42 is Now, X is Here

onica's picture

On the night of December 31, 1999, I met a beautiful frosty blue man. He came from NowHere.

He told me, "The only thing significant I really need to know, is that X=42 and that the rest of the night would turn out to be nothing more than a bunch of bad jokes and puns." and walked back to the NowHere from which he came.

He was right about that night. He was right about this life.

So I say, 42 is Now, X is Here. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

42. In Shambhala did King Suchandra transmit the teaching of the Wheel of Time, Kalachakra, as it is called. Invoking the Nine Great Lords of galactic destiny, Shambhala prospered in abundance and wisdom. When came the seventh ruler after King Suchandra, Queen Visvamati, the people of Shambhala ascended as one into the paradise of the fifth dimension, where their wisdom continues to water the rivers that flow beneath the gardens of the righteous.

-The Telektonon of Pacal Votan
The Talking Stone of Prophecy Which Unites the People of the Dawn with the People of the Book

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