John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

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Catch glimpses of the joy, the ecstasy that will greet your awakening into Reality, Heaven.

Your illusory world does appear to be sinking into a state of desolate and catastrophic pain and suffering from which it seems there is no exit, as a number of severely damaged people in positions of power and influence choose war and death in a desperate and abject last ditch attempt to impose their controlling authoritarian regimes on humanity at large.  They cannot succeed because those who have for so long blindly supported them and put their plans into effect are at last realizing the error of their ways and are leaving the sinking ship – population control by enforcement.

Those regimes are in desperate throes as they attempt to frighten the general populace into freely giving them dictatorial powers in return for a promise to provide a world of lasting peace and prosperity that they not only cannot deliver but also have no intentionof even attempting to deliver.

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To awaken is to know yourself.

Judgment has been an ingrained habit within humanity for eons which has generated an intense need to be right and to judge others wrong.  However, over the last few decades, an awareness has been growing that judgment does not work, and many are attempting to release themselves from making judgments.  Obviously discernment is needed in your lives as you deal with the issues with which your human state constantly presents you, but you need to discern the difference between the two.  Judgment is making someone, including yourself, right or wrong, whereas discernment looks at an issue to see if more information can be found, or to find an alternative approach which can clarify it.

You are all One, and so your true nature is to cooperate harmoniously together, creatively and spontaneously, so that what you do produces something fresh and novel to delight you all, and therefore, of course God, your loving Father.  Love is creative, always, and so your nature, being Love, is creative.

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Love is who you are, always.

The news on the mainstream media continues to present an alarming selection of catastrophes and disasters, but things are not as they appear.  Yes, there is much suffering, but it is being resolved, as human kindness on a vast scale responds compassionately as never before in human history to those in dire need.  And that massive outpouring of compassion is having an enormous effect, as well as further empowering humanity’s collective decision to awaken from the illusion and, as they do so, dissolving the worst of the horrors that man has been inflicting on man, brother on brother, sister on sister, for eons past.  Truly, a massive and most wonderful change in attitudes worldwide has occurred over the last five or six decades as awareness has grown that those in need can and should be helped, regardless of whether or not their neediness is seemingly due to their own mistakes.

Those in dire need have been ignored or taken advantage of for a very long time, but now humanity, despite the angry and alarmist noises of those fearing massive influxes of impoverished refugees and of the politicians who rely on them for election, has made an irreversible decision to be guided by love and compassion instead of solely by personal and fearful self-interest.  The outpourings of generosity and kindness by millions of individuals across the whole planet to those who are hungry and homeless have never before been so widespread.

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Your Oneness will arise in all its glory and magnificence to amaze and delight you.

Most of you have a problem with the truth that All are One.  As separated humans, individuals in your own separate bodies, it is very difficult for you to conceive of being one with someone you dislike, let alone with someone who is generally recognized as a criminal or as an oppressive dictator.  But those are just illusory aspects of yourself that resulted from the attempted separation from your divine Source.  When you awaken, as you inevitably will because it is both your will and God’s, your Oneness will arise in all its glory and magnificence to amaze and delight you.

Your various earthly cultures and ethnicities have very complex and exacting standards of behavior to which you are taught to conform as you grow from infancy to adulthood.  On reaching adulthood those standards of behavior have become so ingrained that you never even think of questioning their validity because you “know” that those standards are right.  And of course you regularly come across people of different cultures and ethnicities who you see as behaving “strangely, inappropriately, unacceptably.”

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Your real and unchangeable nature is as One with God.

We have often talked of the tipping point, the moment when sufficient numbers of humanity presently incarnate on Earth would start effectively swinging the attitudinal balance away from conflict and distrustand towards Love so that your awakening could occur.  Previously we have suggested that that moment was very close; well now it is so close that you can reach out and make it happen!  Despite the chaos and confusion worldwide with massive corruption apparent in the seats of worldly power, and with betrayals occurring in many areas leading to an increase in the seeming need to stop trusting one another (particularly on the political front), and the ongoing totally unnecessary wars, all is in fact perfectly on the divine schedule for humanity’s imminent awakening!

What is happening now is the opening up to general view of humanity’s collective buried and denied shadow side for all to see, accept, and integrate.  And for humanity that is shocking!  A very large number of you were either unaware of the vastness of this shadow or blamed it – i.e projected it onto other people, cultures, ethnic groups, and nations – for the suffering in the world.  It was the denial of this aspect, the unwillingness to look at it and LOVE it that has, over the eons, led to so much suffering for so many.

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And the prodigal son returned home.

