
Message from the Galactic Federation 12/18/11

Greg_ Giles's picture


We will show you from your viewpoint the things of your society that need cleansing. Just as there are issues within your physical bodies that need cleansing before ascension, so too does this apply to your outer world. This would be the microcosm to the macrocosm, or as ‘above so below’. We wish you to see where your society has gone so wrong, and what could have been done differently to prevent such a state of usurped power that has led to such blockages to the proper functioning of your civilization. Please take the time to study the grand scheme of things to familiarize yourself as to which individuals and what organizations steer your ship today and why this ship has now taken on so much water. As we have said, the forward progress of your ship must cease as this water is bailed out before you can safely proceed on your journey. Please be advised that certain events must transpire to allow the righting of your vessel. Do not become alarmed as there is no reason for fear. All must be done in the name of progress, and we will make every effort to see that all events, either natural or man-made, will result in the absolute minimum of human suffering. Please be aware that certain events must be permitted to occur to allow for the balancing of karma according to one’s incarnate blueprint. Every event you have experienced throughout your life has been agreed upon by you before your incarnation, and many of these events were in fact planned by you and your fellow brethren during pre-incarnation meetings. This is how all your incarnations into the physical are mapped out before you leave your homes in the spirit world.


Message from the Galactic Federation 12/17/11

Greg_ Giles's picture


The time to begin to concern yourselves with the automation of your society is quickly approaching. These gifts of advanced technologies will finally relieve humanity from your shackles of daily servitude. Please see these offerings not as bribery or false gifts, but as demonstrations of the Creator's love for you. We of the higher realms enjoy much freedom and spare time to be able to follow our hearts dreams and engage in activities that fulfill our innermost creative desires. Many will soon be graced with this blessed opportunity as this is one aspect of higher dimensional living that you can almost immediately begin to enjoy once we are free to make open contact with you. Many will be selected to assist in the initial setup of your new automated systems, which will then run smoothly with quite limited management from human interaction. Many of our societies needs are proliferated (to grow or produce by multiplication of parts, as in budding or cell division) in this manner, and your planet will soon join us and share in these technological advancements. The need to use mother Earth to grow crops will soon become a necessity of the past, as new technologies of light will adequately supply all the nourishment needed for each and every being on the planet. Clothing can also be manufactured in this manner, and no longer will souls work so hard for so many long hours in factories for less than adequate reimbursement.

Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now!

Anonymous's picture

What an exciting month this has been so far! Like a stone rolling downhill, things are progressing at an ever increasing rate. If you're in our way, you'd better move aside or join us! Ain't no stoppin' us now, we're on the move!!


It still blows my mind to consider how far my Soul has come in this incarnation. When I combine that with the journeys of all my other incarnations, thousands of years all come rushing forward to this very day.  Wow! I knew that life on Gaia was an adventure in learning, but while my ego prefers to rest on her laurels and congratulate herself on all those lower level accomplishments, my Heart & Soul continue to buzz with excitement for the future.


So much more Soul growth ahead! So many ways to manifest my Godliness in the world around me! I love change; I find it exciting and new. Change is like a Christmas present. I see the box, the colorful paper and the shining ribbons and try to imagine what wonder lies inside. Once the box is opened and the gift is revealed, my imagination soars! What wonderful things can I do with this gift? How will it change my life? 


To Motherfather God, my Star Family, Beloved Angels and Guides -thank you for the beautifully wrapped gifts you give me every single day!! As I unwrap them and experience what is inside, I become a better human with a happier and lighter Soul.

Now I'm off to share todays' gift with others!!

