SophiaLove's blog

The Carrot and the Stick

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It’s okay to love yourself.  In fact, it’s more than okay, it’s necessary.  We are coming to the end of duality and the contrasts are everywhere, trying to get our attention.  The sharpest ones have to do with your worst fear.  Your worst fear is so intensely personal; you may never have put voice to it.  Yet today, if you think for a moment, there it is.


It is asking for your attention, wanting to be examined, waiting for release.  You don’t need it anymore, and the part of you that is ready to move on knows that.  Where we are going, there is nothing to fear.  We are heading towards agape, a place without conditions.


Our deepest fear is that somehow we aren’t good enough; that there is an unmet condition.  If only we could meet it, we’d be fine.  We are chasing after that carrot on the stick – so close, yet ever out of reach.  This condition is not something you need, it is something made up, a part of this third dimension you’ve decided to hang on to.  Let it go.


Maybe it’s a body or a bank account, a status or a role – if only you had it, you’d be perfect.  Perhaps its forgiveness, a big eraser that will wipe out all the terrible things you’ve done, thought about, or still think about doing.  Without these, you’d be worthy.


Miracle Man

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There is no Miracle Max.  I wish there was.  He gave hope and belief to a small, desperate group of people.  Their faith in the power of Max carried them through and they accomplished the impossible.


There is nothing more potent than belief.  The difference between success and failure is in the first case you know you’ll succeed and in the second you only hope.  For the next two weeks we’ll see this played out again and again.  There is only one Gold Medal.


We have entered the Miracle Business.  It is time.  We are One Force and our intent is everything.  We cannot pretend any longer to not be afraid, we must be truly fearless.


We’ve been duped into believing we have no power.  Yet you are the most powerful force in the Universe.  You.  There have been false flags and terrorist attacks and catastrophes in our history, carried out by those who understand the power of intent; successful because we didn’t.


We do now.  A quick search on the internet will demonstrate how past acts of war and atrocity were planned and announced years before they happened.  The same is true right now.  These horrific plans continue.  We can stop them.  We are seven billion strong, and we now know the secret.


See the Olympics proceed without incident, and relentlessly persist in this vision.  They began with a potent meditation and reports from England are that there continues to be a general feeling of good will and happiness there.  They are feeling our love.  You did that.  A single focus of love when the games began has risen up a nation.  We need to keep it up.  We are here to rise up a planet.


The time is now

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These 2012 Olympic Games are ripe with speculation and prediction, headlines and focus.  As a single statement, the voice of humanity, what is it that we are saying?


Our expectation, belief and intent are creative.  For the next 2 weeks, most decidedly during the opening and closing ceremonies, our collective power is amplified.  Many of us, significantly more than usual, will be focused on London. 


If you’ve seen “What the Bleep” or done any reading on random generators, you know that they are altered (become not so random) when our focus is unified.  They were altered during other world changing events and they’ll be altered on Friday.  The power of our intent will be magnified.  It will be as if we have a microphone.  Our collective voice has a bigger effect at these times.


The research on group meditation tells us that intent matters.  In study after study, violent crime was significantly decreased via the concentrated efforts of people in focused meditation to do exactly that. 


I am a light worker ~ Part 10 ~ All of this needs you

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We are a unified collective.  Our hearts beat as One.  This we have always known, deep within; it explains compassion. 


You have come here to create.  Every impulse you have that supports life enhances the experience for each of us.  With truly a ripple effect, your words, thoughts and actions touch us all. 


The element of linear time impacts only the moment when the effects are felt or witnessed, not the fact that they do.  They always do.  Yet understand that self hatred results in global warfare as surely as self love becomes joy.  If you take away just one idea from these words, let it be this; it is critical that you love yourself.


Our world starts and ends with you.  The secret kept from you and me and most everyone else is that the most powerful person you know is the one looking back at you from your bathroom mirror.  This shift, these end times, hinge on our hearts.


With revelation after revelation, as awareness slowly gives way to shock, it is an old ineffective pattern that keeps us stuck in horror and upset.  We are gradually becoming conscious of the depth of the control and corruption that has been our life.  Things are not as we’ve imagined.  What can we do?


