
John Smallman ~ The glory of the Real You will dazzle and amaze you

Silver's picture

By: John Smallman, 09/29/2013

The awakening process that humanity is engaged in is intensifying . . . daily!  Much is happening on your world as a result of the escalating power of the divine embrace in which you are so firmly but lovingly held.  And much of it is now beginning to be reported on the mainstream news channels.  The intent of the human collective is also strengthening as more and more of you turn away from all that is unloving and focus on sending love and assistance to those who are desperately in need.


The divine Light in which the planet is now bathed is irresistible, and the planet herself is transmitting vast quantities of multicolored rays outwards as a loving gesture to all of creation.  She makes a magnificent sight as she shines with a brilliance far greater than any other Light source in your galaxy.  It is an open invitation to all who would like to participate in the momentous events that are coming to fruition in your vicinity, just as God intends.


John Smallman ~ Any blame, shame, or punishment hurts all of humanity!

Silver's picture

09/27/2013 by John Smallman

The awakening of humanity is almost upon you.  Yes, you have been hearing this for some considerable time, and that is because you, through humanity’s collective intent, is bringing it about and you need to be regularly reminded to hold the intention for it to happen.  You also need to hold the intention to be constantly loving as you release all within yourselves that is not in alignment with the divine field of Love that forever embraces you.  The vast majority of you want to be loving, nevertheless, many also hold a deep desire to see the “wrongdoers” on your world exposed and shamed, and even possibly punished for their nefarious activities.

John Smallman ~ Armed intervention in the affairs of others is utterly unjustifiable

Silver's picture

By: John Smallman, 09/07/2013

Here in the non physical realms we observe with wonder the amazing results that your loving intentions are achieving all across planet Earth.  Right now, as you measure time, 99% or more of humanity wants a world of peace, harmony, forgiveness, and of course Love!  Consequently, there is a vast and ongoing outpouring of loving intent all across the world as those who keep themselves consciously aware of the disharmony, disunity, and bitterness that needs healing, maintain and strengthen their loving intent daily.


Your news media is reporting quite clearly now on the general disfavor with which people in those countries considering military intervention in the affairs of other nations view their leaders increasingly urgent and truly ill-considered attempts to persuade them that it is the right thing to do.  They do not agree, and they see quite clearly that armed intervention in the affairs of others is utterly unjustifiable. Politicians and elected representatives yearn for and feed hungrily on approval, so with widespread disapproval threatened they quickly alter their opinions and change course.


John Smallman ~ The Changes Have Been Planned Very Carefully And Wisely By The Upcoming Leaders

Silver's picture

By: John Smallman, September 1 2013


A major turning-point has been reached as it becomes apparent that the citizens of the industrialized world are not prepared to back the leaders who would take them into yet another senseless and utterly inappropriate military adventure.  Yes, there is suffering and heartbreak in Syria, caused by years of divisive attitudes and policies, and it needs urgent, thoughtful, and compassionate attention.  It does not, however, warrant armed intervention from nations whose government leaders believe themselves to be better able to resolve the issues than those who are directly involved: the Syrians themselves.  The arrogance that attitude demonstrates is truly mind-blowing.  It would also appear that other factors are at work here which no one is talking about, even at governmental levels, because they concern secret agendas that cannot be admitted to.  Those who wish to intervene militarily are not too seriously concerned with what is best for the Syrian people.


Visualize an immense cloud of Light hovering over areas of conflict

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John Smallman's blog 08/28/2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman

The apparently escalating conflicts at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea will not result in a full-scale multinational war.  The nations there in disharmony and disarray are going through a necessary cleansing, an eruption of conflicting interests and agendas which they themselves have to address honestly and transparently, and through calm and wise negotiation resolve to the satisfaction of all parties involved. Military action from within, or outside intervention would only aggravate an already tense and angry situation, and will not occur.

That is the separation: the apparent aloneness of a small and insignificant individual

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JohnSmallman 08/25/2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman

The oneness of all of creation, its interrelatedness can no longer be ignored or denied, and from that follows inevitably the recognition that anything that occurs affects all of creation.  But this recognition is a new concept for those immersed within the illusion and it has only very recently become accepted and acknowledged by your mainstream science, although many would still like to deny it.  It is an inconvenient truth, recognition and acceptance of which demands changes in humanity – changes in beliefs, in perceptions, in opinions, in behaviors, and in human activities, all of which require a large reduction in self-serving personal agendas that are endemic and which are a major indication of the sense of separation and the concomitant need for self-reliance that is, and has been for eons, the general human life experience.

A magnificent coming-together of the human family has commenced

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The long-expected and hoped-for moment of once more becoming fully conscious beings, at one with each other and God – and fully aware of this – draws ever closer, as more of you choose to join the collective intent to awaken.  It can happen instantly when the Love field enveloping and uniting you all is fully acknowledged. Despite all the attention being paid to the illusion and its problems, there is growing awareness that a sea change in perception is essential if you are to leave behind the old ways of judgment, retribution, and conflict so that you can live in harmony with one another, regardless of race, color, or religious or political persuasion, and that awareness is what is driving you forwards so effectively on your path to awakening.

The information now being brought into the light is empowering you all as never before

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We are all one.  That is the divine, the inescapable, and the most wondrous truth, and all you need to do is to embrace it and live it.  When you do there will be peace, harmony, and unconditional acceptance throughout humanity.  The energies of your New Age are flooding in and demonstrating this truth all over the world as ever more of you open yourselves in acceptance of it.  It is an eternal truth that is now becoming so obvious, so irrefutable, that no one can continue to deny it and still claim to be level-headed or well-informed.

Your hearts are vast spaces into which endless joy is about to flow

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The continual outpouring of Love now in progress on your planet is having a most powerful effect, an effect that has not yet been fully recognized even by some of the Light-bearers and wayshowers who chose to be here to engage with It and assist in bringing humanity to the point of awakening.  There is a lightness in the air, in the atmosphere, that is raising spirits even as the mainstream news media continues to focus on the dramas of conflict, political and economic instability, and accidents and catastrophes all across the world.  But there truly are signs – signs very visible to those who choose to see – of the rising frequency of humanity’s energy field as it moves inexorably away from the dark and into the Light, disclosing and undoing the secrecy and corruption that has for so long been endemic.

What is about to happen is the completion of an extremely complex process

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Tremendous healing is occurring all across the planet as ever-greater numbers of you embrace the divine energies enveloping you constantly.  They have always been there for you, and now your awareness of God’s infinite Love for you all is spreading far and wide as those of you who have been holding the intent to be only loving over many lifetimes strengthen that intent and demonstrate it more and more of the time in your daily lives.  Living lovingly is the most powerful way to change yourselves – and thereby the world – and your successes in this field of endeavor are mounting rapidly.  No one on Earth is completely unaware of the field of Love in which you are enveloped, and although many do not understand what it is, they are allowing its influence to change their perception of how they wish to live and interact with one another.  And with their perception changed, then their intent also changes and their concern for one another grows.  Evidence of this can be seen all over the world as more and more gather in peaceful demonstrations against corruption, dishonesty, and plain incompetence in major corporations, organizations, religious institutions, and governments.  And, make no mistake, those demonstrations are effective!


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