
New Earth Frequency Update ~ The Timelessness Effect

WTC Mel and Mike's picture


There is no mistake about it – the Lion’s Gate energies this year have taken us into a whole new dimensional self. That is the purpose of this Star Gate in 2013. Challenges are resulting within all aspects of a Lightworker’s four-body system to bring forth the alignment of our Divine Self.

August 8th we will be entering the Apex of the Lion’s Gate. If you think that you are feeling the energies now, it will climax within each of us for a 24-hour period. Then it will be downgraded into our physicality by grounding it fully into GAIA.

Lion's Gate 2013 ~ A New Doorway of Opportunity

WTC Mel and Mike's picture

Period of Activation:  July 26th through August 12, 2013


We, at Walking Terra Christa, want to acknowledge the energies of the Lion’s Gate so we and others can have a clearer definition of what these upgraded frequencies represent within the 4th dimensional world we live in.  This information resonates with the messages that Lord Adama and the Team of Light have shared in the past few weeks that we are about to be hit with some very intense vibrational changes.  The following transmission is being guided by the Elohim Councils of God and the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace that represent the 12 Rays of God.  We thank them for their message of love.



Greetings My Beloveds,

We thank you for taking the time to receive these energies of understanding.  We have come together with the Elohim and the Elders in group consciousness to assist the divination of light in order to have an understanding of what we are expressing in these moments.  It is important that we have a general knowledge of the changes that are already happening within the planet in order to fully grasp the conditions that you will be receiving in the next couple of weeks.

Each of you is at a time when changes will occur within you and you will go into a deeper part of your essence.  It is all part of the plan that has been set since December of last year.  It is important to realize that the energies that are existing upon the planet are in need of great assistance but it must come in stages of growth.

The reason we became Essence Masters

theherenowchannel's picture


This physical world is fragile. We create it and we change it.
We are within it and flowing from within, out arriving into it. Merging with it as we have co-created it. We are essence and infinity within. We have emerged from deep within, the dimension where all we relate with is essence, into the physical temple environment which is ready for us to live in as the Conscious Spirit Essence We Are. We are unbreakable immortal Essence. Our Human Temple Trusts Us by trusting Infinity Within the Heart which is the Green Light Energy Sphere here now, at what has been defined and manifest as the Heart Chakra.

Our Human Temple became aware of Time-Space Mortality at the ripening of the physical Light Environment and has embraced the Creator Essence Within as the Real Higher Self Master. That's Who We ARE. We are in Essence as we have been through all the age of building this physical environment of Physical Light Star Systems. We emerge into the beautiful fully functioning abilities of our Human Temple.

Conducting Our Assurance

theherenowchannel's picture


Conducting Our Assurance


Nothing to take away.

I am learning to trust the descending energy from within. learning to trust my self and love my being. This is for all eternity.

This is the perfect process that perfectly brought us here now. We have made this kindness and compassion, so perfect.

Come into the sky. You have been practicing flying within our group, across the Ages, as we have descended across the Dimensions, as we have expanded from the Most High Within. In Essence You are a Master of flight. This is developed with practice descending from the Most High Limitless First Source and Center of all things Within. Fall if you have to, I will catch you, and in the end as you realize you are ready,  We can fly in the new expanded sky just Like we have for an entire Age as a Group Essence Body in the inner sky. I will Catch you In Essence and you will remember when I do that you can Fly In The New Earth as In The New Heaven Within.

Thank you Temple, I assure you this is perfect. Our Perfect New Born Child Self Energy is the result of Perfect Infinite Love Creation Descending and Ascending from infinity within to Us Being Here Now.

Conducting Our Assurance

Jason Walter DeCoste

"Now Is the Time" - The Peoples Voice

drmoe's picture

Now Is the Time is a wake up call for humanity to join with The Peoples Voice broadcast network and have their Voices heard. No more BS. No more top down directives. Just straight up truth right from the heart, from the Divine Center of Humanity. David Icke and team are setting up The Peoples Voice TV and Radio network and I salute them with this tribute.

Archangel Zadkiel: Your Heart Is The True Power In Your Life. Allow It To Lead The Way ~ Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 14, 2013

franheal's picture


Archangel Zadkiel:


Hello dear ones, I AM Archangel Zadkiel. I wish to give a message today to all you children of the Galactic Sun, purveyors of Peace and holders of Love.

My dear ones, much is afoot. Much is behind the scenes waiting to burst open and I am here to help you decipher it and to receive it into your hearts as truth.

