Laying On of Stones Healing with Gemstones By Kellie Jo Conn, GG

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Laying on of Stones

The technique of using crystals and gemstones on the receiver's body for healing is called laying on of stones. It is a powerful method of cleansing negative energy, clearing and balancing the chakras, effecting emotional release, and bringing light and healing into all the aura bodies. Cleared, programmed, and dedicated stones move the receiver's vibration into alignment with the planet and the universal grid. This results in a freeing of life force energy in the chakras and aura, a healing of the Body of Light, and a transformation of negative or dis-ease into health.

The process may be done with clear quartz crystals only, colored gemstones only, or a combination of both. The stones may be used alone or with a hands on healing (ie; Reiki). The stones are placed upon the receiver's body from feet to head. The healer then begins using her hands as usual starting at the head and moving toward the feet. (Use gemstones with colors matching each chakra's color. The stones can be in any form-faceted, raw gemstones, tumbled stones, crystal eggs, or crystal beads.) Energy in this type of healing needs to move in one direction through the body, either Earth to sky or sky to Earth. If the energy is Earth to sky, all the gemstones that have points are placed with the points turned towards the receiver¹s crown. The effect of this direction is to move the receiver's energy to a higher vibration or more spiritual level. If the direction is from sky to Earth, it is the opposite, with the crystals pointing toward the feet. This direction moves life force energy from crown to feet for grounding and rooting into Earth.

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