Ain't no stoppin' us now xoxo

love to..

spiritdancer 2012's picture


love to you and others
love is the creator
of all good things
you are the creator of everything
bad or good
... after you know what this path means
nothing exist
all is within you

Message from my Star Family 12/16/11

Greg_ Giles's picture


My dear friend Greg, it has been many long years since we last enjoyed moments together in person. We have missed you much, and we look so forward to seeing you again soon. Continue to look after your affairs at home and soon doors will become open for you to walk through into the higher realms. As the many seasons have come and gone and with them many changes, much has changed here with us as well. We would like to tell you more about these changes, but for now we will just say that as you have seen much improvement in your life, so have we experienced just such upgrades. Being able to communicate with you like this gives us the opportunity to share some insights with you, and we are happy to see you sharing these words with others throughout the Internet. Concern yourself not with those who yet understand the greater picture, and focus more on those who have opened their minds to these avenues of new idea and vision. We see you giving sincere effort to assist those who seek guidance, and we thank you for this and support you in your work. Soon, all truths will be revealed, and many will see what today they are yet incapable of. Remain patient with these souls as they too have come far in their journey and much will also soon be revealed to them.


Pleiadian Messages 12/14/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

Now that many avenues and lanes of communication have opened, you have begun to awaken to your possibilities. All that has been promised you and a great deal more is available to you, and with just the right amount of encouragement we feel you will be motivated to go after all your heartfelt desires. Understand that all is choice and that there are many who choose at this time to delay their journey back to the higher realms. This is their decision and we honor the free will choice of each and every individual. All will reach the same destination at some point, and we respect their decision to remain in the lower dimensions to continue their schooling amongst the familiar. You are the ones who have chosen to begin a new and exciting adventure. You are the ones who are showing your desire to pursue expanded lanes of consciousness. The door is open for you. Step through it now confidently and know that there is nothing to fear. We cannot stress enough that today is the day to step away from your fears, your doubts, your reservations, your distrust, and don your new polished armor of courage. You have learned throughout your long journey through duality to distrust strangers, fear the unknown, and shelter yourself with the familiar. Your days existing within the limited confines of duality are over for you now if you so choose this. Is this not what you want? If it is, then step out of the old and into the new with bravery as the day is yours. You have earned all that you are to receive. Think not that you are accepting gifts from a stranger. Know in your hearts dear ones that through all your hardships you have earned all that the Creator now offers you. There are no free rides in this universe, and a free ride is not what you are about to receive. Trust that the universe is a safe and protected sphere for the Creator's children to learn, grow, and to play. You have never been left alone.

My Daily Invocation

Anonymous's picture

My daily dialogue begins with this simple invocation. I feel connected, grounded and ready to start my day. It's a work in progress, as I evolve my invocation evolves. I view it as a "good morning to the cosmos" statement, and it seems to signal my intentions and readiness to recieve and begin work on my path. Usually, before I'm even finished with this invocation, I begin to hear messages from my Angels and Guides. I Love these conversations and am truly grateful for all the Divine assistance I receive.

My wish is that you use this as a springboard to develop your own invocation, and that you also experience an exponential growth in understanding your own Divine powers~

All my Love, Boo



Personal Message from my Star Family 12/11/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

Hello old friend, the light has hit the dark in many vital areas over the last days and weeks. We have seen a drastic decline in their weaponry and manpower. We of the light are prevailing and it will be soon that we will be victorious in our long battle with these dark ones. Be prepared to embark on your new journey soon as we will come for you when you least expect us. This is the way it must be for now as the dark still has plans to disrupt the plans for the new Earth. All your dreams remain safely preserved for you and you will soon be reunited with all your old friends and acquaintances. Exciting times are indeed ahead for you and we look so forward to this reunion. Give us the opportunity to prepare for your safe journey and to make final preparations for your arrival. Your homecoming will take place; there is no doubt of this. Prepare for the unexpected. We will see you soon. We are your friends from many years past and we would never let any harm come to you. You are loved and you can count on us to safeguard your well being. We will see you shortly.

Your friends from the stars.


As channeled through Greg Giles


Lucy's picture


First I have to say that; “NEW IS OLD AND OLD IS NEW “

Why? Because the past can bring new things or new thoughts into our present and because our present can shot us back to try to find something good left on our way here.

Every time we read good messages left by our friend in our pages, we find more inspiring thoughts. It is like watching an old movie to find that we missed something the first time we saw it.

Now I posting this message posted by Madelaine in my old site Passive Warriors from Earth IN 2010.







 HEAVEN #3442 The Power of the Universe, April 28, 2010



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