
Message from the Galactic Federation 1/7/12

Greg_ Giles's picture




Understanding better the process which you are now going through requires one to set aside notions of extraterrestrials, agents of the dark cabal, instances of seismic activity, and focus on what it's really all about, which is love. Love is the key. It is love that you have found a way to safeguard in your hearts and soul and it is through love that all things, either mundane or miraculous, are possible. Your ascension into the higher realms is all about the amount of love your race, the human race, has been able to build and has been able to maintain. Everything else involved is a branch of the mighty tree which is love.


The Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command are here with you yes, but they are not here to issue you your pass into the higher dimensions, they are here in a supporting role to assist you in your time of ascension. Their roles are limited to keeping the cabal and their many minions at bay while you work on the things that will bring you through ascension. They are also in charge of monitoring your Earth systems and keeping in check as much seismic activity as is possible to allow your planet to ascend without severe earthly rumblings. These Galactic alliances are also monitoring many more processes at this time, but what is important to remember is that they are not the overseers of your ascension. The Creator is the overseer, and you are the participants. The Cabal are your antagonists, and the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation are your allies.

Message from the Galactic Federation 1/6/12

Greg_ Giles's picture

Life here in the physical world of the 3rd dimension has seen many that have pursued objects of the material, forsaking many ideals and even morals in this blinkered pursuit. As you are preparing yourselves for your homes in the higher realms, many intangible ideas and concepts will move to the forefront of your consciousness. Freedom is one such intangible concept that we now speak of, and it is this concept that has slowly, and at times secretly, and other times quite publicly been stripped away from you, sometimes with your willful consent, other times without.


We wish to restore your true freedom to you and all your inalienable rights you possess as gifts from your Creator. Many of you have never known absolute freedom in any of your previous incarnations though others of you have journeyed here from lands of true freedom to instill this concept into this world’s collective consciousness. Today, you are told what to think, how to behave, how to speak, where to live, yet so many of you falsely believe you are free citizens living in a land of endless opportunity. This is part of the illusion so many of you have fallen for, and many of you will not even be able to see this until your first day of breathing in the fresh air of your new lives released from the shackles that have bound you into lives of indebted servitude.


Message from the Galactic Federation 1/5/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


There have been periods throughout your lifetimes when things just didn't seem to be working out for you, and then you came full circle and may have come out of it all better for the experience. Such may be where you find yourself today, with so many obstacles that seem at times to fall from the skies and find themselves in your path. Try to look at these bumps in the road as learning experiences, for indeed they are. More of your life than you may be aware of has been carefully planned. This goes for the good times as well as the difficult periods. We say to you to try to find the best way to rise above these obstacles and persevere. Only through your determined efforts will you move on and through these detours along your journey’s path.


Through the many long years you have worn many hats; sinner, saint, victim, predator, robber baron, law man, militia man, and philosopher. All the parts in this theatrical production were co-scripted and performed by you, as only you know what is truly best for your learning and growth, and although there are many others involved in your play, it all comes down to you which act will follow, decided by the choices you make along your way.


Message from the Pleiadians 1/4/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


The Ashtar Command reclamation project is a joint cooperation between the forces of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. The goal of this project is to bring back light and freedom of thought and expression to the people of this planet. This project has long been in the planning stages and has also been fully underway for many ages. Today, you stand at the threshold of this elaborate project’s success and you are the forerunners of what can be expected of many more of your brothers and sisters in the days ahead.


Each being in your world today responds and is motivated by unique stimuli and educational tools. We, the Ashtar Command, in cooperation with the Galactic Federation, have carefully mapped out an educational plan to facilitate the most efficient means to a soul's maturation. We are very pleased to report that so many of you have clearly demonstrated knowledge, understanding, and wisdom attained from the lessons that have been offered you. Please allow others that have yet to reap the benefits of these lessons to advance at their own pace, according to their own incarnate blueprint. Have patience with these souls, for they are your brothers and your sisters and as such deserve your love and support. As we have so often said, you have all reached this point together and you shall all move through ascension and into the higher realms together. No one who so chooses will not ascend in the days ahead and we will see to it that all will receive the benefits of our experience and our assistance in this process.


UFO DIsclosure~Courageous 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT by Princess Kaoru Nakamaru Japan ユーフォー OVNI 飞碟 НЛО

Best HBCU's picture

Courageous 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT by Princess Kaoru Nakamaru Japan ユーフォー OVNI 飞碟 НЛО


This is a stunning announcement. Princess Kaoru Nakamaru reveals her contact with Light Beings and those of Inner Earth. She also talks about the 3 days and nights of darkness, which, if I am not mistaken, has come and gone. Use your own discernment. Her major point is to return to the love that you are and full consciousness.

Should We Trust the Galactic Federation?

Greg_ Giles's picture



There is an energy sweeping through our world. You feel it and I feel it. It is a transformational wave; uplifting, assuring, nurturing, illuminating, loving and reconnecting. Without the influence of anyone else, we all know, we just ‘know’, these winds of change are divinely sent, and at this moment in our collective journey, a critical necessity. Our God given powers of intuition and self discernment reawakened, we need not be taken by the hand and instructed that it is time for many to leave behind the illusion of fear, darkness, distrust and separation, and return to the frequency of love, light, trust, and unity. Now is the time for us to reconnect with Source, which is everything and every being throughout God’s magnificent creation, the oneness of all.


