John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

~ John Smallman ~ Saul: Ensure that you make available plenty of time to CELEBRATE!

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Christmas is a time when you celebrate with gusto and enthusiasm, even if Jesus’ message of love, forgiveness, and inclusiveness is often forgotten.  Nevertheless, the energy, the enthusiasm and the intensity of those celebrations expands at this time of year enabling the divine energies to flow through you far more freely than at other times of the year.  So, I would appeal to those who read these messages to bear this in mind and therefore totally refrain from judgment of those who, to them, appear to be celebrating too enthusiastically and for the “wrong” reasons.

Enthusiastic enjoyment of celebrations always adds to the energy field of Love that permanently envelops you, because celebration is a collective releasing of worry, anxiety, and fear; and, as you know, it is fear that shuts down your ability to open yourselves to Love, because it is unable to trust.  Social gatherings with the intent to celebrate will always provide opportunities for your guides, mentors, angels, and other friends and loved ones in the spiritual realms to intensify the field of Love enveloping humanity, making it easier for you to feel or sense its presence around you.  So, at this time of your earthly year ensure that you make available plenty of time to CELEBRATE!

~ John Smallman ~ Jesus: Truly you can have no idea of what is coming to greet you.

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On this Christmas Day, as on every Christmas Day, and as in fact on every day, I offer you greetings and love because as children of God we are all brothers and sisters divinely enfolded within our Source Who is infinite unconditional Love, which we share and extend constantly because it is our will and His Will that we do so. His Will is our will. Life, existence, is as simple and as utterly profound as that. There is no part of creation of which God is ever unaware because He, Love, is infinitely aware and infinitely loving unceasingly. Consequently we are forever safely enfolded in His loving arms where there is nothing to conflict with that divine and eternal state which is forever His Will.

On awakening the beauty, the magnificence, and the wonder of Reality will transport you into a state of utter and presently unimaginable joy, which is your heritage and your destiny. Here in the spiritual realms we wait expectantly and with ever intensifying delight as we observe your continuing progress towards the moment of your awakening, knowing what wondrous and awe-inspiring amazement will engulf you as your awareness opens expansively to take in and rejoice in the immensity of God’s Love for you. What our Father has prepared for you, and, therefore, for all of us, for all of creation, is utterly beyond words, beyond pictures, and beyond description, it has to be be consciously experienced by a fully awakened being, and you are all shortly to become fully awakened and fully conscious beings enjoying the infinite wonder that is God. Truly you can have no idea of what is coming to greet you as you open your hearts to accept and receive God’s eternal gift to you.

~ John Smallman~ Many of you are feeling the stress of waiting very intensely.

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We are very rapidly approaching the moment for which you have all been praying while strongly holding the intent to bring it about, and your prayers and intent have been and continue to be extremely powerful.  You will not be disappointed. God has promised and He always delivers.  Many of you are feeling the stress of waiting very intensely, and it is causing you anxiety.  Therefore you need to relax daily into your quiet inner space and allow your guides, mentors, and guardian angels to talk to you, and uplift you and inspire you as they embrace you in a loving hug.

John Smallman~ All over the World Love is Being Shared as Never Before~

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Humanity is waiting with a strong sense that something of immense importance is about to occur. It is a very unsettling feeling because you have been locked into the experience of an unchanging environment in which disagreement, fighting, and war are endemic. And yet you sense, and deep within yourselves you know, that this is all about to change.

 For eons, in your quiet and private moments, you have been longing for, hoping for, and praying for peace, harmony, acceptance, and love. But it has all seemed way beyond your reach, impossible to achieve, and it appears to the majority of you that you are unworthy and do not deserve a prize or a reward as wonderful as that. But it is your destiny. You were created in that state by God, and it is where you belong. The fact that you are not experiencing it and cannot conceive of achieving it is all part of the illusion — that strange state of anxiety and suffering in which it appears that you have your existence.

 However far back you look in the history of mankind, the driving forces that have guided and inspired you seem to be deceit, betrayal, and war, and because in your seemingly separated state it appears that you are alone and surrounded by enemies, no other way of living makes any sense at all. You are permanently threatened and likely to be attacked at any moment without warning. It is indeed a very fearful and unsatisfactory form of existence – expecting non-existence to overwhelm you and remove your life at any moment.

John Smallman ~ Humanity has collectively made the choice to open to the Light

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By: John Smallman, 12/08/2013

As the Christmas and New Year holiday season approaches really focus on being peaceful, being compassionate, and being loving, as Jesus always was. He is your guiding Light, the Way, and the Path, and he demonstrated to you by his attitude and behavior how to follow It. Yes, all paths are individualized because you all have your own lessons to learn, no two are the same. Nevertheless, when you intend to live lovingly as Jesus did, and as you focus your attention on being loving like him much of the energy that you channel and share will be similar to his, and that is what is healing humanity and preparing it for the great shift in awareness, in consciousness, and in intent. That is why you are on Earth at this time, to enable humanity to shift away from conflict and mistrust and move towards Love. Remember every single one of you without exception channels energy constantly because you are all, always, conduits directly connected to the Source! Make it positive loving energy by holding only that intent.


John Smallman ~ Very many of you have been extremely dissatisfied with your earthly lives

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By: John Smallman, 12/07/2013

Life is eternal, you are alive, and therefore you too are eternal beings.  There truly is no death.  Yes, of course you lay down your illusory bodies as you leave the dream environment and return Home from your “travels,” but that is a glorious awakening into the brilliance of Reality.  Your forthcoming human awakening or ascension is different because it will be a mass awakening in which you retain your bodies which are then restored to full vitality and perfection, with an age or physical appearance and abilities appropriate to it that suits your wishes.


In “A Course In Miracles” I talked of moving from the nightmare into a happy dream, and that is what is about to occur.  Very many of you have been extremely dissatisfied with your earthly lives, and to move into a “Happy Dream” is the next stage on your journey back to Reality.  You cannot move fully into Reality while holding on to any energies, attitudes, or beliefs that are not in complete alignment with our Source, God, our heavenly Father, Love.



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