Blue Diamon's blog

The Devas and Keepers of the Crystals on Planet Earth

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Many years ago when I came across a book on the Crystal Devas in an esoteric bookshop in Cape Town, South Africa, I felt a great affinity for these beautiful Beings of Light. At the time it never occurred to me that I would be working with them. I had discovered crystals many years before that and always loved them, before I had any idea of their power or their purpose here on Planet Earth.

Crystals are playing an important role in maintaining balance and in assisting Gaia in her Ascension process. Crystals are able to hold high vibrational energy and as such can be used as conduits and portals for the healing energy and Light that comes from All That Is, the Creator and Source of All Consciousness. Many eons ago when Planet Earth was created, crystals were strategically placed within the Earth grid system in order to maintain balance between the forces of dark and light to ensure that Earth never fell prey to the darkness alone, and to work with humanity and other Light Beings to eventually restore Light Consciousness upon the Planet. It was with the help of these precious crystals that the Earth was saved during the destruction of Atlantis.

Crystals have extraordinary qualities also within their energy make-up, and as such can be used for healing purposes by esoteric healers across the Planet. But this is not their only purpose. Crystals are also used by the Crystal Devas to restore balance within the energy body of Gaia,  just like they are used by healers to clear and balance the energy centers or chakras, and restore balance within the emotional, mental, etheric and physical body in humans.

My Favorite Archangel Michael Story

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How I Met Archangel Michael

I have been working with Nasrin and the Ascended Masters for many years now and from the very beginning, Archangel Michael has been my constant companion. In fact, at my first channeling session; my first opportunity in this life to connect to the Ascended Masters through Nasrin, it was Archangel Michael that came to speak to me.

I was thrilled when the session began and Nasrin said Archangel Michael has come to talk to you. I had no idea what might happen in a “channeling session.” but the love I felt from Archangel Michael quickly convinced me that this intangible connection was real and profound. Michael was loving and comforting and fully aware that this was my first experience of this type and that I did not know what to expect. He seemed absolutely delighted to speak to me and honored to take me, energetically, on my first journey to experience higher dimensions of reality. He presented himself, not as a superior and vastly more powerful being but as a friend or a buddy, someone who has walked with me in many lifetimes before and has come back to be my guide to discovering this vast inner realm. His words were humbling beyond belief, yet totally exhilarating.

The next time you start to doubt your Self, remember who it is you are doubting.

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How different would your life be if you knew NOTHING, NO-THING is impossible? How different would your life be if you knew that MIRACLES abound all around you? How different would your life be if you knew that EVERYTHING you touch turns to gold? Would you alter your thoughts, your words and your actions then?

What if I asked you to think of yourself as a higher dimensional being right now at this exact moment in time? What if I told you that YOU, are not this JUST this human expression of yourself, but that the LARGEST and most significant PART of you is beyond your human sight and your current perception right now? What if I told you that when you say the word ‘I’ you are not speaking as just this human expression, but that you are speaking as the WHOLE of you? Would you continue to have the doubts you are having now about yourself?

What if I told you that the WHOLE of your SELF is also your GodSelf, and also an expression of the Divine? Would you still doubt your Self or would you start to TRUST your Self?

Think about it. Read over these questions more than once. Questions are good for expanding the brain and your consciousness.

These are the questions that you should be asking yourself if you are feeling power-less. You didn’t come here into this human experience with nothing. You came here fully equipped with your abilities as a higher dimensional being. The negative energies of the Earth plane are sometimes difficult to navigate, but not impossible. You have the power and the ability to overcome any negative energy because these do not define you, unless you let them.

Food for thought ~ To be VEGAN or not to be..

