Lisa Gawlas

SELF-ing thru the Quantum Change!

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quantum change

When I shared all the details of what is happening to the best of my understanding, now, that energy, that amazing energy was surrounding me once again.  Of course, when I share, I step back into the moment in which I am sharing from, experiencing it all once again, often times, with clearer understandings.  For my own description of my mental faculties when emerged in that energy, I think I can liken it to being inflated with helium… moving higher and higher in the atmosphere.

When I finished my sharing, I had an hour and a half left before class started… time for a bath!!  I was slightly puzzled when my team said not today… you have class.  Huh??  What does that have to do with the price of eggs.  As soon as class started, I realized why.  My mental functioning was so buoyant that using the energy of my left brain, took me a while, I had to release the helium to fully access my mental capacity to teach.  That was kind of sad and yet, very exciting too.  I so love when something becomes challenging, it means you are in an area of intense growth.  I live to grow, so bring on the challenges!!

Being mentally focused in a buoyant, expanded space of energy is going to take some work to remained focused on the energy needed to utilize the left brain on helium!!

Quantum Change ~DNA Transfiguration ~ Shambhala Emerges.

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Over the last year and a half, since I have been dedicated to doing the readings in the way they are done, I have felt so many shifts in the field, in the human, is us.  The energies have changed and rearranged themselves more times than I can count during this time, but nothing like what I experienced yesterday thru the readings, thru the way I experienced mySelf thru each connection.

My first lady of the day showed up directly against the Mesa’s upper area.  The area that had released itself while I was gone.  I really didn’t notice that until after we hung up, but then I became fully aware of exactly where her image was and it’s placement of importance.  The first thing I had seen was fire.  A fire so pure it was almost transparent in the colors of the flames.  I could feel the purification happening within her flames of passion.  But not just any old passion.  Ancient, ancestral passion, held deep within the Mesa’s volcanic energy and now is Being released to the readied DNA.

The Increase of Frequency and Adventures At Hand!

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I will never under appreciate a full nights sleep again and this morning, I am giving such HUGE thanks for the 7 hours of sleep last night.  But I also have to say, I am grateful for this experience too.  There is something of value that happens when you are not running on an energy pack that you are used to, at least, there’s value when I am not complaining about feeling so tired and messing with our reading schedules!!

Even the well tamed mind runs amok all day long when it has a full battery source, missing things, but also being over loaded with things too.  I fully realize, what I experienced in the last two days with groggy mind, I (we) need to find a way to experience 24/7 without being sleep deprived, it becomes another tool of mastery.  We have learned to see beyond the illusion, many have learned to focus their mental energy to become very proficient within meditation allowing that state of eternal connection to be present 24/7, whether in meditation or not.  I realized thru these last two days, at least for me, I have learned to hear beyond the constant noise of any given day.  However, it is still not a passive mental environment.

Lisa Gawlas: The Rain Of Light Around The World Bridging Us To..? ~1 July 2013

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bridge-of-lightMan oh man is my sleep cycle off, or might I really say… none existent!!  For me, this exhausting intensity started on Saturday, June 29th.  I woke up at 4 am from a good nights sleep, grabbed my coffee and started my sharing.  It took me until just after 6 to get my sharing published, then had my first reading of the day at 7 am.  I had an amazing connection to a male and female counterpart until 7:45 am, then moved into my first day of class at 8 am… which ran until 10:30 am.

By 11 am I was in my next reading until 11:45 am, having only 15 minutes to breathe before my next reading, I wasn’t surprised to feel myself crashing and crashing hard before my last reading of the day.  By the time she rolled around (within 15 minutes) I was completely down, energy wise.  We rescheduled to the very next day and I laid down and fell into a super deep sleep for 2 hours.  When I woke up (at 3 pm), I felt more refreshed and energized than even a full nights sleep usually provides.

I remained wide awake until 3 am.  About midnight I could feel my energy start to dip into low gear, but not low enough to allow for sleep.  Instead, I was getting a constant visual every time I attempted to close my eyes to fall asleep: An intense raining of Light energy, Light seeds all around the globe.  I wasn’t looking for more information in the visuals, I was looking for sleep, so I didn’t expand it more than seeing the Light Storm.

Phase Two Emerges From The Heart of YOU!

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What a wonderful and full contrast yesterdays day in the field of Light provided for all of us.  My first reading of the day reminded me of an area I forgot to mention, the null place.  The place in between ending phase one and not yet embarking on phase two.  We can really call this place, the major choice/decision-making place.

My first beautiful lady showed up way across the “center field” surrounded by darkness, or maybe better stated, a deep blackness.  She was sitting on the side of the Mesa landscape “pondering.”  The deep blackness was actually a wonderful feeling.  The place where unlimited potential and possibilities emerge from.  As I scanned the area where she was sitting/resting, two tiny but vibrant energy threads emerged at the bottom of her left foot.  I knew these were two area’s within her physical life she started to energize, but not enough for me to read/understand.  One line was a silvery white, the other, a silvery red.  Both were about 5 feet long and not yet connected to what I will call her center field.

We can look at this place as the area of deep inner reflection and major choice points.  The place that will either have you re-doing phase one or embarking on phase two.  We all end up here for a while.  We can look at it as the intersection in the figure 8.

