“Careful Navigation Required.” …Part 1

Lia's picture

“Careful Navigation Required.” …Part 1

GLR Lisa Gawlas



Well Happy Spring (and Fall, depending on where you live) Equinox to you! For me, spring started out just strange in my world. First, I was awakened by a cat hissing in my face. I am not sure at all whether I dreamt that, or if the cat I am sitting for actually hissed in my face… either way, it was a startling way to awaken. I drifted back to sleep for what felt like only moments when I dreamt I was outside walking and stepped on a goat-head (here in New Mexico, they are the pickiest things I have ever experienced… like natures land minds…ouch!) I decided to just stay awake.


Once I got up, I realized that, dipsy-do-little me, left my laptop and the cooling fan underneath it on my heater… and my cooling fan melted to my propane furnace! Geez!


Not to mention the absolute, pure exhaustion I woke up with, even tho I slept for close to 8 hours.


St. Germaine about the Ascension Dynamics of the Light Worker Community

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St. Germaine about the Ascension Dynamics of the Light Worker Community

Saint Germaine delivers a message of hope to the Lightworker community, and warns that the Venus Transit has the highest potential for chaos.


Tr. Sean, Ed. Sandra, M

JKM 3-12-12 Message from St. Germaine about the Ascension Dynamics of the Light Worker Community

Judith in Denver and Sean in Kelowna 5:15 am PST

Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 21 2012 Fiery Day~

Lia's picture

Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 21 2012

Posted on


March 21, 2012

by Gillian

Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase

Last Day of Astrological and Natural Year


It is a fiery day indeed. Emotions will be running hot and spreading rapidly throughout the collective. People will react to the energy by acting out of control in many ways. Things have the potential to get out of hand very quickly. However, with fire comes light and today’s events ultimately lead to insight, awareness, wisdom, and higher purposes, if only through true colors becoming visible. This energy will transmute situations into something else – something new – in preparation for the New Moon and New Year tomorrow.


~Space Weather Update~ Farside Cme Blast~ Wind Speed 366

Lia's picture

FARSIDE CME: A coronal mass ejection (CME) blasted away from the farside of the sun on March 21st at 0740 UT. SOHO photographed the cloud expanding at 1550 km/s (3.5 million mph). The source of the CME is probably old sunspot AR1429, still active as it transits the farside.


FIRST AURORAS OF SPRING: It's a well-known scientific fact that equinoxes favor auroras. True to form, March 20th began with the vernal equinox and ended with this outburst of Spring-green over Tromsø, Norway:



"It was an absolutely magic moment in a magic place," says photographer Ole C. Salomonsen. "The temperature was -13 C and I was almost alone: The tracks in the snow are from a fox which was there just before me. The auroras were mostly moderate, but at times they burst into strong lightshows, as shown above. It was a beautiful display." Aurora alerts: text, phone.


Shelter Me

Anonymous's picture

I've been hearing this song all night long, it's one of my favorites and pretty darned appropriate for the days ahead. Stay calm and stay in that sacred place of Love~


The Weather Vane by Sophia

glr_Andrea's picture


The Weather Vane
by GLR Sophia
  What becomes clear in these days of massive change is the necessity for inner peace.  

This era is swamped with news and opinions, channeling and videos offering their version of the truth.  Some days, today being one of those days, I feel sort of like a weather vane, rapidly turning and pointing in a new direction with each broadcast and every article.  “Is this latest executive order a sign of hope or of tyranny?” “Are the spaceships good guys or our own guys out to stage a fake invasion?” “Is fluoride a good thing or a bad thing?”  “Who are the good guys?” “Is everything we have believed and been told, a lie?” “Who is telling the truth?”

Earth Council Embassy Trust ECET

Ashvatha's picture

Earth Keeper 1.0

Welcome to the Earth Council Embassy Trust (ECET) Communication Team;


  • You have just become part of an international peace team united in their desire to bring peace to the planet; peace between humans, and peace between humans and other life-forms.


  • We are also united in this blueprint for peace which offers a realistic and achievable plan, as well as offering a pathway to implementation.


  • By uniting our voices we become exponentially more powerful, and will succeed in in our mission (refer ECET 2 objectives following).


  • When you communicate the ec2012 blueprint; there are a few points which need to be covered so we have continuity of expression, no matter where we are in the world.


  • Every time you communicate this blueprint make sure you  cover the 3 main  points of ec2012, and the 2 objectives of ECET. May your path be cherished and protected at all times.


Three main points of ec2012; a blueprint for peace:


  1. Following the work of the United Nations Environment Program and Earth Charter, ECET devised an evolution of the UN (refer Regions of Earth Council Map). The earth is divided into 12 geographical areas, and from these regions they each send a man and a woman to Earth Council, a 24 seat council. This design is about creating equity of region and gender.



glr_Andrea's picture

What if those who have been saying that Obama is a good guy are right? What if his Executive Order to proclaim martial law was, in fact, a ploy to have the military participate in the arrest of the real criminals in this nation and have them taken to the concentration camps they have prepared for true, patriotic citizens? What if that is the manner in which the Republic gets launched? I'm not saying any of this is true; I'm only asking: What If...?


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