Connecting to Gaia by Shawna

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by Glalactic Love reporter Shawna Bridges


Funny we are still going to be shaken up a bit more before we can fully fly so to say in higher energy. I feel connected to Gaia as she is freeing herself from the lower energies. Everyday i feel to lay belly down and connect with her as i feel the protection she gives me as i astral travel further out. I spend about 20-50% of my day in astral realm and now am venturing out further with others in astral travel groups. At night i dream she calls to me and i burrow feet first deep into her as i am protected as i child. I feel honor as i understand the feeling she has on vast levels. Almost too hard to describe. Even my blood in my body reacts to her. I know that i die a physical death again in this lifetime and will be working with releasing of old energies. I already knew of my role since a child and was scared many times of it. I feel at peace now as i am connected to the sun most and Gaia as well as i know my way to Astral Realm in an instant. Before i came back here i was teaching souls that we are leaving to higher dimentions. That was my roll there and will continue with is again as soon as the first ones go. Finally i feel balanced will all the body of energies out there. All of the planets, this is the greatest moment in my physical life!!!!!!

The Rectification by Gregory

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The Rectification



by GLR  on March 22, 2012


Not to be boastful, but for the sake of a spreading awakening, we are doing exceptionally good. As someone who is watching and participating (via meditation and active intention), i’m constantly impressed by people who are just ever-increasingly growing and expanding at this time.

Snatam Kaur - Earth's Prayer - The Official Music Video

glr_Andrea's picture Snatam Kaur has released her first music video for the song Earth's Prayer from her new album Ras. Inspired by her deep love and sense of responsibility for the environment, Snatam says, "My intention for this song and this video is that it will help all of us awaken to our role as stewards of the planet." Directed and photographed by Robin Layton with music produced by Thomas Barquee.

Manifesting is no Longer "Work"

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 by GLR Brenda Hoffman for

 22 March 2012  



 ”You Won’t Understand the New Earth Using Yesterday’s Spirituality”


Dear Ones,
Does life not seem a bit lazy and easy? So it is that this week’s energy shift is encouraging you to transition from outer-directed to inner-directed manifestation or creation.

DailyOm - Words are Energy

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DailyOm - Words are Energy 



posted by GLR LotusLight


Each word we speak has a life of its own, a vibratory signature that creates waves into the expanse of the universe.

The effect of your rising consciousness is unquestionable. ~ Michael through Ron Head

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The effect of your rising consciousness is unquestionable. ~ Michael through Ron Head

March 22, 2012 

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You may have just surpassed the most optimistic estimates of your power of consciousness.  It is still early in the day, but it would appear that you have averted a major and world-wide earthquake phenomenon. Even if earthquakes occur now, it would appear that they will not devastate any huge portions of your populations.


You may have just surpassed the most optimistic estimates of your power of consciousness.  It is still early in the day, but it would appear that you have averted a major and world-wide earthquake phenomenon.  Even if earthquakes occur now, it would appear that they will not devastate any huge portions of your populations.  The effect of your rising consciousness is unquestionable.  Harness these energies that were producing these physical changes and direct them to produce beneficial changes that you need and desire.  You, in your millions, have merely to command that. 

The manuscript of survival ~ part 108 Changing Bodies

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 108

22 March 2012 ~ 1:17pm |  Aisha North

Todays transmission might seem to be a bit awkward, as we would like to delve into a subject that for many entails to be of a rather private character, namely the emissions and the accompanying aches and pains your physical body is currently in the process of engendering. This is indeed a rather unwholesome subject to some, as all of their bodily functions are something that needs to be kept very private, but this is indeed what needs to be adressed, as it is a very important part of your physical tune ups to call them that.

The Dreamer MUST Be Awake Within the Dream …Part 2 by Lisa

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The Dreamer MUST Be Awake Within the Dream …Part 2





by GLR Lisa Gawlas

I knew something huge was underway on our beloved earth.  Until this morning, I really had no clue how huge!  I am going to recap some things here about this last week, that I now understand more clearly.  I pray my words can make it as clear outwardly as I now understand it inwardly!

The sheer amount of solar flares released thru the first two weeks of March contained energy, codes and codex’s the earth has never before received.  All of it creating an atmosphere of energy the earth, nor any of her children experienced in any timeline until now.


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