
Fran Zepeda - Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council - Your Ascent with the Light is Building - October 8, 2012

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Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ Your Ascent with the Light is Building ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ October 8, 2012


Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council:


Hello Dear Ones. We come before you today to give you more news of your enlightenment.

So much is being said and touted about the energy downloads of late, and indeed an increase is building as we speak. So much is there for you to absorb and welcome. Please welcome it now with your full hearts, dear ones.

Never in your history has this much Light been offered to you and you are receiving it well. It may be taking some adjustments in your lifestyles and your energy, but it is so well worth it. For this is the beginning of so much you could never have imagined was possible.

It was portended to be so and you are now in the midst of an opening of proportions requiring an acceptance and a trust that you are well into being able to handle with much grace.

Take some moments now to consider your progress. Look into your hearts, dear beloveds. What is shining there? Are you feeling the energies of yourselves as well as others? Are you feeling the energies of the Universe? Are you feeling and sensing the Love that is building throughout all mankind, throughout all the Universes? Excellent. You are beginning to sense the Oneness of hearts and minds of all Creation.

Science for Global Peace and Happiness

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Hello Friends,


Blessings to you. Kindly watch The Most Important SCIENTIFIC Message of “ENLIGHTENMENT” and “ONENESS” that can Heal our World and Solve All Human Problems and Conflicts.


Latest Scientific facts that change the perception of our world. Please give your valuable feedback on this humble attempt (video) of mine.


If you think the message deserves to be known by all then kindly share it.


Thanking you. GOD BLESS YOU.


Gagan Polanki

Sananda Illuminates Your Path: Letting Your Light Shine, Becoming a Brilliant Beacon, Performing Spiritual Maintenance

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Sananda Illuminates Your Path: Letting Your Light Shine, Becoming a Brilliant Beacon, Performing Spiritual Maintenance, Stating Intentions, Respecting God/Source's Plans, Living to Be an Example
 Two Channeled Messages Below Ashtar's Trinity Project Information


Fran Zepeda ~ Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Let There Be Light Bodies! - August 2 2012

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Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Let There Be Light Bodies! ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ August 2, 2012


Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda:

Greetings, beautiful Souls that you are! I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, together with Lord Sananda, here to bring you, with Love, more information for the successful continuation of your Ascension Process.

Many of you are feeling light-headed with feelings of pressure around your heart. Do not despair. This is good news. You are progressing nicely.

It is necessary for your heart to expand in this process; increments of energy are constantly being downloaded to those who accept it fully, to expand and upgrade your hearts, and the combination of heart pressure or even palpitations along with a feeling of light-headedness is part of the process.

Do not fear it, but allow it. The Light quotient in your Light Bodies is increasing steadily.

You are such brave Souls. You are such cherished Souls. You are magnificent beyond all words. Please keep allowing this process, for there will be great rewards in the end.

Now it is necessary to take some time to ponder some more questions. Yes, we have more questions for you. Take a look at yourselves now from a perspective of your Light Bodies. Identify yourselves with your Light Bodies. Are you able to connect and identify with this true essence of yourselves? This will take some practice. And it is always helpful to do this in meditation. Eventually you will find yourselves very comfortable in it and with it.

Tiptoe to Oneness

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There is this wonderful moment during infancy of gradual awareness of truth.  Infants are completely internal.  Needs are recognized and satisfied and sleep ensues; such is the life of a newborn.  When they begin to notice there is something else, it is beautiful.  Their eyes open a bit longer; they engage the life that is around them, they wiggle things.


An astounding moment happens when they wiggle out of their blanket and see their toes for the first time.  Completely mesmerized, they cannot get enough.  They will shake off those blankets whenever they can just to get another peek.  As their feet move, so does the rest of them, including their hands.  One day the two collide – contact. 


I do not remember my own first contact, yet I can imagine the astonishment; two places experiencing sensation in the same instant.  Thus begins the exploration – “How far do I go?”, “What other parts of me exist?”, “What can all these parts do?”


We are like babies who’ve discovered their feet.  Oh, we’ve seen feet and watched them with fascination for eons; but now we’ve had first contact.  We have discovered these feet are not somebody else’s – they are ours; under our control.


Our anger and force creates violent and abrasive movement.  Our tenderness and gentility looks like a fluid dance.  These feet will move in whatever way we intend.  They can stomp or they can pirouette. 


It’s a shock when you realize you’re connected to something so foreign and far away and strange looking.  It’s a new thought and maybe you weren’t ready yet for these ideas of unity.  Perhaps you were content just watching these goofy appendages, seemingly doing their own random things.  Once day you’ll tire of just watching – you’ll want to see what these babies can do!



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I am Love... I am all that there is... I am spaceless... I am timeless... I am endless... I am limitless... Eternity... I am...


Love is everywhere...


Sence love... Feel love... Touch love... See love... Hear love... Observe love...


Embrace love... Love be...


In the center of the heart - universal love is happenning... now...


Feel the beat... Dance... Sing... Laugh... Enjoy... Celebrate... Create... Grandious be...


You don't need anyone's permission to be happy ... happy be... happy be... happy is one who is in love...


Breath love... Shine love... Create love...


Every moment love is... You... Me... Us... Love...


I love you all...




Time for a New Game

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I woke up today with several thoughts: “You know what to do.” “Your body knows what to do.” “You are already doing it.”  We are feeling the shift not solely in anticipation, but also because of realization.  It is happening now.


There are so many unanswered questions and yet the one that tops the list is “What is going to happen to me?”  This is followed quickly by, “Will I choose the best path?” “What are my choices?” “Does it depend on anyone else or is this choice mine to make?”


Your life is defined by you alone.  This is as true today as it was yesterday.  We all sense things are changing, yes.  This explains why you are reading this blog and I have written it.  Yet there are universal truths, some of which we may have forgotten.  The Law of Attraction is real.  What you believe you create.


You create.  This will always remain truth.  As we are a collective, we do sway each other, yes.  This is part of the plan.  Yet in the final analysis, your life choices are always yours to make.  The result of this moment, this day, and this time is up to only you.


You have been choosing right along.  Trust.  Remain calm.  In every moment you are presented two options – love and fear.  Choose love.  It is what you are.


I would bet a shiny new dime that love is already your primary choice, so no worries are necessary.  When the “Event” happens, whatever it brings, you will be in the right place with every tool necessary.  You will know what to do.  You will choose perfectly.  You are doing so right now.


Science for Global Peace and Happiness

Gagan Polanki's picture

Hello Friends,

Kindly watch Science for Global Peace and Happiness. The only Solution to All Human Problems & Conflicts.

Latest Scientific facts that change the perception of our world. Please give your valuable feedback. If you think the message deserves to be known by all then kindly share it.

Thanking you. GOD BLESS YOU.

Fran Zepeda - Sananda - Your Journey To Oneness - June 7, 2012

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Sananda ~ Your Journey To Oneness ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ June 7, 2012






Hello, my dear Ones, dear Ascending Souls that you are! I greet you with such love and gratitude for the work you are doing to transmute the energies within yourselves and the planet. You are such precious and brave Beings, fulfilling your purpose and mission so gracefully and fully.


My love for you abounds, as does the love of every Celestial being and Galactic being, every Being, that is; we do not really have to differentiate anymore, except to be all-inclusive. You are all One with All That Is, and are increasing in Light every minute on this beautiful journey with Mother Earth on the path of Ascension.


I wish to speak with you today about purpose and Mission. It is sometimes a misunderstood concept. Allow me to illuminate this for you, if you will.



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