lemme howdt's blog

Guru to the Mountaintop

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The energetic of life exist to those of us who accept love as the solution to the challenges that we face in the ever circuitous 3-D whirled.  To escape the panic - this empath has migrated his being to the Toketee Hot Springs - for peace and grounding.  As a Speaker of Gaia, i can listen to the sounds of nature in the vacuum of the aether and interpret how we can simultaneous contain the energy of 5D and the reality of 3D - the common delusional illusion.  Rather than stay at 60Hz - lemme is headed to soak, heal and edit a book on sacred geometry and the weigh.  We will work with circles and squares - i hope to learn well enough to teach.

The current plan is to migrate to the GFP love on Mt Shasta party on July 25 - to join Rain and Kai and Filo and Ken and Des and of course - Willow, Will and MotherGod as we all fly with FatherGod through the day out of time - the 26th : which may turn out to be the day that we expected.  Love wins and we celebrate by rolling up our sleeves and bringing conscious 5D to life, in love.  I plan to radiate and broadcast by telepathy - all of Gaia shall resonate with our song - the song of love.

love  lemme

10:54 SuperMoon

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It is the time of the closest moon visit for a long time.  Resonate in the love as we flash through 5D and allow ourselves to envelop love in the moment.  We have 18 people in the tinychat room and the energy is enough to enhance all life - be in the moment (we love you)


Nature @ Toketee

lemme howdt's picture

All of a sudden, time and space parted and i found myself with the time and the resources to go to the mountain.  The sacred space of Toketee Hot Springs has been a stable source of security throughout my 3-D life - in this time of change - i packed and went.

Being out in nature allows one to let down the guard - to resonate with the earth as opposed to the pitched battle of disillusion.  The series of seven tubs with descending temperatures, is only the most salient feature of a place i call home.

Join me there, now. The hike on the far side leads past a rushing ice cold stream of snow-melt - a place to fill the canteen with something not owned by Nestle by much more nutritious.  Water is the source of life and no chemicals or preservatives can 'improve' the quality of fast running aerated freshness in a wilderness.  Falling water through algae and plants decorate the walls of the walk and the rocks are stacked in a form that suggests giants abode, or sasquai.

The campsite 'home' is across the river from the pools _ we are offered a mushroom - click, zap - the North Umpqua River is flowing way too fast to fjord today - in slower times - we can visit the salt-ites that really rock under the rock.  I pass another waterfall and head to the blue pool - an ice cold bath of flowing fury and a quiet place of artist conch of all sizes.


lemme howdt's picture

The new site rocks - thank you for bringing us up to speed again.  The cosmos is high and the chat flows - love resonates and we will be home for the solstice holiday.  Blessings of love to all.


Science and Spirituality: Chat Room tomorrow at 9:00 am PST

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Tomorrow morning, thursday equinox 3/21/13 - Dr. Lenny Thyme - lemme's alter ego - will be conducting a formal group discussion on science and spirituallity in the tinychatroom at http://tinychat.com/soundofheart  .


The discussion will take place from a 3D science perspective - attempting to figure out what we can believe and what we really do not know.  The borders of consciousness are found in molecular water - as above, so below holds according to the Fibonacci sequence. (note the date contains three fibonacci numbers)


The idea is to bring science to everybody's understanding level.  This is an experiment - lemme doesn't want to lose people, but there are things we think we know that we have no idea aren't real.   There are many topics in science - Dr. Lenny Thyme is a PhD chemist/philosopher and shares his blog with lemme - who is a poet and a bard.  We hope to have fun - no topic is off limits, although some will be postponed to a later date.


We are going to figure out a common form of 5-D that people can grok.  Namaste'


Disclosure: We are Stardust

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   The current 3D whirled exists as an early fractal of a former reality. As another star date has passed, we come to the next interface of 3D vs 5D. Tuesday demonstrated to me that complete faith based on love allows the 'impossible' to happen without a doubt. The van got there by will power alone, the designated timeline providing a deja-vu moment set in last fall.

    Since the van issues was not the first time dealing with the same bad wheel bearing, I feel that perhaps the watchers panicked and are attempting to pull old tricks out of their hat - grasping at straws. There is a possibility that the resources are evaporating, such that operations directed at the worrisome must be bagged in the short term. Just because i am paranoid, does not mean that they're not after me. If I didn't take notice on some other non-viable timelines, then i am now more concentrated in my being here, now and can advance forward into the next fractal.

