Lisa Gawlas

Lisa Gawlas ~ The Flames Of Passion : It’s Time To Hit The Ground Running!!

Lia's picture

 25 November 2012


There are days, like yesterday, I don’t know if I am coming, going, or just gonna lay down and be flat-out.  I do believe, yesterday, I was all three at once!!  The field itself was on lock down!  Of all the days during this acceleration point, I really anticipated the 23rd itself to be a day of no readings, yet the readings on the 23rd were like peering into Heaven and actually getting a little meat on the bone for dinner (sorry, don’t know how to come up with an analogy that is vegetable/vegetarian oriented.)  But before I get to the readings/information from the 23rd, I gotta share the tail end of a conversation I had yesterday.

~Lisa Gawlas A Fire On The Grid!!

Lia's picture

A Fire On The Grid!!


If these days are getting stranger and stranger!  The night of the 20th, I fell asleep before 7 pm, it was all I could do to stay awake until then.  You can imagine my shock when I finally awoke and sunlight was streaming in everywhere!  There was no way I could have slept til sun up… but I did.  It was after 7 am when I finally returned to the land of the living!  Where ever I went to, must have been like the land of honey and goo… my mental processes were so thick, like an intense fog set in and never cleared for the whole day!

I was actually nervous when the time rolled around for my first reading… I couldn’t muster a sharing for the day, not sure I was going to muster cranking out my antenna to do a reading.   I was actually very surprised when I was actually able to “see” without effort.  But equally, I was surprised… very very surprised, by what I had seen… which was constant in both readings yesterday.

Lisa Gawlas ~ No More Dress Rehearsal This Is It ~ 19 November 2012

Lia's picture

I should have known when I woke up yesterday seeing the 23rd circled on November’s calendars month, the readings themselves would all be centered around that time… but noooooo.  Sometimes I swear, I can miss some really big cue’s from the universe!!  Even when they threw me a hint that I actually dismissed as I was writing  yesterday morning.  As I was sharing about the 23rd, inside I kept asking the universe why is that so important for us to be aware of.  Their response was, you’ll understand more thru the readings.  I just assumed that was their way of not giving a complete answer…again!

Everyone I read for yesterday rolled out on that acceleration point of the 23rd.  Of course, I forget we are out of time, ahead of the “current” timeline.  So we are already emerged deep within this acceleration energy and what we are doing, and how we are co-mingling with it, gives way to the true energetic’s the rest of the world will experience as they move into that literal timeline.

Lisa Gawlas: The Wonder of YOU – Love In Action!!

glr_Andrea's picture



I want to start out today by, hopefully, making something a bit more clear that was shared yesterday. Using this sea of energy and creating the action needed for it’s use. Please don’t make anything complicated, which, as a human, we tend to do. I think we have almost become conditioned that if it is to easy we are doing something wrong. Not!!!


You now hold the mantle of being a pure, unconditionally Loving bearer of, well, LOVE! USE IT! Hug someone, help someone. Say something true and uplifting to someone. Turn someones lights on by showing them a different way to look at things and be ok if they immediately flip the light switch back off. Feel the connection of your soul with another’s and bring them a message from their heart thru yours. How we use this new energy is unlimited and really simple.


Always be aware of what you are choosing in any given moment, especially with the way you feel. If you are feeling bored in life, find a way to spice it up. If you are done with whatever “job” you are doing, start putting energy… any sort of energy, into something new. You don’t even have to know what that something new is… new energy approaches create new opportunities. Whatever that new opportunity is, celebrate it for the gift that it is. Like my new, unexpected journey with Can-Seer. The first thing I knew I had to do after recovering from the shock of the news, was decide how I was going to feel about it. Then, and only then, the approach of how to handle it all came effortlessly. Even tho my team makes sure I cannot see beyond the present moment with any of it (god knows I have tried to peer even next week and they keep placing road blocks on knowing anything) something new and exciting has started. The way I look at this for myself, when one door closed (The Soul Gym) another one opened!! NOthing is every good or bad… it is all an expression of the One and an opportunity to grow and learn from it all, however that is presented!!


Diving Deep in the Sea of Energy: Active Participation Required!

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What an intense day in the field yesterday!  Holy flipping cow batman.  Altho, by first blush, you can saying nothing really exciting was shown in the field today, but I think today’s theme really is “Less is More!!”

I knew we underwent another massive shift while I took that little ole day off (the 14th) because staying centered in a reading was putting a serious strain on my “battery pack.”  These moments only happen as I try to adjust my own vibrational field to the new field.  Talk about a serious gym work out!!



The Companion of Dark and Light, Fear and Love Living Together in Wedded Bliss!!

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I knew yesterday was going to be a day when I woke up at my usual 3am, sat down to write about the amazing readings in the field the day prior and all I could do was remember them.  I never share just for the sake of sharing, for the sake of remembering, there is an energy that flows thru with the reflections of the day before that communicates within it all.  I got two paragraphs deep into my sharing yesterday and there was no flow… I was just yapping!  I couldn’t help but notice, there was something much more pressing on my mind….

