Aisha North

Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 375

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By: Aisha North, 12/03/2013

As you have already noticed, the incoming energies that accompanied last Sunday’s momentous Gathering has perceptibly picked up speed, and rightly so. For as you all managed to jettison so much of the old dross you were carrying, you left a gaping hole within ready to be filled with light in a very different way than before, and as such, it is as if there is an ever stronger current flooding into you all. Again, this is a process that will be very individual, so you will all need to feel into this in order to establish just what is happening within you. And we do hasten to add that even if you yourself do not feel much difference at the moment, know that you too are encompassed by this overwhelming turn of events. For you are no longer the persons you used to be just a few days ago, as you have all entered this white hot furnace and deposited your old and now forgotten memories, the ones that you have held within for generations, but now has been sacrificed on the altar of purification. And a purification may seem to leave some scars as first, for as so much is being removed, it will seem to put you more or less off balance for a while.


Aisha North ~ A short update on the eight Gathering around the Pond

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By: Aisha North, 12/01/2013

As you have perhaps ascertained already, the incoming energies coinciding with this Gathering have already gathered a lot of momentum, and we do think you will all find a way to immerse yourself fully in them. They might be construed as rather forceful for some, but please remember that nothing that interacts with your physical body in this manner, hailing from Source, will be of harm to you in any way. You will at the most feel some at times rather intense physical discomfort, but that is only temporary, and will not set you back in any way as soon as the effects themselves fade from your body.


Aisha North ~ A short update on the energies

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By: Aisha North, 11/27/2013

We would like to delve a little bit further into the upcoming attractions, if you will, as we gather there are more than a few of you already tuning into these new frequencies. As always, getting used to these enhanced vibrations is not easy, and as such, you will all have a hard time finding your footing these days. And we do mean that in every sense of the word, as a sense of equilibrium may be a thing of the past for so many of you. Still, this is only the beginning of what someone might find more than a little daunting to contemplate, as you are indeed approaching the point of no return, the point where these droplets of light will coalesce into a veritable rainstorm. And as such, we will only give you a heads up as it were in order to make you a little bit better prepared for what is to come.

Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 374

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By: Aisha North, 11/25/2013

The time to go within has never been more important, as now, so much much is happening on all sides, you will be hard pressed to really notice what is happening within your own realms. You see, you can get easily distracted now, not only by the physical responses that these energies may engender, but also by all of the external noise that is currently sweeping across your globe. Make no mistake, not all of this noise will be there specifically to lead you astray from your own path, but all external affairs may serve as a diversion that will make it more easy for you to lose your momentum in all sorts of ways. So again we repeat the same advice we have been giving you for a number of times already, but never has it been more important. For now, you are about to step forth into virgin territory, and the only way for you to do that, is to connect even deeper within yourself than you have ever done before.


Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 373

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By: Aisha North, 11/23/2013

The time has started to speed up, and we do mean that in every sense of the word. For what you have perceived as a defined set of coordinates, unchangeable, is that no more. You see, mankind has somehow taken into their minds that there are some so-called “natural laws” that are there for perpetuity, and that can be used to measure everything against, as it is defined as a constant. Well, that may have been the case, or at least, have appeared to be the case for a very long time, but now, everything is indeed in flux. So too those measurements you have come to abide by as the surest definition of something that has been deemed as constant for mankind. And when these seeming constants starts to fluctuate, you will be hard pressed to find anything of consistency on any side, and so, the chaos we have already referred to will indeed take on a whole new meaning.


Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 372

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By: Aisha North, 11/21/2013

Let us delve a little bit further into the nature of change, for that is what this process is all about. Change is a part of the natural cycle of All there is, for as you know well by now, there are no constants, as everything is in a constant flux, from one state of being and into another. The variables are many of course, as this process from becoming to being to destruction and back into becoming again comes in all shapes and forms, so what you are going through now, is simply a brand new variation of change, one that mankind is a newcomer to. For the cycle of mankind has been the same literally for eons, and the only variable has been more or less the defined cycle of a lifespan, and the interchange between the different states of consciousness that can be attained. And as you all know well by now, there have been strict limits on both. But now, the limits have been taken away, and the cycle of change is about to become something very, very different indeed. And you know this, because you are the forerunners of this change, the ones that have elected to go through this process as the first ones, the pioneers, and as such, you are literally breaking new ground for all of mankind so that they can follow in your footsteps.


Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 371

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By: Aisha North, 11/18/2013

As many of you have noticed, the pace of disturbance has reached fever pitch in many, and rightly so, as from this day forward, there will be no holds barred. This may sound discouraging and even fearsome to some, but trust us when we say that you will not suffer unduly. And just what do we mean by that? Simply that you are not here to suffer, dear ones, you are here to conquer, and as such, the trials and travails you may encounter on your way are merely to help you to do just that. And when we say conquer, it is not in the old meaning of the word, for this is not about achieving an elevated status at the cost of others. No, this is simply about reconquering yourselves and your own inherent power, a power that has been taken away from you for such a long time. Again, we know that many will resent this message and call it redundant or at least repetitive, but remember, our task is to help you to fulfill yours, and so, we act in many ways as you supporters and cheerleaders, the bystanders that will egg you on to do all that you can to surpass yourselves.


Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 370

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By: Aisha North, 11/16/2013

As you have perhaps already ascertained, this quickening comes in many shapes and forms, and for some of you, it has been almost overpowering at times. Again, we hasten to remind you all that even if you at times may feel like you are down on your knees, unable to even think about getting up again, you are not being driven further down by these energetic shifts that keep battering you ceaselessly. No, you are simply being elevated further in vibration with every single blast of these energetic missiles, but still, it might not be as easy to remind yourself of this selfsame truth. For many will be struggling with themselves now, and so, it can be hard not to look into the seeming abyss in front of you and think that you are heading ever deeper into it. But this is not an abyss dear ones, no matter how deep you find yourself sinking as these energies keep swatting you around the ears. For what will seem as an endless quest for retaining your balance, is simply a sure sign of energetic upgrading, and as such, the elevator is indeed going up all the time, even when you feel the surge in your stomach that seems to signal you are in a free fall ever downward.


Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 369

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By: Aisha North, 11/14/2013

These last few days have been intense indeed as you have all been traveling through a corridor of light that has opened so many new connections within. And now that you have exited this corridor, you will have some time to readjust to all of these changes, and then, you will start to notice what this last sojourn in the heightened frequencies has brought about. For as we told you earlier, through this process, so many new connections were secured and opened, and now, the light will have a much easier time reaching the targets, and so, it will be able to deliver much larger quantities of information directly into you all in ways that will enable you to fulfill your quotas much faster.



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