The awakened soul understands we are not alone and have never been so. Our Creator, Ascended Masters, Angels and guides are with us and have always been with us every step of the way, nurturing us, guiding us, teaching us. Our lesson today is the reconnection. Our return to the one we are, have always been, and always will be. Yet there are those souls incarnate today who choose to distrust and shun our higher dimensional brethren of the Galactic Federation, who are here only through the Creator’s divine decree to assist humanity at this, our most challenging moment throughout our collective journey.


Message from the Galactic Federation 1/2/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


Greg, I am so happy you are choosing to remain working in service as a channel of higher intelligences, as so much more is happening here in the physical. In time, your services as a channel will no longer be required as we, the Galactic Federation, will be free to communicate directly with the people of Earth. You are also needed at home to help out in the many tasks still needed to be accomplished rebuilding the house.

Today we would like to discuss with you ascension and what it will mean for all of you. Leaving behind the experience of the physical will also mean leaving behind many aspects of your lives that bring you unhappiness. It is not only a change of scenery that you will be enjoying, but you will be unburdened by the aches and pains of your dense bodies and the frequent feeling of tiredness you experience will also dissipate as your new environment will be one of supercharged energy. One of the major obstacles for humanity here in 3rd dimensional Earth is the low levels of oxygen contained in the air you breathe. You have been slowly but assuredly lowered into a trance- like state, and this has been done purposely by the dark ones through the destruction of your environments including your beautiful rainforests of South America. Your new Earth will have greatly increased oxygen levels and you will experience for yourselves the remarkable difference immediately upon ascension. What a joy it will be for you to once again take into your lungs fresh, clean, pure air, rich in energizing oxygen.


Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ New Year's Message ~ 1.1.12

franheal's picture

 As channeled through Fran Zepeda



Wipe the sleep out of your eyes, dear ones, for you are awakening. The world abounds with many new sights, sounds, and wonderful gifts for you to partake of. You couldn’t see or feel or experience them before because you have been asleep, but alas you are awakening! And now you can partake. You will never ever fall asleep like that again and you wouldn’t want to, dear friends. What treats you have in store for you! What love you will feel in your hearts! What openings are occurring! You are coming home, to Oneness, to acknowledgment of your true Divinity and purpose! We are here to lend you our hand as you negotiate your step into this New World of your making, of our making, of Creator’s making, once and for all, for We are One!


Hold on to your hats, your White Hats that is, and steady yourselves. Keep leading with your hearts, dear ones, your beautiful hearts of such illuminated Divine nature. You are just discovering how vast your hearts are, how unlimited your lives are, how beautiful your opportunities are. You are waking up and becoming free, dear friends, and we applaud you! You are just beginning to get a taste of it all and you are deserving of so much more. And it is your Divine right. It is the Divine Decree. So allow yourselves to digest and savor it and bless it all the way back to Source, dear friends.


The world is putting on a whole new set of clothing as it wakes up, as are each and every one of you as you are awakening. It is clothing with golden threads of Love. How remarkably stunning it is! It shines into all dimensions and galaxies, and warms Mother Earth as she prepares to ascend even further this year. She is welcoming you all and is so very grateful for all the love, light and care you have given her so freely with your beautiful hearts.



Achara's picture



Things happened in my life that inspires me to share with you. I feel that I slipped into BEING more fully. Since December 22nd I was able to meditate often and what crystalized this morning, it is January 1st, was far out.


The meditation theme, these days, was BEING and DOING AND ALLOWING. They were connected for the sake of seeing my new doorway. I saw that allowing DOING was more natural, habitual, easier BUT feeding what I AM NOT. Even when I am doing beautiful things it still does not represent what I am, only maybe a fragment.

Another quiet moment I looked from another angle and saw how many beautiful actions came from a conscious choice of being. They were not wasting me, frustrating to do or making me sick…they were effortless actions, like a dance. Yes celebration.




One of the things that crystallized for me today was that I have been repeatedly and auspiciously informed about these dynamics of being and doing. 25 Years ago when I took Sannyas and being instead of doing and ''allowing the grass grow by itself'' was one of Osho’s main topics. Since the first angelic messages the same topic has been hammered on the channeled rocks.


Another thing that crystallized today was the insight that I needed to have done all the doings and readings and all else you can do to finally just be. And that was perfectly OK.


Message from the Galactic Federation 1/1/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


Dear ones, we come to you today with a message of joy and hope, of love and light, and the promise of a new year for you and your people. Today marks the first day of your new year, a year that will see many changes for your civilization. We would like to say that these changes will be smooth, transitionally speaking, but we must be honest with you at all times and tell you these changes may be abrupt and very tumultuous to many of your world. If you look at it from the viewpoint of the yet un-awakened, you may see these changes from a new perspective. One day these souls believe they exist within a world where their governments protect them from all harm, look after all of their medical needs, safeguard their economy for them, even tell them how to behave and how to think. The next day the government structure they have grown so attached to is gone, replaced by a structure of many men and women they may not know of and they did not vote for. These un-awakened souls will be told, and perhaps hear these words for the first time, that they have been lied to about almost everything they have come to believe as their one true reality. These souls will have to question everything they have come to understand, and be forced to see their world and universe in an entirely new light. For a soul to learn for the first time that their race is not alone in the universe may seem an easy lesson to some, but to others this kind of information is ground shattering. Try to be there for those souls who find it difficult to deal with this kind of revelation. This is your task, one of many, but if you did not think you could do it and there were not those of us who felt you were capable of this assignment, you would not be where you are today reading these words.



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