We can love.  This is our deepest truth.  The negative outcomes of this corruption have manifested in every self-directed judgment and criticism.  Your strength and power have been hidden beneath layers of “not good enough”.  You are more than good enough.  You are chosen.


What does it mean to be picked for this part?  You are best suited for your role, right now.  Of all the possibilities, the perfect individual to interact with everyone and everything in your life – is you.  You are not the understudy.  You are the One.


Our Song

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It is time for you to love.  This is the answer to every question. 


There is a way to love militarily.  There is a way to love between nations, cultures, religions and individuals.  All this is evident when your answers internally resonate.  There is no force more powerful than truth.


As One we move through life, travelling the path of space and time, speaking our belief.  As One, our actions could spell out the depth of our self loathing.  There are destructive acts that in their allowance only further push us, as One, towards our own demise.


This is the voice that rings throughout the heavens – the song of humanity – the sound of our soul.  We are speaking with our blind obedience to a master who dictates self worship.  Once we release our subservience to greed and observe and follow love, our world changes.


This can only happen with wide open eyes and an attitude of strength of conviction.  You must trust yourself.  This comes naturally when you love yourself.  Loving yourself is the thing each of us can do right now that will change the world.  As you love, you will not allow lies, deceit or other activity that could diminish you in any way.


You are here to flourish.  You do not expect flowers to grow without sunlight and rain.  In the same fashion, you must be watered and placed under the nourishing rays of the sun in order to grow.  This is a necessity.  Rather than being beaten and lorded over with rules, restrictions and negativity – it is time now to nourish and support.


I am a light worker ~ Part 8 ~ How to light the way

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We are in the “end times”.  Business as usual no longer applies.  What has always been polarized just won’t survive.  We are moving into oneness.  It’s time to let go of whatever side you’ve been fiercely grasping onto, and allow yourself to drift into the center.  This strong tide is pulling on us equally; we’ll all get there eventually.  Every one of us is love.  We are each divine.  We may disagree and part company, yet we are never separate.  We are one.


As one we are finishing a chapter, and we are writing the ending.  Here’s what I see – from absolute darkness a miniscule light emerges, then another, then a few more.  In that darkness the brightest light is perceived.  You are that light.  Soon, it will be all that can be seen.


The source of your light is love.  This love is not reserved for a special few.  This love is splashed all over and dripping off of everyone.  There is gratitude and courtesy, kindness and compassion, listening and assertion, waiting and positive action.  This love looks like a smile.  It could be a holding back when internal frustration erupts. 


We are light workers.  We work for the light.  It is time to surrender to the love that you are and let go.  You have spent too much energy hiding, defending and protecting.  All that you must do is acknowledge your love.


I am a Light Worker ~ Part 7 ~ Listen, Consider, Observe, Act

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Listen for the answer.  Look for the idea.  Pay attention.  All around you, your answers lie.  There is no mystery without its solution, no problem unsolvable.  You are here to experience life and that is just what you are doing.  Every moment you are faced with this question of emergence.  The answer is given in your response – will you react and retreat in fear? – will you respond and act with love?  Always the choice is yours to make.


Most of us have retreated internally, hidden in worry and preoccupation while life swirls around us with exit doors wide open.  Today I hear the gulls cry, calling me to places far from this suburban deck.  I see the boats and buoys; hear the waves slap against the hull.  I grew up on the water.  Our memories are associative and although today’s gulls cry above a little nearby lake, for me they call from the ocean. 


We learn gradually, repetition eventually becomes truth.  Awake now, we can consciously choose what it is we wish to repeat.  New information is streaming forth in a flood, along with a new vocabulary (LIBOR). 


We are light workers.  It is up to us to bring light to the new without judgment.  Refrain from dismissing what is initially uncomfortable.  Look at everything.  This change will bring the unexpected.


There is a joke that goes something like this.  A man near death prayed for a miracle.  His faith kicked in and he expected to be saved.  While he was waiting, he turned away procedures, medicine and doctors, claiming they weren’t necessary because God was going to heal him.  He died.  When he got up to Heaven and finally spoke to God, he asked what happened.  God said “I sent you the finest medical procedures, medicines and doctors and you refused every one of them! What were you thinking?”


