
Time to Fill the Bucket

SophiaLove's picture

With all this talk of arrests and change and off planet beings and collapse, it feels like we need some love.  At the core of this there is just you.  The one in charge, the God force, the only one making decisions for your life and how it feels, is you.  You are here now to transform a world.  You are here now to transform yourself.  You can’t draw water from an empty well, it’s time to replenish.


You are and you have been many things.  At the very center of all that you are – is love.  They have “proven” that love is the most powerful force in the universe.  But, really, didn’t we know that all along?  Nothing happens without love.


Yes, there is saber rattling, warnings and even physical destruction with fear – but love has not been doused, nor can it ever be.  Love is the source of it all, including those spewing fear.


Love cannot be outdone.  Your very source is love.  It is your soul essence, the God force, the infinite energetic.  It is that which fuels you; it is that which you are.


God breathed you into life and here you are – a being of magnificence here to show the way.  What will you do?  As you live and work and hear the news, remember one thing.  It is your voice, our intentions, your thoughts and our collective feelings that are deciding how this goes.  There may be some louder; some fancier and some with better broadcasting tools but none of them have more of an effect than you do.


ONE is truth.   Unity is reality.  ONE is a force.  It is you.  It is me.  It is us.  We are writing this story.  We are reading it and we are reacting as well.  We – the collective called humanity are directing this show.


Like A Duck

SophiaLove's picture

Quietude is defined as “the state of being quiet; rest; calmness”.  That feels about where find myself.


“Freedom isn’t free” is a misnomer, or else it depends on your definition. Freedom means “exemption or liberation from the control of some other person or some arbitrary power; liberty; independence”. In a military sense, the phrase has been used as justification for war.  On a more personal level, freedom becomes synonymous with uninhibited love, expansion and peace.  In a surprising and unexpected way, it is where I am today.  This is a glimpse of our future, of what I imagine it feels like in the “next dimension”.


Historically on earth empires rise and fall.  The beings we label “dark” (1%) insatiable lust for wealth and power consumes their host (99%) and can no longer be sustained.  This inevitable collapse is what we are witnessing right now.  The populace has been spent, literally.  Those that would own us must feed someplace else or alter their way of life.


The situation that brings me this peace is that I no longer worry about money.  There is none.  I’ve reached the bottom.  It is no longer a matter of juggling; it is a matter of keeping food in the house until things change.


Things are really clear now.  I work when there is work to be done and relax when there isn’t.  Somehow, my internal fretting has stopped. Nothing is as important as I once imagined it to be, except life.  Sustaining, enjoying and loving what I have are all that I am focused on.


Head Games

SophiaLove's picture

All parts count.  There is not one aspect of life that pales in comparison to any other.  If there was a word that defined this transformation we are participating in, it would be equality – all is One.  Coming from a thought system with comparisons at every turn, this is a challenge.


Do I have enough?  Which is better? How can I get more? Which product will make me look the best? What do I have to do to win? Will I finish first? Did I come in last? These ideas, indeed these words, have no meaning in an atmosphere of oneness.


We have entered the Head Games.  How we think is critical to what we create.  We are beginning to get the idea of oneness; at times we are giddy with joy!  It’s all okay! I love you! You love me! I’m okay just as I am! It’s all going to be great!


Yet we are alive in a field of density, with bills to pay, tests to pass, deadlines to meet and people to please.  This is not a forgiving world and the one who is the hardest on you is you.  In order to manage these internal games, we must forgive ourselves.


As we begin agape, all sorts of ideas spring forth.  Perfection for one becomes not a state to strive for but a statement of fact.  Life is perfection.  Best is not an exclusive rank but an attribute we all enjoy.  In a world of one it all looks like love, differently expressed.


Without the stress of competition or judgment what is left is pleasure.  I have previously imagined it would take miracles and magic to erase the physical signs of aging.  I was wrong.  It will take a cessation of worry and a mind without fear.  The calm of unity is like a fountain of youth.  The truth of us looks like joy and pleasure, love and freedom.  Equality means it’s all good.


Cleaning House

SophiaLove's picture

We are one and we have no idea what we look like.  Yet, we are surrounded in mirrors.  This intentional separation has been brilliant.  We will have to invent words to speak of our oneness as we have none.  Unity is what we believe and hope is true, yet do not live.  Once we do, we will love with every breath, heal with each touch and adore with our eyes. This is our natural state.


Does it help to know this division has been intentional and could not have happened without our consent and participation?  We are here on purpose, to experience every false notion of life.  This is so that we would then seek and find the truth.


The truth of unity allows for us to “discover” ourselves as well as each other, label some parts “good” and others “bad” and choose which we will then “become”.  We are all parts.  This is a very convincing dream.


In this shift to love, we will stop hating ourselves.  Complete acceptance is our only tool.  Our thought patterns do not start there so in order to do this we’ll have to start by accepting every part of ourselves as valid and equal.  Every drop of water, clump of clay, grain of sand and bit of life are one.  You don’t get to choose who you are one with.