So, in mid-sentence, I changed blogs.  I opened up “My Loving Journey with Can-Seer” and vented.  When I finished venting, I hesitated in actually publishing it… there was no sunshine in my words.  Instead, the stark reality of what is happening and stuff.  I realized full well, my spiritual skin that allows me to know beyond all KNOWING that all is well in me and my world, must have been peeled off while I slept.  Which kinda pissed me off!

LIsa Gawlas We Have Shifted The Whole Earth To Higher Octaves and Creation Abilities!!

Lia's picture


Holy change makers batmen and wonder women!!  I knew, with the enormity energy and stuff in the last week or two readings, things were really gearing up for huge change, plus…. so many could feel it within them.  But, we sing a steady song together… What does it mean to us!!  Well, we started to get our preview yesterday.

WE ARE “The Legions Of Light” All Suited Up and…. Ready!

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My eyes popped open at exactly 3 am this morning with one lingering question on my mind… who won the presidential election.  When I went to sleep, I actually was worried.  Romney was up 52% in the popular vote (which doesn’t really mean a damn thing in this country) but also 50-60 electoral votes ahead of Obama.  For the first time ever, this election will affect me personally.  I have no insurance and had a cancer removed with a lot to still explore ahead of me.  True health care reform is now a very personal thing to me.  I am so grateful, beyond grateful… that the angels holding the white-house in their Light, both on the ground and in the unseen world… prevailed!!  THANK YOU!!

And if I can give a shout out to Colorado and Washington States for allowing, voting for and passing, for the first time in our history… recreational marijuana use!!  Change has come!!  So will new tax revenue dollars too!  Good on ya!!

The Infusion – Impregnation of Feminine Energy

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I had waited with bated breath yesterday to start reading the field and you (not that you are separate from one another, I just see it all differently once YOU are there in it.)  Just knowing the enormity of wholeness we have achieved and not only brought to earth, but is now expressing Here as a living entity.  I couldn’t wait to see what that even means to us.


When I cranked my antenna outside to start my first reading of the day, I just became frustrated!  To say I seen nothing, that would be a lie.  Somethings tho, are becoming more and more indescribable within the view.  The field was…. different.  Unrecognizable from the day before.  I suppose the closest description I could give is like a massive wood grain pattern that looked nothing like wood (smile.)  There was a movement to every grain, striation, stream… and trust me, not one of those words, fits.  There was no recognition of anything discernible (that is when I started to get frustrated.)  The multi-coloredness of the field was so deep and rich, it could have almost looked black… but it wasn’t.  Not at all.

A Consummation Of Divine Feminine Impregnating The Divine Masculine is Happening NOW!!

glr_Andrea's picture



(I choose this picture because a week or several ago, I had seen this formation of molecules in someones reading.  I about shit when I seen the same thing in relationship to sperm and egg… and I really looked for a picture of an egg entering a sperm, couldn’t find one!!  This image hit my holy shit meter!!)

Before I get into the most exciting sharing from the field and the energy of divine counterparts and their/our role in this amazing transition of energy we are now soul deep within, I gotta address something that is very much at the forefront of my mind.

I have received more links, more direction, more insight about cancer and the body that there is no possible way for me to even explore it all.  Perhaps it is more timely that my internet connection is down almost all day long since November 1st than I even realized.

Long before I even knew there was a path to be on, I have had a personal, intimate, communicative relationship with my body.  Only, before this path, I never really realized or had a context to acknowledge that.  I do now.  But not only do I still have this relationship with my body, I now have a full-fledged ongoing relationship with that which we call the Soul.  We are in this together.  Communicating… together… the three as one (Body, Soul, Lisa/Ego).

Several months ago, as the energies of ascension started to come together in unified oneness on earth and in our bodies, spirit, the field, whatever you want to call the source of information that comes thru readings and sharings, they have said over and over again, “the system of healing is an old energy, one that was needed to get us to Here.”  I had actually pondered last evening about whether I am actually Here with everyone else.  Especially given the days view of what Here means to us.  If my body is indeed out of whack, out of any sort of alignment with Love, then I would actually have to be a part of the old energy system.  The more I pondered this, the whisperings of my soul gave me my hope back… it said:

You cannot interpret the energy and language of heaven if you are not a part of it.  It is like claiming to know algebra without knowing the equations.   I don’t know algebra, it is very Greek to me.  I do know the language of Light.  I have set up Home T/Here.  Thru my sleep I feel like I was taken back home and given a pep talking too… not that I remember any of it, it is simply the feeling I had awakened with.  And if that wasn’t enough to hold my heart steady, I awoke to an email that will never leave my heart (thank you Katja):

Dear Lisa,


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