You have crossed the “beginning” line at the starting gate. The gates to the new pathway into the unknown have closed behind you and you have moved onto the pathway, now walking it and moving deeper into it. You have made decisions and choices. And these choices are about moving into the new and creating the new, changing yourself and old habits patterns and rituals by looking at them and your attachments and at what was old. You have asked yourself, does this resonate for me? And you have come to the decision that it doesn’t and now realize you are walking into the new. The gates have closed behind you and are now locked. You know that going back into the old is no longer a viable reason for recreating it. You have made the decision to walk amongst the energies of the new. And you are finding that these energies are new, and as you walk among them you give yourself a chance to release remnants of the old. It is as if you are creating a chemical reactionary conclusion. What We mean by this is, the chemicals or the new energies from outside of you are now mixing with the old energies or the chemicals coming up inside of you. And this mixture for some becomes quite volatile. The old is now coming to the fore and you find that you are no longer able to control anything. It is completely about surrendering to “what is” and this is most important now. What is? Where am I? It is now a moment-to-moment existence. Being in the now consistently. Where am I? What is? So continue asking yourself this.
Dear Beloved Children upon the surface of my body,
This longest day of the year is another gift to you from your Mother Earth to give you more time to think about your abuse of one another and the planet that is your home; to see the factors that affect both. For those of you who are not aware of it, I AM a conscious living being (like yourselves) and my organs (air, water, minerals, oil/gas) are the elements that maintain and sustain my life and your ability to live upon my body. It is essential to your survival that there be a balance that reflects your relationship with your self and others that allows knowing how and when to use my organs. This can be achieved through creating communities of equality, harmony and balance knowing there is enough for all.
In large part your erroneous belief systems have supported the idea that the Jesus Christ resurrection was something only HE could achieve. That it was some kind of high and mighty miracle only achievable by a higher power through a certain religion. As a result of accepting this as your truth you are experiencing lack and limitation and so called death as a natural aspect of life.
You might be familiar with the phrase change is all there is. What exactly does this mean, and what is change’s relationship with ourselves and our world? What is the meaning, value and purpose of change? Let us tap into the cosmic wisdom of the Akashic Record and see what clarity this universal library of knowledge and change can bring…
Ever since the creation of this planet and the origin of humanity there has been nothing but change. Humanity is within the ascension process of learning the truth of the origin of the planet and itself. We only have a piece of the puzzle at present and soon we shall be ready to receive the true, complete history of the beginning of our home planet and we within and upon it. This is a teaching that is beginning to be presented to humanity, and will create the greatest change ever in our world. (This writer and others have presented a new creation story for this world and humanity).