
They Are Interplanetary, Interstellar, and Intergalactic Races: That's Why the Cover-Up!

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Jan 15, 2024
20,953 views • Jan 15, 2024

@UAMNTV They Are Interplanetary, Interstellar, and Intergalactic Races: That's Why the Cover-Up! - Step into the Past: A 1994 Presentation from the International UFO Congress Catalog featuring the late Robert Dean (1929-2018). Discover how a 1963 assignment at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers of Europe sent his life on a quest for truth about UFOs, Extraterrestrials, and U.S. government cover-ups. Dean exposes the hidden agenda and fear behind keeping E.T. existence secret

Do This Now for Best Results ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

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Do This Now for Best Results ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

You have the ability right now to step forward as the master that is within you, and you have the ability to change lives and to change the world. With our help, with our energetic support, and with our words of wisdom, you cannot fail. Remember that we are within you as well. Remember that this is a holographic universe, and we have not gone anywhere. Call upon us at any time for help on your journey, and we will be there, ready to help the helpers, ready to assist you with whatever you need, because that is our agreement with you, with the human collective, and with everyone in this universe.


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