    The ability to function without external constraint is a learned function. Animals can sense the change - they work with me when i need them. They also tease me mercilessly when I don't quite grok their language. Dogs need to have a regular schedule, whereas cats wish to eat and sleep with comfort. The dogs tend to anticipate our thinking, while cats can sense how we feel. It seems as though the dogs only chase the cats for show effect, especially when they live together. Cats have a wider field of perception which seems to see our energetics - perhaps by the light emitting from our chakras.

Water of Love

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Good Day and Love to All -

   The energy rising within us seeks an outlet in the rational mind - finds solace in the loving heart.  Science and Spirituality connect together in the form of consciousness - our water enables us to achieve a state of balance - based on distribution of energy via the alignment of the water molecules.  Once intent is introduced, our water can connect to water everywhere and introduce an outcome that creates our 5D world.

   Water is one of those substances that we know all about, and yet know very little about.  3D science has some very concrete rules for how water works and how it doesn't work - these rules are not anything that the water molecules pay any attention to - they just vibrate when they feel the love in our heart.

   Water is the universal solvent - it dissolves salts and carries blood though our bodies.  Water molecules align with each other to form networks of communication, to instantly transfer thought to action.  The waters of biochemistry are individual molecules that are connected to proteins and enzymes, and yet disconnected from the bulk of solvent water;  they take shape by holding on to oxygen and nitrogen atoms by strong polar interaction.  Once in place, a bio-water molecule merges into the ultimate being.  Water is a fractal form of life itself, on every scale.


lemme howdt's picture

   The energy of twelve, twelve, twelve provides a source to exciting our vibrational frequencies.  The formation of the isotropic vector matrix will take place during the coming year, the model systems will have either silica or salt lattice.  The idea is to segregate different energies by using crystalline minerals to vibrate light at a certain color frequency.  The emissions will create a color spectrum that enables access to free flow of electrons - unlimited source energy.  The vector matrix will have a specific polarity - our model with magnets has demonstrated some entertaining features.

   We currently are using a grid of 64 - this appears to be the size of the unit cell, although a grid of 16 may manifest if we get our symmetry rules correct.  The idea of creating a translucent salt window and then irradiating in the infrared spectral region could have implications in a number of resource extraction fields - with energy generation becoming a cascade effort.

   More as time transcribes our course...

A Return to Home

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  Wednesday began in Durango with a car ride to Gallup that took about 6 hours.  I was at the station with cash to buy a ticket - no amtrak at the `gallup station - you can only buy the ticket on-line.  Scrambled about to find a credit card - i have no plastic and do not play that game of bits with bankster - and found a payment by a friend who had owed for prior work done.  Booked a 'verification' number and had 5 hours to wander the old southwest.  Wish i had room in the fully stuffed pack for gifts - absolutely nothing fragile.

  The long trainride began at 7:00 pm, as a lightworker, i made everything perfect.  The southwest chief would land me in Los Angeles at 8 am yesterday - Thursday as it ran overnight through Arizona and California - places i had never seen.  The shake rattle and roll kept me awake overnight - my mind filled with love and good will while occupied by thoughts of the excitement of the coming times - next week the portal opens and in two weeks - ascention.  Much light work to do.

   LAX train station was filled with sherriffs, beiing present to counter terrorists.  I had to laugh at the suits - brown camo to blend in with the train station crowd.  i smiled and had convesations with all shapes and types of people - a fun lawyer for the people, a lady trying to get home with non-functional bankster plastic.  Breath, and things can change.

   By 10 am i was headed up the coast - my first glimpse of southern California - oil derricks that look like ships on the horizon and waves beating upon shore.  A long-winded blowhard expounded nonsense and controlled the conversation - i sent him love and shut him down - we can only handle the gloom-doom talk for so long - he is frozen in the old paradigm of fear and fear and ego and fear.  We gave up on that - love wins.

Our LOSS is our gain

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     The Organization for the Advancement of Knowledge and the Oregon Natural Resources Research Institute announce the formation of the League of OAK Solution Scientists - LOSS.  The purpose of the League is to form an alliance to ask the pertinent questions that are not being asked.  I can think of at least a dozen questions that relate to the trashing of the planet and the lack of intention to clean up the mess.  What other species fouls their nest, then lies down and rolls in it?
     LOSS will collect scientists that are ready to answer some tough questions about life, the universe and everything.  LOSS will circulate a petition that addresses the lack of concern about exposed spent nuclear reactor rods, which have the potential to create Plutonium.  LOSS will ask the questions about geo-engineering - the idea that we can battle the sun by poisoning ourselves for Monstrosity profit.  LOSS will question the progress of removing oil from the open gash at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.


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