

Jazz's picture


Then there is some words for you.


NO, we are not here to seek and destroy. And when these challenges come I am looked on as the bad guy for wanting PEACE. For wanting a RESOLUTION and toughing it out. I know some here and at and even some on facebook are in the same boat here.



When people want nothing better to do than curse me out under thier breath, spit thier insanity in my face, and choke me to death...OH WAIT..didnt someone DIE due to this?

HMMM...UH. Who was that man? NAH. couldnt be the GUY in the BIBLE...NO WAY..  :-)


Im not him.Sorry to disappoint.


Maybe a mirror, a reflection. A similar spirit. I dont claim to be what Im not. BUT what I AM is a light being of LOVE. And anything but LOVE is BS.It doesnt belong.


(as I was)

..but Im the bad guy for wanting this all to end. IM the GUY hit with the RO.(which were never meant to help anyone but the complainer..same with calling the cops.District Attorneys are FORCED to listen in case thier cops messed up.) IM the ONE they attack and try to arrest. I DID NOTHING.


I cannot stand up for myself, my family? NO, SaLuSa is right.


We were not meant to be tread on. People dont like you challenging thier authority with GALACTIC skills or authority. The number one cause of a fight is someone else trying to superseed you. THEY want to win, and if they cant, YOU are the loser.OR they discredit you so bad no one believes you anymore. Nobody wants to know you.


HEAVEN forbid you stand up for LOVE on this planet. I know I can come off kinda of dark, but Im really not. I dont belong here in 3D is the only explaination I can give.



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