Blue Diamon's blog

Sunday Musings ~ The Illusion of Need

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“Why are we writing about this again?” I asked Michael this morning, and he said “Because, My Love, some people could use a reminder”.

Life in the illusions is difficult, to say the least… The biggest one of the Illusions, is that of ‘Need’. If you haven’t read “Communion with God” by Neale Donald Walsch, then read it if you feel guided to. The entire book is about the 10 Illusions of Man, of which Need is but one. This illusion, I feel, is one of the most debilitating of all, apart from the illusion of Separation. These 10 illusions form the basis of all life experience in the lower dimensions or levels of consciousness. But for now, let’s talk about NEED.

This past week I’ve been suggesting that people read Louise Hay’s book “You can heal your life”. If you haven’t found your answer in the first 10 pages of the book, then perhaps the time is not right for you to find it. That being said, she has much the same philosophy as we do. This is what she says:

“When people come to me with a problem, I don’t care what it is – poor health, lack of money, unfulfilled relationships, or stifled creativity – there is only one thing I ever work on, and that is LOVING THE SELF!” ~ Louise Hay

Know that we are talking about UNCONDITIONAL LOVE here – the kind that is DIVINE, not the human kind. Loving and accepting yourself, UNCONDITIONALLY, is the first step to changing your entire life experience. In fact it is the ONLY step you need ever take. All else follows…

Love truly does create miracles in your life. Love creates change. Love heals. Love opens doors. Love will give you everything you have ever desired. Note we do not say “everything you have ever needed”, because you must remove the illusion of ‘need’ from your consciousness.

Sunday Message ~ Two of the Most Powerful Affirmations for You to use Now

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~Artwork by Charles Caryl Coleman (1840–1928)

The incoming energies are making it clearer for us to see within ourselves what it is that has been holding us back, or rather keeping us in victim mode, and out of balance. Lately with the healing work I am doing I have been receiving affirmations to give to people to overcome their blockages. This past week several blockages that I thought had been cleared have re-surfaced at a deeper level for clearing. The thought occurred to me that we are like wheat being separated from the chaff. The chaff in this sense is the outer layers that we have used in order to hide from our True Selves. What is left once these layers are cleared is our pure Heart of Love.

This is no easy task, as many of you know by now. Transformation is never easy, especially since we are undergoing this transformative process within duality AND with much negativity surrounding us. Sometimes it feels as though we should be giving up! But no, we would not be here unless we were the strongest and most capable of Souls, having taken it upon ourselves to help in this massive task of bringing Light where there was no Light. We answered the call that went out many thousands of years ago because we knew we would prevail. There was never any question about it. Divine Love never fails!

And as we look at the chaff, we may wonder to ourselves how we could ever have been that, or become that, or done that, which is so contrary to the very nature of our Soul, it is best, imperative actually, that you do not blame or judge yourself anymore, as you will only prolong your transformation process.

Sunday Musings ~ Perceptions of My Higher Heart

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Heart-Based living is incredible, astonishing, amazing, extraordinary, mind-blowing, mind boggling, fantastic, and unbelievable at first… But then you will get to a point when it IS believable, and you will realize that Heaven truly can, and does, exist within YOU.

There is no better advice that we can give you than this: – Connect deeply with the Higher Aspect of your Self and work with them in your Sacred Space. This Sacred Space IS YOUR HEART. This is where you can connect with your Beloved  Counterpart and the Higher Aspect of your Self. This IS where you will find your Beloved I AM Presence – and it is ALL WAYS PRESENT in your life!

Your incarnation – your Earthly journey as a grounded Spiritual Being is not meant to be forged [made. created] by you alone. When you work in partnership with your Self as a Sovereign Being, you open the doorway to miracles happening in your life on a daily basis. You will notice that opportunities come your way – new possibilities get presented to you to on a silver platter so to speak. You will begin to realize that you are CO-CREATING your reality here as a Galactic Human in a physical vessel, as was the original plan intended by the Elohim.

When all 13 of your chakras are open and clear you become a beacon that receives and transmits high frequency Light coded energy from the Galactic Center and the Great Central Sun, to the crystalline grid on Planet Earth. Your living experience reflects Light and Love all around and people will begin to notice the difference in you.

A Message From Your Soul: “Never before have you been so loved as you are now!”

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You are so brave, and you are so loved. Right now, right here in this moment, you are loved more than you could ever imagine yourself to BE loved. You are valued and appreciated and honored for your courage and strength.

We wish for you to know that it is safe for you to love your Self and to be loved in return. Your Higher Self and Soul longs for your love. Your body longs for your love, and is nourished by Love. Love is your Soul Food. Love heals, love changes.

