
Uninstalling Ego Programs ~ D. Tamick

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By: D. Tamick


When I was doing my meditation this morning, I had an interesting idea present itself to me. Lately I’ve had to uninstall several programs on my computer that I no longer need and that were slowing things down. I had the thought that the programs I’ve created to run my life are in that same category – no longer needed and slowing things down. Why don’t I uninstall some of them? So I started. I pictured my computer screen and clicked on the proper boxes. I was amazed at how easy it was (most of the time). As soon as I uninstalled one, another would pop up.


I realized in doing this that these programs are not in fact truth or reality but illusion and, as if I was a small child, I was simply pretending that they’re true so that I can have an adventure. When I was 8 or 10 years old I was not really a pirate or cowboy or Indian but it sure was fun pretending I was. Of course after the game was over, I became a little boy again and had my dinner.


Using Meditation to Overcome Ego

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Waking Times, By: Debbie West, 10/22/2013


In order to combat the harmful illusion of self that is created by our ideals of who we are based on past experiences and judgments of ourselves and others, we must overcome the ego. The ego-self is created by a complex and powerful overlay of our mind that is designed as a shield to protect us from harm and suffering. The ego unchecked over time expands, falsifying our idea of true self. The result is an unbalanced, disconnected, external self focused solely on safety and attachments with narcissistic concerns about appearance and position, yearning for admiration and superiority and bogging us down with negative and false fear-based thoughts of judgment, anger and resentment. In the quest to overcome the false self or ego self, many have turned to meditation practices which detoxify our minds, cleanse the soul, and reactivate our higher self connection to a universal and compassionate consciousness. It has been proven that positive thoughts and a joyful outlook, combined with a forgiving nature filled with love and gratitude, have the capacity to heal our minds and bodies. Using meditation ignites the spiritual connection within us so frequently manipulated by our ego’s desire to be in charge.


How Do I Know If It’s My Soul or My Ego Talking?

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GFP Commentary: The soul is always with you and communicates via feeling. Surrender to love every moment.


Waking Times, By: Rhiame, 01/16/2014

Flickr - Question Mark - Marco Bellucci

In personocratia, we talk about making the transfer of power from ego to soul in order to create the shift of consciousness that we hope for. But how do I know if it is my soul or my ego talking? Since it is a recurrent question, I thought it was time to write about it, and share with you some simple tools to help develop your discernment.

Differentiating ego from soul is often tricky. First, because very few people had direct contact with their soul, therefore we don’t know much about how it feels. Secondly, a great deal of confusion is intentionally perpetuated by religion, spirituality and science to make sure people do not connect with their soul. Indeed, if they do, they would free themselves from domination, and that would mark the end of the world of illusion in which we presently live.

Experiencing Grace

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GFP Commentary: Release the ego. Accept Love. Be Love and things will fall into place.

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Waking Times, By: Ida Lawrence, 11/20/2013


“The intensity of your need calls what is needed to you.” Do you believe that statement? To me, it has shown itself to be true a few, remarkable times. Of course it requires that we remain open, because the ego’s need, or the intellect’s need, or the emotion’s need might not correspond with the true need. It is the energy/information/feeling of us that informs the universe of our true need.


So… we may not be fully aware of what our heart has called for, and it may come to us in a completely different form than what we have sought, or what our opinion tells us we are suited for, or even what we are ‘supposed’ to want. If we are open, we’ll recognize it… a way is a way, love is love. Usually, if we accept that a need is being fulfilled, and we are willing to experience it, we’ll know also that this must lead to change… sometimes a great deal of change.


Lightworker vs. Egoworker: Or How to Tell if a Lightworker is Truly in the LIght

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Recipe for a Lightworker: Stand in the truth of your true being that is LOVE.

Recipe for a Ego worker: 1/4 part truth and 3/4 parts bullshit.


A simple explanation: The ego worker will give you a little truth, some crumbs, so to speak, to lure you in. Then they will add a lot of mental jargon or even fantasy to the mix. This part will often confuse you, but because you are so desparately seeking the higher truth which is love; you fall into their head game. They usually have a web site, radio show, and offer expensive workshops, readings, etc. which make you feel good about yourself. But the results do not last.

The Light worker does not desire followers. They are in tune with higher self and only desire to assist you in becoming true being. Light workers are truly heart centered. They do not expect anyone to save them and do not look outside themselves for guidance. They walk and talk their truth.


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