Hello, this is John with Saul’s message for Friday September 18th 2015. Today I am posting my whole conversation with him because I feel many of you may be experiencing doubts, just as I am, about humanity’s awakening.

Me:   Good evening dear Saul.  Thanks for your last message.  If you wish to commune, I am here intending to be ready to receive.  And, as you must be very aware, I have been avoiding channeling again of late.  What’s going on?  My mood swings, my skepticism, my judgments, my lack of interest in life.  If I’m on my path, and there surely is nowhere else that I can be, should I not be happy in the knowing that I’m eternally One with God, with you, with Jesus, with all of creation?  Is my ego just blocking my access to the spiritual realms with meaningless distractions?  Anyhow, I shall try to relax into a receptive frame of mind and listen to your loving response which I believe is always available to me.  And yet, I’m on edge fearful.  This is stupid, insane – me in conflict with me.  And yet I’ve read that many holy ones on Earth have experienced something similar, only probably far more intensely.  So why should it be any different for me?

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Love is all powerful, nothing can defeat It.

With the illusory world apparently in chaos it is very unsettling for you all to be constantly made aware of the enormous suffering that is occurring and which it seems you cannot personally ease in any way at all.  You can pray for those suffering, you can send charitable donations to appropriate organizations that offer assistance, you can call on your politicians to address the situation with ultimate compassion, yet despite all of this the suffering continues seemingly with no solution anywhere to be seen.

The illusion, being intended to separate you from God, cannot but cause suffering.  You all, without exception, desperately want to be unconditionally loved.  To be unconditionally loved by God is your natural and eternal state of existence, and to be separated from that state is terrifying, humiliating, and very painful.  Of course you have never been separated from God as you well know because God is All That Exists.  But your choice eons ago – but in Reality only a moment ago – to separate yourself from God could only cause you pain even though it is an unreal state, because your immense power enabled you to build something imaginary that seems utterly real to you.

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You are the collective, and the collective has decided to awaken from the nightmare.

Here in the spiritual realms we have been observing with great joy the amazing progress humanity has been making recently towards awakening from the illusion.  Yes, you truly are making wonderful progress.  Vast numbers are now holding the intent to be loving in every moment and to release all aspects of themselves that are not in harmony or in alignment with Love.  Doing that is enormously powerful, and it is having a tremendous affect all across the world.  If you could see what you light holders and light workers are achieving you would be absolutely amazed.  Keep on doing what you are doing because it is an essential part of the awakening process, and also because it is so very effective.  You are greatly honored for the great work you are doing.  Most of you do not experience much of anything in the way of positive feedback for your efforts, but I assure you that what you are doing is changing the world!

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Hearts were made to be filled with Love.

Saul Audio Blog for Monday June 22nd.

All your blocks are coming up for release, that is why you keep experiencing them.  It is frustrating for you, it tends to get you thinking that you are, as some of you might put it, “a waste of space,” not good enough, as you observe all those seemingly well-balanced individuals living normal productive and satisfying lives.  Nothing could be further from the truth – NO ONE is a waste of space, although some may appear to be wasting time, wasting their lives – nothing anyone does is wasted, there is always a lesson to be learned, and it is always learned, if not in that moment, then eventually.

So, give yourself a break, as many as you feel like, because that is generally what you need.  When you resist taking a break, when you fight the urge, you avoid the opportunity to experience something that has been buried or denied that needs to surface, be seen and be experienced, then it can be happily and easily released.  That’s what blocks are, a call to allow something deep seated to emerge and be healed and released.  But most of you have been well-trained to bury, deny, or fight them.  Allowing them to take time to surface is not procrastinating, it is essential inner work, but when you judge yourselves you slow down or stop the process, and then it may seem that you are procrastinating.

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You are, always have been and always will be, ONE WITH GOD!

Time is running out!  Time is of the illusion, of the dream or nightmare, and dreams themselves last only a moment.  Yes, they frequently appear to occupy long and ongoing periods of time as your expectations, anxieties, fears, and hopes fill your minds with “what if” thoughts that distract you from living in the now moment, the only “real” time that exists.  The now moment is the eternal moment, the moment in which you were created and which never ends, there is, in truth, only now. Any other time, although seemingly very real, is unreal. That is very hard for you to grasp as you struggle with the endless selection of issues and situations the dream state constantly brings to your attention, which was the whole purpose for constructing it.  It is indeed very confusing for you because of the extreme and inordinate limits that you placed on the human vehicles that you built for yourselves so that you could experience as convincingly as possible the state of separation from God, our divine Source; or even apparent complete abandonment by that loving energy field in which all of creation has its eternal existence.


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