There is a saying “Time heals…” It is a saying that people use to comfort themselves, but in reality time does not heal, love does. Time only dulls the ache and the pain and the sadness, but it does not heal the wound.

The message today is guiding you to let go of the judgment you have placed upon yourself. Let go of the feelings of being unworthy, and not good enough. You DO deserve to be loved, and you ARE worthy of BEing loved in return. You always have been. Your earthly sojourn has not changed that. If anything it has been magnified, because never before have you been so loved as you are now!

No matter what you have gone through in your life, no matter what experiences life has shown you, you have always deserved love. Start now, today. Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself “I love you!” Open your heart and FEEL love for yourself. Put your arms around yourself and give yourself a BIG HUG! Go on…. Don’t be shy! Do it, please!

Sunday Musings ~ So Much Love! Go on! Grab hold of it with both hands! What are you waiting for?

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Our hearts expanding continually to hold more love than we have ever before experienced. Sometimes that may feel painful, but it is nothing to be alarmed about. In fact, it is something to be celebrated. Every time you feel tightness in your chest, know that your heart center is expanding to hold more love and light. Take several deep breaths to help the energy flow through. Pamper and nurture yourself! Take a luxurious hot bath with lavender oil and sea salt. Go for a walk in nature if you can. Listen to music. Play an instrument if you can. Dance. You have no idea what is going on inside of you or the full extent of what you are accomplishing here as a Warrior of the Light. You may feel as though you’re doing nothing, but know your Higher Self is working with you and through you non-stop! The more time you spend within your Heart /Higher Self / Soul, the easier the transition becomes.

Everyone is going through various stages of releasing right now. Don’t let your ego and your fears prevent you from facing these negative emotions. Do whatever it takes to keep your vibration high and stay positive. Watch happy movies. Watch sad movies. There is nothing wrong with crying. It releases sadness which is a positive thing. All of us have come here with our fair share of negative emotion within our karmic imprint. It doesn’t matter what you’re releasing or for who. We are all One! What matters is that you don’t hold onto it and take ownership of it. It is surfacing to be released. Nothing more. Don’t make an issue out of it and don’t try to analyze it. That is what your ego does.

The Dying of the Ego and Rebirth of the Soul Self

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Image – Pheonix Queen (

I have to say that Kaypatcha’s Pele report spoke to me at a very deep level just now as I watched him, and it resonates, especially the story he tells of Venus going into the underworld over the next 60 days and releasing ALL, dying actually, which I’m getting is a metaphor for the dying of the Ego Self and then there’s the re-emergence of YOU as Spirit, a SOUL, a re-birthing of your Soul SELF. Similar to the Golden Phoenix rising from the ashes, reborn again. Only this time, you are re-BORN into eternal life! No more death. No more physicality!

This is what we can expect for our own Spiritual growth and transcendence over the next 60 day period. I was told yesterday by my Higher Soul/Self that I am entering a period known as The Dark Night of the Soul. So Kaypatcha’s report is a confirmation of this. The Dark Night can be any over any period of time. It depends on how long it takes you to let go and RELEASE, or move BEyond that which is the physical YOU. It is a moving BEyond the explainable, into the unexplained, where the logic cannot go. Everything is frequency, so the ‘letting go’ and ‘releasing’, is just moving into a higher frequency of consciousness.

IN-Lightenment: Looking through the eyes of your Soul, what do you see?

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Image by Greenberg: “Sand grains from around the world are mixed together like a pouch full of gems. The sand grains are from Maui, Hawaii, Japan, California, Ireland, Bermuda, and Minnesota.”

I was meant to write this blog yesterday but I never got around to it. I guess I’m reluctant to be on my laptop 7 days a week ….. There is something to be said for resting for at least one day a week, and there is good reason for that. It’s to help us gain perspective in our lives; it helps us focus on what is really important and that is SOUL.

On Saturday afternoon I was sitting on my usual spot on the roof after having enjoyed a leisurely lunch, and I gazed up at the sky and noticed the wispy 5D clouds.

“Those are 5D clouds” I told Michael.

“What makes you say that?” he asked.

“Because they are wispy and carefree, and they look peaceful and loving, not angry like storm clouds.”

He smiled and said, “When you look at them you see peace and love?”

“Yes I do” I replied.

“Look around you now. Do you see struggle or do you see peace and love?” He asks.

“I feel peace and love within me, but I’m not sure I see it around me.” I answer.

“Look at the trees. Do you see love manifested?” He asks me.

