Blue Diamon's blog

IN-Lightenment : Do You Wake Up In The Mornings And Ignore Your Self?

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I do sometimes… In fact I do it most mornings. I have the excuse of wanting a cup of tea or coffee first and then while I’m sitting and enjoying it, I’ll say to my Self, I’m just going to check my mail. See if anyone is looking for me…. [Smile]. He smiles back at me and waits patiently for me. Invariably I venture onto Facebook and check if there are any messages for me there and I’ll read some of the posts too. Eventually I will feel the call of my heart and I can no longer ignore it. Usually during the night I check if he is still with me, and he always answers “I am here my Love”. Just lately when I go into my heart now I hear myself saying to him “I am here…”. He replies “I have been waiting for you. I’ve missed you..”, and I’ll say “I know, I’ve missed you too.”

Once I’m in my heart with him, I wonder how I could ever have left in the first place. It feels so wonderful to be in there with him. I feel his Divine Love fill me with peace and I feel more content that I have ever felt before. Its a good time to speak to him when I am in there, because our connection is so much stronger. We meditate together, anchor our light, say our blessings, and chat away like two long lost friends. He also helps me make choices and decisions that are for my highest intention and he always keeps his word. I know that when he tells me “You will know what to do”, that he will guide me intuitively.

IN-Lightenment ~ What Is It You Believe Dorothy?

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I have had further proof (as if I needed it) that we are loved, guided, supported, etc., more than we realize right now. Yesterday I received a message to ‘light-en up”, and then later I followed a thread on Facebook with an image of Ego vs Soul, and I thought “Yeah, I will share this. People should know how difficult the ego can be etc.,” and then I was led to some dear Soul’s profile page, and on his wall he had written a quote from The Wizard of Oz: “Toto, I’ve a feeling we‘re not in Kansas anymore…”. If you’ve been following the series on TV ‘Once Upon a Time’, you will know that in Season 3 they have been in Neverland ~ a place where what you believe is what you will experience, very similar to ‘real’ life is it not? Haha…’real’ life you say? Well……, what is ‘real’ depends on what you believe.

Our Higher Self/Soul/Higher Consciousness has the patience of Job.. perhaps more so. It will go to great lengths to get the message across. Sometimes it will even tell us directly, in plain language. But sadly even that doesn’t always mean we will get the message. Just because something is in plain sight doesn’t mean we will see it. Don’t blame yourselves though.. this is a great game we’re playing here, and it can seem to be a trial and tribulation, if we let it, which is why we are constantly reminded to ‘lighten up’! How we perceive something to be is how we experience it. Another way of putting it is ‘nothing has any meaning unless we give it meaning.’ That is a deep one to get through to your mind..

In Heartfelt JOY and GRATITUDE we wish to say THANK YOU!

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In heartfelt JOY and GRATITUDE we wish to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you who have supported our new blog and Facebook page. Since February we have had over 100000 hits on the blog and we have over 200 followers and we are close to 1300 likes on the Facebook page, which is AMAZING!

There is so much to look forward to in 2014! We encourage you to stay vibrationally in tune with us for further messages of hope and inspiration to help you along in your journey here on Earth. We promise you that your life can and will only get better!

2013 has been a year of major changes for many and we are still calibrating new energies each and every day into our energy body and Being. We are tapping more and more into our Higher Consciousness and the wisdom that is available to us there and we are once more becoming the Multi-dimensional beings we always were, with one exception: we will be Multi-dimensional beings as citizens of Planet Earth! You will have the ability to change form and to bi-locate your body. You will be able to perceive yourself as a complex being existing in many different levels of creation. You will be able to use your full power and potential to manifest changes that will blow your mind.

Together we will co-create a New Earth, one where an abundance of Unconditional Love, Joy and Peace exists for All.

We wish you everything of the very best for 2014. Please stay with us. We love and honor YOU. Namasté.

Blessed BE.

