to assist in shifting consciousness and providing an electromagnetic environment to restore your perfected state of being.

Russia Stunned After Japanese Plan to Evacuate 40 Million Revealed

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[Note from the GFP: We've received information that the source of this post, the European Union Times, is simply a right-wing propaganda machine and we have no confirmation of the "facts" reported here. We'll keep this posted, but the information is highly suspect.]



Russia Stunned After Japanese Plan to Evacuate 40 Million Revealed


By The European Union Times


18 April 12

 new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Ministry on the planned re-opening of talks with Japan over the disputed Kuril Islands during the next fortnight states that Russian diplomats were “stunned” after being told by their Japanese counterparts that upwards of 40 million of their peoples were in “extreme danger” of life threatening radiation poisoning and could very well likely be faced with forced evacuations away from their countries eastern most located cities… including the world’s largest one, Tokyo.


Joy 2011 Diamond Light Code Transmissions~

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Diamond Light World gifts you with a special diamond encoded transmission to align you with the inherent joy of your soul. Using the vibrations of sacred geonetry, solar encodements, vibrant colour and the ultimate power of the diamond, this energy experience will lift your spirits no matter what may be going on around you. Align with your true essence.

The Diamond Light Grid and the Diamond Light Codes are our bridge to multidimensional consciousness and our connection to source.
Find out more at where there is a wealth of resources to support you through this incredible Shift of the Ages - Articles, Diamond Development, Light Codes, Workshops and fre downloads.

Benjamin Fulford 4-23-12…”Major confrontations in South China Sea as desperate cabal tries to steal Asian gold deposits

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Benjamin Fulford 4-23-12…”Major confrontations in South China Sea as desperate cabal tries to steal Asian gold deposits”

Posted on April 23, 2012


Commentary and HighLights from Kauilapele's Blog ~This Benjamin report seems to describe something like a world-scale soap opera being played out to it’s final act. I’m not going to say anything more about it. Just read on and, if you’re a cabal member, perhaps keep the Kleenex tissues handy.




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