
Pleiadian Messages 11/1/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

Many of you love all others of your world unconditionally, though there are those who disdain others and only care about themselves, therefore making no attempt to contribute to the whole of society as a collective endeavor.  Truly realizing full potential is a society who understands that together they make up the reality they will experience. This is the key. The collective consciousness grid is fueled by the thought forms entered into it by each and every member of the society. This grid acts as a projector, filling your shared theater with the images and sounds of your story. Each individual is responsible for his or her parts in your co-written script. Please be careful when choosing your thoughts, as in a way, you may say that it is irresponsible of you to feed energies into the collective consciousness grid that have a negative effect on others around you. Although all is choice and you have the right to choose any reality you wish to experience, karma also plays a role when you affect someone else’s life in a negative way. This is a delicate dance, and it is the wise soul who has learned to give in order to receive. You are only taking from yourself when you have learned to take in order to receive. There really is no such thing as stealing, as in reality you are only borrowing what you will eventually pay back until your balance is paid in full. The same goes for giving, as everything you give will eventually come back to you. Give, receive, share. The balance sheet will always figure perfectly at the end of your day.

Ascension symptoms, a brief timeline of my journey so far.

World-Bridger's picture

Greetings all, I thought I would post a brief timeline of my journey and the symptoms of the process of ascension that I have experienced. 

1994- Had an intense out of body experience in which I met my higher self, the Mother and my higher selfs family. I was shown many things about pivital moments in my soul's journey in the past and what was to come in the future, I was shown that I was a part of something HUGE and it was all about Love and I had a contract to fill. "I will in a future post talk a bit more about this experience". I was never told that I should share this story, only that the whole experience was a gift from the Father on the behalf of my higher self and the Mother.

1994-1997- was a period of searching for others who also had a simular experience and cause for existence. During this time I explored many groups and pseudo teachers calling themselves way showers, I am sure some of them were just that in their own way. However I found none that could here my story without dis belief telling me that it most likely was a frabrication of my mind, I think they were jeleous, why should I have an experience like this and not them. I got dis enchanted with the who "new age" movement, it was the same back then as now, we were told all we need to do is "this", but there was always more that we needed after the first was a fail... I knew in my heart all that was needed, I would try to share this, but it was to simple for most to accept.


kathykat's picture

can someone verify the way i have been felling for the past week? it seems i cry at the drop of the hat and i don't want to do anything that i like to do any more whats up with this or am i just immagining this? in the light kathykat

It is time...

Anonymous's picture

O blessed Gaia~

 The time for your birth is drawing near. We feel your expansions and contractions. The contractions cause every molecule on this earth to squeeze together tightly.

As your great belly continues to slowly roll, these painful contractions have caused some cracks to occur.  We honor your great pains with Love.

 The expansions allow every molecule on this earth to relax and breathe deeply.  With the great turning, these joyful expansions provide warm temperatures and feelings of ecstasy.  We celebrate your expansions with Love.

 Through all of your labouring, dear Mother, you continue to provide that marvelous elixir of balance- water.  May we hydrate ourselves deeply now.   Drawing that water down to our every cell.

For we remember the power that Sister Moon has on the ocean tides.   The ebb and the flow.  We thank you Sister Moon for staying close, ever the attentive midwife.

 We are your children.

My truth about channeled messages and dates given.

World-Bridger's picture

I personally don't pay much attention to dates given in channeled messages, many I don't connect with, some I do. One thing I know that is happening is things are on the move and much progress has been made. The energies the last couple years have been intense to say the least, this summer they went to another level, the clarity of intent and lack of many of the energies that used to hold us back is most welcome. The waves of Love have been wonderful and is unprecedented. There is most definitely is a major shift in progress, we are seeing it in the hearts of folk around the world, the air is abuzz with the anticipation.

IMHO anyone that continues to look outside their selves for someone to come out of the sky's and save them is missing the mark on whats going on, I don't understand why channeled messages would be giving exact dates, I believe that in many cases it is the channel's own own hopes and desires influencing the message. I can forgive them, for I only accept that which resonates within me, all else is a grain of sand on the beach of hopes and dreams.

We must all have discernment, this is essential. I have always agreed with and hold on to belief that what we are waiting for will come like a thief in the night. Source likes it that way and chuckles at those that try to put it's movements in a box or a timetable.

We must all remember that in truth our graduation and reunion has already happened in the place with no time where all time is happening at once.I know this not because what I have read or heard from others, it is what the Mother, myself and my family has shown me. I have been there, this is how I can tell that rest assured graduation day will be in our lifetime and it is good, the cycle of death and rebirth on this planet has/will come to an end.

Pleiadian Messages 10/25/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

A look forward to events sees humanity finally free from the shackles of tyrannical rule that has kept you locked into lives of slavery and servitude for thousands of years. Slavery has never been abolished. Mankind itself has been slaves to the ruling elite in one form or another for millennia. You are now to be truly freed from your lives that have been filled with toil and struggle. Greener pastures we wish for you, our family, and it is just this that will now be yours. Do you not sense this incredible change sweeping over the horizon dear ones? Do you not feel the changing breeze that promises to set your world free for once and forever? You have so much to look forward to now as the dark rulers of your planet are being removed from power. We, the Galactic Federation, in cooperation with our Earth allies, are in the final stages of the removal of these dark forces and their many scattered minions. Arrests will be made, as there is no other way in some cases to silence the endless planning and scheming of certain individuals who stubbornly have refused to bow out gracefully. We are fully prepared and quite capable of such a task, and look forward to carrying out this operation that will see the last of the cabal’s holdouts incarcerated and relocated to secure areas where they can no longer be any threat to your safety and well being.


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