It's time to turn on the light

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There is something that is true about weight loss, acting and fifth dimensional, eternally youthful light beings.  It is that an actual, believable transformation must begin on the inside. 


All of us are prone to “magical thinking”.  We believe that if we put on the cape we can fly, if we lose 20 pounds we will be happier, younger and surrounded by lovers, if we look the part we become the part, and if we somehow end up in another “dimension” that all of our current challenges will vanish.


Real magic happens when you believe you can fly.  No one has to tell you the truth of who you are.  You know this.  It is the power of this illusion that invokes recurring forgetfulness.


One of my children, at about 9 years of age, wrote a comic strip.  In the first panel was a boy in a cape, announcing his super flying powers.  In the next panel he climbs the roof and jumps off.  In the third panel he shouts “See!  I’m flying!”  It is the next panel where doubt crosses his face and he says, while flying, “I’m flying!  I can’t believe it!”  In the final panel, he slowly crashes to earth.


This is how we live our lives.  Over and over we wish for change and even as it occurs, we doubt it.  Actual change occurs gradually and starts within.  I am sort of a Queen of Magic.  My friends say I have rose colored glasses.  I see the best possible scenario most every time.  This may be because I’ve had so many chances; this lifetime has been a remedial class for self improvement.  I’m getting better at it.  It’s always going to be great in my heart.


We are in a sea of waiting, floating along on rafts of hope.  We need to jump in and swim in the direction of whatever beach works for us.  This drifting is not getting us anywhere.


Time for a New Game

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I woke up today with several thoughts: “You know what to do.” “Your body knows what to do.” “You are already doing it.”  We are feeling the shift not solely in anticipation, but also because of realization.  It is happening now.


There are so many unanswered questions and yet the one that tops the list is “What is going to happen to me?”  This is followed quickly by, “Will I choose the best path?” “What are my choices?” “Does it depend on anyone else or is this choice mine to make?”


Your life is defined by you alone.  This is as true today as it was yesterday.  We all sense things are changing, yes.  This explains why you are reading this blog and I have written it.  Yet there are universal truths, some of which we may have forgotten.  The Law of Attraction is real.  What you believe you create.


You create.  This will always remain truth.  As we are a collective, we do sway each other, yes.  This is part of the plan.  Yet in the final analysis, your life choices are always yours to make.  The result of this moment, this day, and this time is up to only you.


You have been choosing right along.  Trust.  Remain calm.  In every moment you are presented two options – love and fear.  Choose love.  It is what you are.


I would bet a shiny new dime that love is already your primary choice, so no worries are necessary.  When the “Event” happens, whatever it brings, you will be in the right place with every tool necessary.  You will know what to do.  You will choose perfectly.  You are doing so right now.


The voice of One

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It is hot here, beastly hot.  The thermometer has held steady at 100 plus degrees for days now, with no relief in sight.  Our sun seems to be making a statement.  It occurs for me that our sun is the force for all life here.  We depend on and are at the mercy of this star.  We are beginning to harness its energy with solar cells and panels.  Take a look at the image of the sun on this blog.  It is dated July 2nd, and you can’t help but notice someone or something “parked” there who must be much further along with solar power than we are. This puts things in perspective.


Whatever this time may be, by whatever name you call it or whose prophecy you listen to – it is happening to all of us; as One.  There can be no escaping the fact that we are all under one sun.  Its rays land on every one of us without bias. 


Everyone gets sunshine; ornamentals and weeds alike.  We are One.  There are some of us who have moved out into the open and they are taking a beating.  They have come to help us grow.  They go by many names; truth tellers, whistleblowers, freelance journalists, Resistance Movement members, David Wilcock, David Icke, Benjamin Fulford, Bill Brockbrader, Cobra, Drake – to name a few.  These brave members of our human family are providing us with an immeasurable service.  They are helping to open our eyes.  Yes, they are biased; as humans, they can’t help but be.  So are you and I.  The difference is they are sharing what they know, bias included, so we can make an informed choice about our life and our world.



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