
THOTH ~ Provides some easy science on the WAVE

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Thoth Provides some easy science on the WAVE
By Thoth thru Leonette with teaching by Candace

Mar 10, 2011 - 7:14:18 AM

Candace: I am going to add some small examples of the power of sound at the end that may help some of you with the concept.
Thoth thru Leo, a Science perpsective on the WAVE.
Commenced last night (10:00pm 08/03/2011) and continued today....

CMATON ~ Prepare Thyself Zion

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Prepare Thyself Zion
By CM thru Peter
Mar 10, 2011 - 5:02:06 AM
March 9th 2011
Voice over speaker: Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen.
We welcome you on board of Spaceship Shan on our virgin flight to Light and Love.
Please ensure that your spiritual belongings are safely stowed away in the overhead department and that your seat belts are fastened. In the likely event of a change in atmosphere pressure, truth masks will automatically drop from above. In this case, pull one of the masks towards you and press the opening firmly over your heart, then assist others.
We ask you to switch off any telepathic communication equipment now. They may only be used again when the fasten seat belts signs are turned off.
Captain C. Michael and the crew thank you for traveling with Spaceship Shan and wish you a pleasant journey. (elevator music)

CMATON ~ The Time is Now and will always be now!

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The Time is Now and will always be now!
By CM thru Johan
Mar 8, 2011 - 3:07:34 PM

Candace:  Johan, a member of the forum, has been training to become a channel.  His first two pieces are here in this first post, and then I will make another post of his latest one.
The Time is Now and will always be now!
CMAton, February 12th, 2011
Hi friends at AH. This morning during meditation, CMAton knocked on my door to take this message. Written in my simple words, He asked me to share that with you all today. Humbly and Sincerely, Johan.
Dearly Beloveds,
The time is now and will always be now.

Message from THOTH

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What it means to reap a whirlwind.
By Thoth thru Leonette
Feb 8, 2011 - 4:38:40 PM  
What it means to reap a whirlwind.
Happily I say to you that we have accomplished much in this time of great tribulation.
The churn of forces spirals outward from the navel of your planet. Below the sands of the Nile great battles are fought. Energies have been curtailed and energies have been set forth. Curtailed are those that have kept the navel of your planet in knots. Set forth are those energies that release the navel of your planet from her prison.

Great battles have been fought on many layers. Most layers out of your periphery of sight. There are those whose mastery of forces were used to choke the life out the many that walk the earth...which bound them in forgetfulness and made them slaves to the empires of Man. Empires that were built on greed and malice.


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