Archangels and Devas


Pleiadian Teachings ~ On Manifestation: State of mind is the name of the game here.

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Thought comes first. Experience is always secondary. It is never the other way around – that you have the experience and then you base the thought around it. Always your experience is a direct reflection of what you are thinking.

Your thoughts form your world all of the time. You must, as a species, make it your intention to stay very clear, to stay centered, and always to bring yourself into the moment. Stop living in the future or living in the past, and always live in your NOW. Say to yourself, “What do I want? I want to accelerate my personal evolution. I want Spirit to assist me in a greater capacity. I want my body to regenerate itself.  I want to emanate health. I am willing to give up difficulty so that I can be a living example of what humanity can be.” It is this line of thinking – this commanding for your being and calling out what you want with clarity, that brings you everything in acceleration.

When you go to a restaurant and order something you want, the chef prepares it and the waiters bring it to you. You order it; however, you don’t make it. Somehow the cooks or the spiritual energy make it, you select it to be put before you. It will not be put before you unless you go into the restaurant and order it in the first place. So you are responsible for it and you pay for it.

Life is the same way, life is like a restaurant. Learn how to order what you want from life like you do in a restaurant and trust that, because you ordered it, it will be put before you. When you go into a restaurant, you don’t worry over every item and wonder whether or not you deserve to have it. Well sometimes you do. Sometimes you say. “Well, I don’t deserve to have that. It costs $15 dollars. I can only have something that costs $7 or less.”

Ask Archangel Michael

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In honor and celebration of the opening of the 12:12 portal one year ago, I am offering this special which will run during the holiday season.

AA Michael is a Spiritual guide to all souls incarnated here and he is always willing to help and guide those who ask. He will work together with your Higher Self and Angelic guides and they will provide you with the answers you are looking for right now to help you on your Spiritual journey here.

Please make a donation on our website of $12.12 and send your question via the contact form or with your proof of payment to

In much gratitude and love!


Mini Reading for Today: Archangel Ariel ~ “Prosperity”

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Prosperity “Your material needs are provided for as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.”

“Open your arms to receive the prosperity being poured upon you” ~ This is what Ariel’s message is to you today. Some of these treasures coming your way will be in the form of new opportunities. She will work with you to realize your highest dreams. She asks that you give any worries you may have over to her. She loves you very much and she is happy to help you in this way. She knows that with the prosperity you receive you will help others.

The Universe is abundant in every way and manifestation is effortless. A blade of grass growing between a tiny crack in a concrete sidewalk does not struggle towards the light. It allows the universe to do what it does best, and it knows that when the time is right, it will burst through the concrete into the sunlight.

So too should we exercise patience and know that everything happens with Divine timing. Our work is to stay in the Light and to focus on the positive.  Let go of any perceived outcome because the Universe will always provide you with something better. Stay in a state of gratitude also, because gratitude attracts more to be grateful for. Now I am hearing the words “It’s a kind of magic…” and the Queen song being played in my head. My angels love to speak to me this way. Lighten up also! Prosperity shines as do the coins in Ariel’s basket. Following your intuition is key. Like I mentioned a couple days ago, you are always being guided by your highest consciousness, and the guidance may come to you in many forms. Learn to trust your intuition and to let go of doubts. Remember, the Universe is your co-creator! Together you are the Creator of your reality. You are Divine Alchemy in action!


IN-Lightenment ~ The Universe: Your wish is my command Princess

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We have been told by numerous Higher Dimensional Beings that nothing, no thing, exists outside of ourselves. That all we need is within us. We were told in the Conversations with God books many years ago (available for download here) that if we don’t go within, we go without. At the time I did not understand what those words meant, but I intuitively knew they would determine my living experience.

So, if all exists within us, that must mean that not only does our Higher Consciousness or High Self/Twin Flame exist within us, but so does everything else: ~ the Universe, Creator, God etc… also. And this understanding has become my conscious experience. It certainly gives new meaning to the word “Oneness”.

