4/11/2012 -- FIVE or SIX LARGE EARTHQUAKES TODAY -- 8.9M, 8.7M, 8.2M, 7.0M, and two 6.0M

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Today, April 11 2012 , earthquakes take front and center again... POSSIBLY THREE 8.0 magnitude + earthquakes in Sumatra ... 8.9M , 8.7M, 8.2M, plus a 6.0M. We also saw a 7.0M occur off the west coast of Mexico (now downgraded to a 6.5)...... we ALSO saw a 6.0 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Oregon (in the fresh lava fields out to sea).

All together its a HUGE amount of movement to occur globally in less than one single day.

Less than 24 hours --- 6 LARGE earthquakes around the world.

Full website post with the USGS stats for each earthquake:


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~11~12 The Trigger point~ We have Reached Critical Mass~

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~11~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ The Trigger point~ We have Reached Critical Mass~


Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine~ Heart Orb By the Full Moon of Love In January 2012, ~ Love's Year


Greetings Love Beings~ We have reached a Critical Mass Awakening point. Here we go and Now we are rocking and rolling. As expected, the earthquakes are now increasing after a very quiet period. This is a signal or trigger, that now Major events for Everyone On Planet Earth=Heart Have begun. We have had a record breaking day with the earthquake activity. As we write this we just had a 7.0 in Mexico and a 5.9 off the coast of Oregon.



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Sacred geometry is a universal language that describes the inner workings of nature and the intrinsic order of the universe. It is the natural sanction that unites all forms of life… from microbes, plants, animals and humans to the motions of the planets and stars.

How it Really works in the Universe - The exposure of hiding - in April 2012.

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If you think that the theory of the Earth's rotation around the sun - it is absolutely proven fact, then you are sadly mistaken. In this theory are so many inconsistencies that it has long been located on the same shelf with Darwin's theory of the origin of man from apes.

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-11-2012 – WE’re ONE Living Planet and we’re ALL together in LOVE~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-11-2012 – WE’re ONE Living Planet and we’re ALL together in LOVE~



Greetings Love Beings

Huge energy release has occurred today, and with it true miracles occured, if you were still looking for them. Two 8+ Mag EQs off coast of Sumatra... and no casualties... no injured... and the tsunami that was detected –report talking of a 5 mt tsunami off coast- disappeared... So how does it feel to be embraced into Love Everywhere Present? Yes... Wonderful is the most exact word. Wonder~Full! This is how it goes when All work together in the Light of Love. Energies are transmuted into Love. For nothing dies... all is transformed. So it works for US, it works for Mother Earth=Heart, it works for the Universe... this is Creation. For when Creation is in Balance, it can only Create Joy. And so many today could make direct experience of Joy when nothing... nothing was lost, and All=One was gained.


URIEL. Surrender-Let Go and Let God. By, AuroRa Le. April 11, 2012.

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URIEL. Surrender-Let Go and Let God. By, AuroRa Le. April 11, 2012.


Surrender.  This could possibly be the singlemost challenging thing you are asked to do, dear friends.  The act of surrender requires that you place your trust wholly in another, and this goes powerfully against the grain of  all of the previous conditioning you’ve received while playing the role of the third-dimensional human.  From the moment you drew your first breath and the troublesome veil of forgetfulness descended, so you have been taught;  to be the captain of your own ship, the master of your destiny, to take responsibility for everyone and everything around you.  But, alas, by no fault of your own, you lost sight of the fact that there is actually a bigger plan and an abundance of help available to you along the way.  So, I ask you; what of surrender to The Father?  Do you trust enough in Him to allow Him to take the helm and steer you safely through the storm?

Team Earth 2012 April 11 by Steve Beckow

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Team Earth

2012 April 11
Posted by Steve Beckow

We know what a sense of unity and community looks like within a nation, but what does it look like for a world? It seems to me that humans like us (as opposed to humans like our galactic friends, about whom I probably cannot speak) crave identification. Look at how many of us are proud of our high schools, cities,  sports teams.

Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus ~ 11 April 2012 The Stage is Set~

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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus ~ 11 April 2012


There comes a time in people’s lives when they have to make way for changes. In those changes come many new things, and one of those things can be something that feels foreign while at the same time enjoyable. I advise any of you who are in tune with what is taking place on the globe to look at how your life has been in comparison with that of your parents and grandparents and ask yourselves, how did it all take that second look and decide to change in the way it did? Was it due to my not being aware of the subtleties of the changes, or was it because I knew on some level that it would all come back to a new semblance of the purity and simplicity of our historical images?


I encourage you all to take a look at what is taking place on your world today. Does it feel foreign and at the same time much more quiet than it has for a while? Is there something that seems to be waiting in the wings to spring forth and create great changes in the way we live our lives on earth?



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