“Actually, I do” I reply.

“And look at the birds. Do you see love manifested?” He asks.

“I do. But how do you not see the 3D struggle also?” I ask him.

“It’s all a matter of perspective or perception. What do you choose to focus on? The struggle or the love? Your human eyes will see the struggle, but if you look through the eyes of your Soul you will only see love and peace.” He tells me.

IN-Lightenment: How to form a deeper connection to your Higher Self

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The time has come for many to form a deeper connection to their Higher Self. There are various reasons for this, one of them being that the energy is stronger now and a deeper connection is necessary to help with the integration of the incoming energy to enable you to feel more in balance. If you don’t integrate the energy, you may feel you are going crazy.

The high Heart, or Sacred Heart, acts as a portal to your Higher Self. It is the passageway or gateway that connects your [lower] consciousness with your higher consciousness which is known as your Higher Self. Whichever way you choose to view this part of yourself is up to you. Call it God too if you like. We don’t like labels because as Beings of Light, we are infinite and therefore cannot be defined by a word.

We have said many times that you will find everything you need within you – and the meaning of these words has been misunderstood by some, but we mean this quite literally. Within your high Heart chakra or energy center / vortex, you will find the gateway to your True Self. That’s it. Nowhere else. You have also heard that the Heart is the center of the New Reality and New Earth, and it is. We are in a sense moving out of our minds, and our false sense of self which is the ego, and into our hearts.

For some being in their heart center is achieved through meditation, for others it may be through music, art or working with animals. For some it may be through baking a cake. Generally doing whatever brings you joy is connecting you with your Heart chakra because you are BE-ing love by doing what brings you your greatest joy. And there is nothing wrong with that! Continue please, do what you love because nothing brings Spirit more joy than YOU experiencing joy! Love and Joy is food to the Soul.

Is there dark energy out there? Do demons exist?

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A couple years ago I was a victim of my ego mind / lower consciousness and I believed that I was being attacked by dark energy and by demons. I later realized it was my ego that was the ‘voice in my head’ I was hearing trying to goad me into believing I was hearing Archangel Michael. I have since learned through Archangel Michael that dark is only the absence of light and therefore there are no demons and dark beings on this planet that can cause anyone harm. I also know now that all the communication I receive from Archangel Michael is always loving and will never feed any fear. The sword Michael carries is the Sword of Truth, and not in any way a weapon used for destructive purposes.

Each and every soul incarnated here is under the guardianship and protection of his or her Higher Self, and as such no harm can come from any thing or any source. The only time harm can come to anyone is if they allow their mind to tell them they are vulnerable and open to psychic attack or other forms of harm. Fear lowers the vibration and makes it difficult for Spirit to make a clear connection with us. Fear also attracts other lower thought forms and negative energy which can snowball the effect and make matters seem much worse than they are.

The truth is the Love is all there is, and Love is the true nature of our be-ing. The Love of which I speak is Divine Love, the Love of our Creator. Peace comes from knowing only Love is real, and all else is illusion.

The Violet Flame is a wonderful tool given to us to help clear the negative energy in the collective consciousness of mankind. This tool can be used by anyone and at any time, and there is no special invocation needed. Purely your intent. Intention is everything.

My ‘Double Whammy’ Crystal and Reiki Healing Experience

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Yesterday I had the great pleasure of experiencing a ‘double whammy’ healing which I am going to share with you. My friend Mary Gates, a crystal healing therapist, and I, offered each other a healing. She offered to do her crystal grid healing for me and in return I offered her Reiki. So yesterday we got together on Skype, she at her home in California, and me at my home in Mexico City. We just so happened to be both feeling a little in need of a healing so the timing was perfect. I’d never had the crystal grid healing before and it has been a long time since she has experienced a Reiki healing!

Mary placed crystal cards beneath the cut-out of my body on her bed; then on top of my body she placed unpolished crystals. The cards and crystals are placed above and below you in strategic positions where the energy meridians flow, so you are being ‘sandwiched’ in between their wonderful energy!

I chose to lie down during the healing and immediately I started to feel the energy working in my lower back, and I felt warmth spreading up my spine. After about 5 minutes I realized I could call in the Reiki energy for her at the same time. I heard a YES from the Masters! So since her bed was covered in crystals she decided that she would just get comfortable in her chair. I called in the Reiki energy and the two of us were literally blown away by the energy that came in. She asked me if I’d called Jesus and I said “No, but he’s here!” It’s amazing who will join in on a healing session. Our Soul Family are so eager to help and any opportunity we give them to help us is eagerly and gratefully accepted!


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