
Golden Treasures...

moonhippiemystic's picture


golden treasures

Matthew 6:19-21 says:

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Comments on 'Proof of Heaven'

Reiki Doc's picture

There is a fantastic book out by neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, M.D. on his Near Death Experience that was caused by a most severe case of bacterial meningitis from e coli. It is fascinating to hear his professional opinion about what was going on in his brain (or actually, what wasn't) while he was in a coma for one week. His description of prayer going up, and it's impression on him while he was in that state is priceless.He also describes Source, angels, and Heaven. Here are some more comments on this fine book, which I recommend highly: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2012/12/on-proof-of-heaven-reiki-doc-style.html



A Guide to Deceased Loved Ones 101

Reiki Doc's picture

I just lost a close friend yesterday. Here is a message from him to you--


This is an open letter to the family, to the survivors, to the widow, from me:

Your loved one appeared to me. Just now. With a request: get this message across to my wife.

That is what I do--I share information across different frequencies to permit people to get 'one last chance with' and 'one last message' from those they loved while they were alive on earth.

Do your thing. Tell her I am okay. Tell her NOW.

I picked up the phone, and thought against it. I know what to say, what the message is, but the discernment as to what is the right time and place for a message to be taken in? That is the art behind mediumship.

What I 'pick up' is that this husband had 'nine lives', and the soul contract was up. He died a month to the day after her birthday (very important for the men, these 'dates') and after their twentieth anniversary (they were supposed to be on a vacation at this time to celebrate). He fulfilled his obligation to the extent that it was permitted within their 'soul contracts'.

The love for her is the same. And I sense a 'protectiveness' and 'willingness to guide her' through the changes that are ahead, but blurry, in the future. In the next six months. Global-scale changes that are going to affect all of us.

If you are a survivor, and have lost a loved one, take comfort in the following information:

7 Signs you are entering the 5th Dimension -The Movie

enlightened love's picture

I accept I am God In full humility In full knowing We accept the truth I Am God You are God We are One And we are the same I see you You see me I am the one seen Accept this truth Now I am your eyes beloved I am your love Rite of Divine Relationship ♥ Children of the Sun ♥

A Closer Look At Consciousness

Ryan's picture



In previous posts we have established our mind plays a huge role in determining how our “reality” is played out. Lets go a little into the process. Why, for example, can I hold thoughts and intentions (vibrations) to be rich and have the perfect job, and it doesn’t happen right away? Why are there some people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, etc. that seem to already have that wealth consciousness? All three were school dropouts, in the case of Richard Branson high school dropout, yet they still were able to become some of the most rich and successful people in the world. Why not me?

Message from Yeshua ~ 2.16.12 ~ Be One

franheal's picture

Message from Yeshua ~ 2.16.12 ~ Be One

As channeled through Fran Zepeda


From time beginning there has been evolution in your souls. No matter the age, there has always been growth. Dear ones, the times you are standing in now know no equal. There is no precedent, no yard stick, so to speak. You are all winging it, shall we say.  Appropriate words, since the transformations in your physical and light bodies are of the stuff made in Heaven. No one is the same anymore. Many changes have happened. You can feel the lightness and the lift in your souls.


It is time to search your inner guidance every day as to how you wish to focus your intentions so as to make the most of every particle of light-encoded information entering into your light bodies. You may want to be in meditation more in order to absorb all the information being downloaded as we speak. Notice the subtle changes in your body and how you look at things. You are getting a taste of what living in the 5th Dimension entails.


It is time to discard any thoughts that no longer resonate, but are there purely out of habit. Pay attention to those. Allow them to make way for new thoughts, thoughts of cooperation, and perceptions of what would be the best for the whole community and the world at large. You are beginning to think as a part of the macrocosm, as a part of the whole picture.


My dear friends, there is so much in store for you. Many of you have already gone on board a fast moving train to Ascension. Your old lives seem to be whipping on by as you look through the windows. Old baggage is being thrown overboard. A clean, clear perspective is remaining, a lightness that reflects the transition from the old paradigm.  You are arriving, dear ones, faster than you think. Take many moments in your day to relish and appreciate the changes in your bodies, in your hearts and all around you.



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