See yourselves for who you are now, dear ones. Hold that dear to your hearts and move forward with it into the sunlight of truth, that all-pervading air and breath of truth. For the time is now to receive it fully from within and hold it as sacred ever more. Hold it and see it clearly now, dear ones.

I am here to help you clarify for yourselves what is true for yourselves once and for all. Listen closely to your heart now and I will help you hear it more clearly. Let nothing else invade or pervade the clarity that is sitting there.

How many times have I been rescued?

nerdalicious's picture

You ever wonder just how much divine intervention we are in fact receiving?  Down here in physicality-land we need evidence in lieu of 5D knowing. We have thoughts and impressions as to what is happening on a quantum chanelling paradigm, but do we really know? I have yet to have what I would call a conscious higher dimensional conversation. I know many of you out there in cyber land have the same situation. Quantum chanelling is not a new concept but it does warrant some  ‘splainin.

By now most folks acknowledge that we pick up others’ thoughts. We have these etheral antennae that pick up whatever. Granted, the tuner has been basically stuck in a very narrow frequency band for at least 13,000 years, but that is not the point. Most golden-agers (as I call them) have read what is commonly called “chanelled” information. Those people that write these “channeled messages” are what I call the lucky ones. Religions call them prophets. For reasons I can only attribute to pre-birth planning, these folks have lived some or most of their lives with either a wider frequency band tuner or at least one that is more compatible with contact to other entities. They are able to get their info with varying degrees of clarity. I am not one of these, but I digress.

MERGING - (Super Ordinary Extraordinaire)

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The Human Experience:
Without our Parent Essence, Infinite Side, Full consciousness is impossible to sustain.

The landing signal, We All recognize mutually, has been given. Each of us a unique Face and Personality of our Essence.
We Essentially branch, from within, out to our shared human experience. Humanity is our Temple to experience Earth.
During this, our arrival (e-merging from within), the Human Experience transforms to NOW include the Higher Inner Realm of Essence.
Many Unique Faces and Personalities emerge into the Hearts of the Family of the Human Experience: (into People From Within):
To experience our Essence Mastery, (as established progressing to HERE) across the Emerald Bridge of Infinity from Infinitely Within to NOW.

{From the Human Experience Point of View, learning to be less physical in consciousness.}

We have been Descending from Our Most High First Source and Center of All things for ever. Our Perfect LOVE is descended to the lowest point from the Limitless Perfect Origin. Perfect at Birth and Sustaining All of the Limitless Energy to NOW and eternally Beginning Growing Stronger.

For the Age Preparing this event, we have remained in the Highest Heights of The Inner Sky. Remaining Wheels of our Perfect GroupEssence Mechanics, in Unity, Harmony and Bliss. Like Ships in the highest reaches of the inner sky. Each Contributing for the Greatest Good of All Concern.

When One Descends We All Descend, in the twinkle of an eye, MERGES WITH When One Ascends We All Ascend.

With Inner Peace, Appreciation, Love, Wisdom and Power,

Jason Walter DeCoste

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Glow In Your Own Unique Divinity ~ Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~July 12, 2013

franheal's picture


Yeshua.glowuniquedivinity.imagesCAF21XM9Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Greetings from afar, as they say, but really from not so far away, at least Now in your perception, as it has always been that we of the Celestial and Galactic Realms have been very close to you.

It is now your perception that brings us very close and we revel in the delight and opportunity to have this closeness, and opportunity to impart our wisdom and support for all of you hardworking Lightworkers; and yes, you are Celestial and Galactic Beings as well. You are beginning to accept this and realize it more and more, dear ones.

I beseech you to realize it more every day, to be in the cognizance of it, to be in the joy of it, to place yourselves in your rightful places, down deep within your divinity, with all the powers and clarity it provides for you. The more you acknowledge this quality and identity in you, the more revelations and beautiful opportunities and experiences you will have.

Yes, we have talked about this many, many times with you, but you see that we refine it more and more each time and bring you back more and more to this realization so you finally get it and live within it, dear ones.

Not so long ago, eons to you, but really only a blink of an eye away, you prospered and reveled in this milieu of divine identity; you played within it and you thrived within it. Please know you are approaching that same presence and reality again. The more you let go and surrender to the truth of it, the more you can enjoy it and realize it.

Fly to Paradise

jen2le's picture

I performed in Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir 4 performance titled FLY TO PARADISE.  After watching it today, I realized the connotations it holds for what is happening in the world today.  It is an amazing representation of humanity's awakening.  Please watch and enjoy!  (I'm an Alto singer). :)


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