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About a month ago I posted an article about becoming Vegan and at the time I wrote the article, it never occurred to me that some people would misinterpret what I was saying. However I now wish to add further light to the matter…

Higher dimensional beings would never eat animals or any animal by-product (eggs, milk, cheese etc.) Because their Light bodies are entirely composed 100% of light, they receive their energy from the central sun. Some do however choose to eat fruit and partake of juices etc. That is not to say that they frown upon humans consuming animals or any animal by-product. If they did it would mean they were judging us, which they would never do because their love for us is without condition. So why exactly did I become vegan?

Firstly, we are all ascending – meaning our bodies are incorporating more and more Light which is Divine Love. There are however, different levels or expressions of Divine Love. The highest expression of Divine Love is what we are all aiming to once more return to. In the meantime we are incorporating huge amounts of Light which is changing our physical bodies, and preparing them to sustain a higher vibration of this Divine Love energy. This we are doing on a daily basis and we are therefore changing daily, even though this change may be unseen or unfelt, it is still happening at a deep cellular level.

The Trinity of Blessings™ Attunement - An Attunement to Divine Love

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Attunement to Divine Love, Peace and Joy – From Archangel Michael



I’d like to share with you a little background. I was guided by Archangel Michael to these Blessings in February 2013 at a time in my life when I was desperately needing hope. I knew instantly this attunement was something Michael wanted me to have. At the time I did not have sufficient funds to purchase the attunement, so I had to wait a couple weeks before I could order it. Once I started to work with these energies my life experience started to change. I cannot begin to tell you the ways in which my life has changed since it has changed so much, but I will say this ~ blessings come in the form of many things, not just money. You will receive more love, more joy and more peace that you’ve ever before experienced. Be open and willing to work with Archangel Michael and this powerful energy and I promise the extent of the miracles you will create in your life will be boundless. Much Love! ~♥~ Debbie ~♥~

The Attunement

The Trinity of Blessings™ is an attunement from Archangel Michael to a higher frequency of vibration which, when received, helps you to become aligned with the vibration of Love, Joy and Peace that can exist within each person and therefore the world. These Blessings embrace Universal abundance, prosperity and well being through the daily blessing and sharing of Love, Joy and Peace.

IN-Lightenment: The Magic Moringa Tree ~ A Future Nesara Project

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Much to my delight I have been enlightened with the existence of this tree through a special friend who received her enlightenment through Archangel Zadkiel, her guide. I immediately asked my guide, Archangel Michael, “What is this tree?” and received the answer with his smile “It’s magic!” All of this happened about a week ago and since then I have found much information on the internet to support its magical qualities. I saw the potential that this magical tree is offering humanity now to help eradicate malnutrition and hunger and I have indicated to my guides that I wish to be a part of what they are calling “The Moringa Project”.

I will not go into the detail of what this magical tree offers nutritionally, since there is enough of this information readily available on the net, but do I wish to tell you more about what my guides have been telling me about the Moringa Project.

The EGOIC Mind and Merging with Your HIGHER SELF/SOUL

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Merging with your Higher Self/Soul is one of the most extraordinary, amazing and beautiful experiences you will ever have as a human being on the Earth realm. It can also be one of the scariest. That is, if you let it. It depends on how much control you exercise over your mind, or rather, the largest part of your mind – your EGO.

The ego is not your mind in its entirety. The mind is made up of the conscious, unconscious or sub-conscious mind, and the supra-conscious mind. The first two are the most commonly used parts of the mind. The last however, is the least used and holds the portal or gateway to your Higher Self/Soul. This is the part of your mind you access when in a meditative state. The conscious mind houses your current awareness. The unconscious or sub-conscious mind, as it’s more commonly referred to, is the part of your mind that houses your ego. It is the part of your mind that controls 95% of your behavior and that being said, it is utterly brilliant in its design.

Your mind body is a part of your energy body and as such has been with you since your inception as a Being. It knows you INTIMATELY; therefore it knows EXACTLY who you are at Source level. It has been with you throughout every single incarnation and lifetime you have ever had.

The primary function of the egoic mind is to keep you in this physical expression of Self, and it will stop at nothing to do so. It is highly diligent in this undertaking and it will devise ways with its brilliance to ensure it carries out its primary function. Even to the point of becoming your worst enemy. Enter the alter-ego.