A Potpourrie of Understandings

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raise vibration

HOME! HOME!! HOME!!!  My Good God it feels sooooo good to be Home again!!  It equally feels good to know I do not have to get back into that car for a whole days drive anywhere, at least until the 16th of July when I pick up my good friend from Switzerland at the Denver airport (big smile)!!  Other than that, I shall be using airplanes to get cross-country from here on out!! lol

Something unpleasant, yet interesting started happening the day before I left New Mexico to spend several weeks with my Dad in Pennsylvania, my lower back started hurting as if someone slammed my tailbone with a sledge-hammer.  This intense back ache lasted two solid days, then went away without a trace.  At first, I assumed it was my resistance to leaving the Mesa for such a long time, until the very same thing happened when I was getting ready to shift from Pennsylvania to my son’s house in Virginia.  Two days of intense lower back pain, then gone without a trace, until two days before I was leaving my son’s house to go to Arkansas to do some crystal mining.  I am seeing and feeling a pattern here.  Much to my surprise, this same pain happened in Arkansas.  I stayed three full days playing in the red dirt of the quartz crystal mines, the day before I left, my lower back had been slammed once again.  It didn’t stop me from mining or picking up large rocks and smashing them to get to the quartz clusters inside… but man, my back was not a happy camper thru it all.

From Solstice to Equinox: The Arc of the Convenant

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There is so much happening behind the energy of Life, some we can see and recognize, most tho, not even close to being able to comprehend with our minds.  What I do see is exciting even if coupled with the unknown qualities spirit is so good at teasing us with.  And even tho the “field” is under construction a visual remains constant every time I look at it, the new foundation is being poured into every version of reality there is in all existence.  In my vision, it looks like champagne being poured straight from heaven.  This “champagne” of energies will become the temporary foundation in which we facilitate the new world of energy between the solstice and the equinox.  I say temporary because in my days of pondering, I had seen this foundation liquidizing once again near the Equinox in September.

But, before we go diving into the understanding of this new energy, lets first understand what is currently taking place.  This elixir, this new foundation energy is the rarefied energy of the Divine Feminine.  We are being inlaid with the emotional strength and fortitude to change it all.  The feminine has always been the fluid mass of creation.  The stream of energy in which Love flows.

WE Are Under Construction…

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I have got to hand it to spirit, for once, they didn’t completely leave us hanging on a day nothing was going to be revealed thru readings… well, kinda sorta.  Since I have been back in Virginia, it seems my ability to connect is limited to every other day.  One day we can see forever, the next day, not a damn thing.  Kinda frustrating to the human here.  Yesterday would have been one of the “off” days, but, with the amount of rescheduling being done, and I had already booked Sundays as an off day to spend time with my grandson, I decided to take two of the people who ended up being rescheduled and placed them into the early part of Sunday, a 7am and 9am reading.  It still gives me the whole day to be with my kids.  I never woke up til just after 6am and I need my coffee intake to be in top visual form, so when I couldn’t connect to my first appointment for the day, I assumed it was my lack of coffee intake and asked if they could wait just one more hour.  Hell, at this point, they have been waiting close to a month…

Energy Surge is Powering Up Our New “Bells and Whistles.”

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Finally!!  A clue about what all this crazy energy has been (and continues to be) about.  New Bells and Whistles!!  Somewhere inside of me, I know I want to celebrate this, I suppose I need to get done being frustrated about it first.  My whole world revolves around energy connections… being connected to my phone, my computer, to YOU!!  When the energy seems to go haywire, so do my days!  At least, for now, it seems an every other day thing.  One day of complete energetic chaos, one day of smooth sailing.  I am feeling a bit… bobble-headed, how about you??

Yesterday was just plain ole strange.  Of course, I officially feel like I say that just about every day, but still…  I was up at 3:30 am, well rested, perky and yet… as I sat down to share the intense and exciting readings from the day before, I couldn’t harness a single energetic flow, at least, not about that.  Instead, there was something else coming thru, but not in a steady, flowing way.  It felt fractured, or maybe like the energy in which I share with, had a serious case of the hiccups!  The focal point of the sharing (that never got shared) was about what we had just done together, as a determined, highly charged collective and how incredibly important this moment of time, that is now forever changed… is!  Coupled with the feelings from spirit of humble gratitude for what we did accomplish… I couldn’t type beyond the feelings flooding me.

Lisa Gawlas ~ The Crack In Time And Space Harnesses The Above And Below Energy As One!! ~ 13 June 2013

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crack in space and timeWhat a strange, strange day yesterday was in all aspects of energy world for me.  I finally did a whole days worth of readings the day prior and couldn’t wait to write about it all, that is, until I woke up yesterday and seemed to have zero pulse in my brain.  My phone and internet connection seemed to match my brain frequency too.  My phone wouldn’t hold a charge and even when plugged in, the battery charge was draining not filling.  I forgot that my son doesn’t have internet hooked up at his home (it comes already installed in his tablet) so I had to set my phone to a t-mobile hotspot and use my phones internet to connect, well that was between erratic and non-existent.  I completely missed my first reading appointment yesterday because I couldn’t get the internet flowing and when I did, couldn’t get a strong enough signal to open skype.  Then, as if on cue, my second appointment slept thru her reading appointment and then it was time for class.   Well, strange only got stranger… the moments I was able to keep an internet charge to run skype, skype was doing the strangest things to all of us.   When i got to my last appointment of the day, whatever strangeness was happening to my electronics, happened to my antenna too.  There was zero anything.  Dammit!!


On a positive note, I am transferring my hughesnet internet service from NM to my sons home, so as soon as they install it here, I will be more internet reliable (I pray anywayz.)


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