
John Smallman ~ Love connects you in a harmonious and eternal concatenation of links that bring you together in joyous and everlasting communion

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By: John Smallman, 01/24/2014

Here in the spiritual realms all is ready for your awakening.  On Earth you could expect a feast, fireworks, and great music to celebrate a momentous occasion such as this, except such an occasion has never before occurred.  What we have prepared to greet your arrival is far, far grander than anything you have ever experienced or even dreamed of during any of your earthly lives.  You will all experience an absolute abundance of amazing enjoyments as we rise to greet you and offer you presents chosen specifically to resonate with your most deeply cherished individual desires.


Yes, all are One, but within that Oneness there are numerous individual aspects that enhance and entrance the One through their infinite selection of creative talents and possibilities.  It is for each of those individual aspects of the One – each one of you – that these gifts have been most carefully chosen for their incomparable suitability. There will be no disappointments!  All will receive gifts that absolutely amaze and delight them.


John Smallman ~ Humanity has collectively made the choice to open to the Light

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By: John Smallman, 12/08/2013

As the Christmas and New Year holiday season approaches really focus on being peaceful, being compassionate, and being loving, as Jesus always was. He is your guiding Light, the Way, and the Path, and he demonstrated to you by his attitude and behavior how to follow It. Yes, all paths are individualized because you all have your own lessons to learn, no two are the same. Nevertheless, when you intend to live lovingly as Jesus did, and as you focus your attention on being loving like him much of the energy that you channel and share will be similar to his, and that is what is healing humanity and preparing it for the great shift in awareness, in consciousness, and in intent. That is why you are on Earth at this time, to enable humanity to shift away from conflict and mistrust and move towards Love. Remember every single one of you without exception channels energy constantly because you are all, always, conduits directly connected to the Source! Make it positive loving energy by holding only that intent.


John Smallman ~ Do not give up on yourselves, God never does.

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By: John Smallman, 12/04/2013

The Oneness, the inclusiveness of Reality, enveloped in and embraced by our loving Source, is beyond comprehension, especially when you are experiencing the restrictions and limitations that a human body imposes upon you.  It is an ever ongoing consciousness experience that totally satisfies every conceived need and desire while offering each aspect of Itself infinite creative possibilities in every eternal moment.


None of the joys of your earthly existence can give you even the remotest idea of what your heavenly Father has created for your eternal exhilaration.  Cultivate your quiet and secluded inner space where you can make contact with the spiritual realms.  Visit it regularly, it is where your true Self and all your guides and mentors dwell who are always available for contact with you.  It is as close as you can get to Reality while still embodied, and that can be amazingly close.


John Smallman ~ The welcome that awaits you is unprecedented, utterly magnificent.

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By: John Smallman, 12/02/2013

Here in the spiritual realms we are observing with joy your excellent progress towards your awakening.  Your task remains to focus on holding the intent for humanity to awaken as divinely planned and intended.  You can really have no idea how effective you have all become at holding that intent, and because of that it is going to happen.  Remember, Love, God does not impose, does not override your free will, but It embraces you joyously when you open yourselves to receive what is always on offer.


John Smallman ~ Your collective ability to hold the intent to awaken is strengthening.

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By: John Smallman, 11/28/2013

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States of America, but wherever you are on planet Earth there is good reason for giving thanks – you are alive and conscious, therefore you are a divine child of God, eternally loved and secure within Him, the One Source from which all that exists is created for everlasting joy.  You are dreaming now, as you continue to engage with the illusory realm that you built, but you are on the path to awakening, and when you do awaken your joy will overwhelm you.


John Smallman ~ Time is not real.

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By: John Smallman, 11/23/2013

Your awakening is divinely assured and therefore inevitable.  Many of you believe that the planned date for this momentous event has slipped, and slipped, and slipped!  I have to remind you that time is part of the illusion, and that nothing has slipped.  The illusion’s existence was but momentary, however, humanity has attached such a strong belief to it, and to the time-line that it apparently offers as real, that it does seem that you have been waiting interminably for your moment of awakening to arrive and uplift you into eternal joy.


This unfounded belief is fading, your science has proved satisfactorily to itself that time is not real, but in the so called “real” world you still have to cope with it in your daily lives.  For you it is an unresolvable and mostly incomprehensible aspect of earthly life with which you just have to deal, and until you do awaken it will remain an insoluble enigma.


John Smallman ~ The spiritual evolutionary progression is truly enormous.

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By: John Smallman, 11/10/2013

Many on Earth are feeling very unsettled because it seems that what they had been hoping and praying for – peace, harmony, freedom, and abundance for all; a state of Love to embrace all of humanity – is just a chimera, an unachievable hope in a world gone mad.  Well, the world has been mad for eons, and slowly, over all that time, the prayers and intentions of many holy ones has been bringing about an amazing change, a move from a state of insane, fearful, and destructive rage back towards Love, your eternal God-given state.  That is what you are all on Earth to bring about, a return to Love, and you are succeeding despite your doubts and anxieties.  Please focus on the amazing advances that have been made over the last several decades in humanity’s spiritual evolution, as large numbers of you have let go of judgment of unfamiliar cultures, religions, political views, and personal life styles, and moved towards acceptance.


John Smallman ~ You can only be happy if you express your true nature

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By: John Smallman, 11/06/2013

Ascension is the event to focus on, as it is a major part of your awakening process, and you are very close to it.  Yes, you keep hearing that from numerous channels, but it is true, and you are bringing it into being by your collective intent, so do not allow disappointment with the apparent but unreal delays to cloud your vision, instead strengthen your intent and desire for its arrival, and make it happen, as indeed you are doing.  If you could see and feel the Love we have for you your anxieties and doubts would just fall away, so do not forget to ask for a loving hug whenever you go within to listen to us, then relax into it, and you will feel it because you intend to.  So often skepticism and doubt block the sense, the feeling, the knowing awareness that you could be experiencing of our Love for you if you would only open your hearts to receive It and bathe in the soothing balm in which we have enfolded you.


John Smallman ~ Your collective intent is the determining factor

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By: John Smallman, 11/01/2013

Here in the spiritual realms we are watching with joy as humanity’s progress towards the moment of awakening becomes ever more powerfully focused.  We have told you many times that it is a done deal, which indeed it is, but your collective intent is the determining factor, the force driving you forwards and homewards so purposefully.  It has always been your collective intent to awaken, ever since the moment of apparent separation, but of course the distractions and enticements of the illusion that you had conceived and built were quite fascinating, and for all practical purposes you had forgotten that ineradicable intent and became lost and distracted in the vast maze that is the illusion.



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