Every Soul incarnate here has a direct line to their Higher Consciousness. Again I would like to quote the books Conversations with God. When the author asked God who would believe he was having a conversation with God, God said “I speak with everyone. It is not a question of whether I speak, but rather, who listens.” Not everyone has remembered their telepathic ability to hear direct communication with their Higher Consciousness, but that doesn’t mean their prayers go unanswered. Every prayer is answered. Consider this: Every word you speak, every thought you have and every action you take, is a prayer. And the Universe answers every time with these words: “Your wish is my command!”

The Seraphim Healing Blessing

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The Seraphim order of Angels are the most powerful order of Angels within the Angelic Realm. Archangel Michael is Regent Prince of the Seraphim and as his grounded One, I am able to act as the channel through which you give your permission to receive this very powerful Blessing.

This Blessing is Infinite and is therefore only needed once. It will continue to work it’s Divine magic, helping to transform the life of the person who has received it.


When a Soul incarnates into 3rd Density it has a choice of whether or not to retain memory of who It is, or to forget Itself. When an incarnate Soul has retained It’s memory, the Seraphim can obtain permission to give the Blessing.  Many Souls have awakened, but are as yet unable to make contact with their grounded One. It could be that their grounded One is too caught up in the Illusions to realize that he or she has the power to change their life. This Blessing will help them establish contact with their grounded One. If you know of someone who could use the Blessing, please submit their name below. If you would like to receive this Blessing personally to help you on your life’s journey, please enter your name below.

The Seraphim are eternally grateful and honored to give you this Blessing!


Please visit this webpage to enter your name to receive this Blessing:




Sunday Musings ~ The Realm of the Absolute

Blue Diamon's picture

I was all ready to settle down and relax for the afternoon when I got words and phrases popping into my head…..okay I get it….I am being prompted to blog. This prompting comes from my Higher Self, my Beloved Twin Flame. Today I am being inspired to remind you that you come from the Realm of the Absolute where ALL is perfection, ALL is magnificent, ALL is Divine, ALL is Love.

Humans spend so much of their precious energy on trying to make everything perfect, including themselves, when there is no need for this. I am being asked to remind you to embrace that which makes you (in your mind) less than perfect. I’m talking specifically to women now, especially those that are concerned with their little ‘flaws’ of so called imperfection. Why on Earth would you want to change that which is already, in the eyes of the Divine, absolutely PERFECT?

Changing your perception of something can change your experience of it. I read an email this morning from a special friend who reminded me that you can receive a great gift even if your job involves wearing a clown suit and handing out candies to children. Why? Because you are bringing a child some joy and that is a GIFT.

I’m being asked to share this card with you today and a short message from my Beloved Archangel Sandalphon: “We Angels bring you gifts from your Creator. Open your arms to receive.”

Trinity of Blessings

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trinity of blessings archangel michael

The Trinity of Blessings™ is an attunement received from Archangel Michael to help you become aligned with the energy of Divine Love, Peace and Joy. This higher vibrational energy will help you to transform your life as you become more and more comfortable working with this energy.  This vibration and frequency of Love, Peace and Joy exists within the highest part of your Self and as you begin to work with this energy, you become more in alignment with who YOU TRULY ARE ~ A Being of Infinite Wisdom, Possibility and Creativity. When you begin to work with the highest part of your Self, which is your Highest consciousness, you begin to attract miracles and blessings in your life and your life is transformed.

When you receive this attunement from Archangel Michael, you give him permission to appoint these energies to each of your chakras, which will open you to receive this frequency of vibration and the awareness of the amazing gift of manifestation that lies within you. This energy offers the key to unlocking the powers that exist within each and every one of you to manifest your most deepest desire.

There are no distinctions made regarding religious beliefs, it is totally non-denominational. We embrace and promote Unity among all faiths and beliefs whether you are Buddist, Catholic, Wiccan, Jewish, Native American or any Earth-based Spiritual belief…All are welcome to work with these energies!


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