The criminals, the ones you don’t like, the smelly ones, the ones you ignore – they are all you.  We have learned to hate and been taught to blame and encouraged to compete with ourselves.  This tactic has kept us separate and afraid.  Being one online is a good start, yet the truth must be lived.


Feathering the nest

SophiaLove's picture

Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine


It’s like riding a mammoth ocean wave while feathering my nest.  Instead of concentrating on how to adjust and steady my body, I am tucked inside, unable to focus on much except my emotional and spiritual state, my home and family.  Consequently, there are plenty of wipe outs and this blog is half a day late in coming.  It has been written more than once, both internally and online. Unsure as to exactly what is “up”, I can only describe these last 72 hours. 



SophiaLove's picture

Outside, nothing is moving.  The trees aren’t blowing in the breeze.  I hear no sounds.  Inside not much is happening either – not fear or excitement or determination or worry, but pause.


This is new for me.  As a writer, there are always scenario’s played out in my head.  Today, the stage is empty.  Perhaps this is waiting.  Maybe this scene hasn’t been written yet.


If that’s the case, let’s be sure it springs from a solid base, loaded with good material.  Let’s fill this space with love. 


On Saturday, about 500 of us completed another Quest for Love.  Here are a few of the things we explored…


How Pink are we talking about?

SophiaLove's picture

This day has dawned with hope and relative quiet.  There are unseen actions certainly; dramas playing out on this 2012 stage.  Yet here the sun shines and the birds repeat their spring song – “All is Well”, “All is Well”, “All is Well”.


This is a moment to reflect. What am I doing and why am I doing it?  December 21st, 2012 will arrive in less time than it takes to grow a baby.  We are at the point now when the discovery is usually made – you’ve missed a cycle. After twenty dollars and a few anxious moments you are looking at the truth – you are pregnant. 


Once I called that 800 number on the skinny, pink Early Pregnancy Test box, not believing what was in front of my eyes.  I sort of blurted out “How pink does it have to be?”  I could hear the nurse smile as she responded “Congratulations!”


So, Congratulations!  In just 8 months our new world will be born.  We’ve sort of settled on a name (“Next Dimension”) but beyond that is anyone’s guess.  Specifics and personality are as yet undetermined.  We can’t do much about that part anyway.  The one thing we can do is take care of ourselves, the number one priority of every mother to be.


You are a microcosmic version of what is happening to us all – oneness.  This shift in consciousness is here and you are it. Perhaps, as in a human pregnancy, you’ve been a little bit ill and have had to change your eating habits and rest a bit more.  There’s a sense that these alterations have not quite “fixed” the problem.  This would be true.  This is not a problem to be fixed but a process to be lived.


The Bull in the China Shop

SophiaLove's picture

It is raining here.  All morning we could feel the skies rumble with this approaching storm.  The house shook and our cat moaned.  It was dark and we could not see the clouds move in.  But we knew.  When it broke at daybreak, we all relaxed.  The cat curled up and finally slept, calm again.  We all settled comfortably in to another day of familiar.


Most days now feel anything but routine.  There are spaceships in our skies, brutality from our police force, criminals in our banks, corruption in our government and discomforts in our bodies.  We cannot necessarily see the approaching changes, but we know something is coming.  We look forward to the day when we once again, can settle in to the familiar.


Yet it is not so much the familiar that we are yearning for, but the wonderful.  It is from that state we have come and it is to there that we are trying to return.


You know the way, and once you arrive it will feel like home. Not, perhaps, the home of your very human childhood, but the home waiting for you in the state of wonderful.  You will get there with love.


When searching fearlessly within, you discover your truth.  You are more than a man or woman, brother or sister, father or mother, sister or brother, doctor, teacher, librarian, student, lawyer, electrician or business owner.  You are beyond beautiful and greater than any championship.  These human roles are costumes; what’s real is beneath the mask.  You are so much more than you pretend to be.


The Present

SophiaLove's picture



Today again, our eyes open to a new dream.  It is here where our power resides; right now.  We cannot see yesterday or tomorrow.  Our focus is on this moment.  This is command central, where we hold the controls firmly in hand.


There are prophets and prophecies, legends, channels, scientists and main stream media telling us something is up.  We can feel it.  This is the shift. Right now, we are altering our way of being here.  It is happening.


It is going to look whichever way we design it.  Let’s make it beautifulBeings such as us would create nothing less.  When shopping for clothing for a major event, it takes trying on many outfits.  As a result, the dressing room is a mess, piled high with things that did not fit.  When the perfect attire is found, we know.  It feels good.  It fits.  We feel beautiful wearing it. 


It is that feeling we are shooting for.  There is not much that is more important than this shift.  We are rapidly changing outfits and it can feel sort of a mess.  The perfect fit exists.  It can be found by listening.



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