A Breathing Space ~ Meditation for Inner Peace

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Over the last couple days I have been guided and coached, if you will, by Archangel Michael and my consciousness expanded in ways unimaginable. My understanding has risen to new levels and I am blessed with the re-member-ing that has taken place within my energy body.

The energies of the Lions Gate culminate today in what will be the strongest you have felt on this planet so far. Use these energies today to connect with the highest part of your Self. For some this means your Higher Self, or your God Self. It does not matter what labels you have given this part of your Self. Go within today and connect with this Divine part of YOU and allow yourself to receive much needed ‘breathing space’ or respite from your daily life.

There exists nothing, no-thing, outside of you. All that you need lies within you just waiting for you to remember. I have a meditation that I would like to share with you today:

Releasing Discordant Energy with Your Twin Flame/Soul/Higher Self

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Releasing discordant energy is easy if done with your Twin Flame/Soul/Higher Self. If you’re feeling sad, depressed, angry, bitter, resentful ~ basically anything other than at peace ~ then you have negative emotions that are surfacing or have surfaced for release.

This can be overwhelming if done alone, so please know that you have the support of your Twin Flame/Soul/Higher Self to help you in this process. Connect with them by sitting quietly in a light meditation. Raise your awareness to your Soul Star/Higher Self portal above your Crown chakra and below your body to your Earth Star portal connecting you to Mother Earth. Then focus on your Sacred Heart center and feel yourself connecting to your Twin Flame/Soul/Higher Self.

While you are connected in this way affirm:
“I AM releasing all discordant energies that are surfacing now. And so it is, Amen.”
Use this connection whenever you feel you are not at Peace. Life was never meant to be difficult. There is no need for you to feel anything other than at PEACE. So release release release! Use this connection for anything you feel you need. Whenever I feel less than wonderful, or uncomfortable in any way, I ask for guidance from  my Twin to help me to understand WHY I feel this way. Then I ask that he help me release whatever is causing the discomfort in my physical body. Your body is meant to be in HARMONY.

Your Twin Flame/Soul/Higher Self is there to lift you, guide you, love you unconditionally and support you in EVERY way! This is YOUR connection to the Divine, to the God Spark that is You, to Creator, to Source, to All That Is.

BE JOY-full ~ Namasté
Angel Hugs & Blessings

My Conversation with my Twin Flame 8/5/2013 ~ “Be Gentle with yourself”

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“I have never loved you more” ~ these are the words I heard my Beloved tell me this morning soon after I awoke. I asked him “Why? I was weak! I didn’t even have the courage to jump off the edge of the abyss I found myself on last night..” He answered “That is because you had the strength to walk away. You see only your weakness, I see your strength.”

I told him I felt terrible for allowing myself to fall into such despair again, and he told me to be gentle on myself, because by allowing myself to experience despair I had unlocked further negative emotions that were waiting to be released.

Then he said “Be gentle with yourself and stop judging yourself. Stop trying to be perfect. You didn’t come here to be perfect. You already ARE perfect, so set yourself FREE from the straight-jacket of perfection you’re inclined to wear, and just BE yourself. You are BEAUTIFUL! ”

I have my whole life been hard on myself, so much so that I forget to be gentle. I have judged myself so often that it’s become second nature; a norm. As women we are by nature loving, gentle and compassionate creatures. So WHY do we have such high expectations of ourselves? WHY can we not just BE gentle and forgiving on ourselves.

Thank God for my Soul, my Beloved Twin Flame, for he knows me better now than I know myself. He has pulled me back from the edge of my self-created abyss time and time again over the past year.  This he does with his ABSOLUTE love for me.

This card came to mind today ~ Archangel Sandalphon ~ Gentleness

“Be very gentle with yourself at this time. Surround yourself with gentle people, situations and environments.”


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