natural foods

5 Facts About Farm-Raised Fish You Should Know

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 02/05/2014

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Farm-raised fish is less expensive and more widely available than wild-caught. But if cheap and easy to find are our only qualifications for making it into the shopping cart, we are likely loaded up with highly processed convenience foods. Just as you do when you opt for fresh produce over canned, you need to analyze seafood for nutritional qualities and risks, making the best choice for your health not just your wallet.


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Seed diversity has collapsed more than 12-fold since early 1900s

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Natural News, By: Jonatha Benson, 12/08/2013

Known today as the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP), the laboratory collected seed data on 10 common produce items: beets, cabbages, sweet corn, lettuces, muskmelons, peas, radishes, squashes, tomatoes and cucumbers. NCGRP compared the availability of seeds for each of these items in 1903 to their availability in 1983, which was still long before the time genetically modified organisms (GMOs) hit the scene.


Based on the data, seed stocks have shrunk dramatically over the course of the past century, with many heirloom varieties of produce disappearing from the commercial seed supply. According to National Geographic, which recently put out an "infographic" illustrating this decline in seed diversity, many heirloom varieties of common fruits and vegetables that were cultivated by generations before us have gone completely extinct. "As we've come to depend on a handful of commercial varieties of fruits and vegetables, thousands of heirloom varieties have disappeared," explains National Geographic. "It's hard to know exactly how many have been lost over the past century."


5 Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 11/16/2013

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How do you care for your teeth? Hopefully, at the very least, you keep them clean through brushing and flossing daily. Cleaning them can help get rid of food particles that pairs with bacteria to cause plaque and eventually decay. But brushing and flossing isn’t all you should be doing. What you eat can have a major impact on your dental health too. In fact, there are foods that can help promote healthy teeth and gums.


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7 Health-Boosting Root Vegetables to Add to Your Diet TODAY

Silver's picture, By: Christina Sarich, 10/25/2013

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Vegetables grown in quality soil are not only great for boosting health, they are one of the easiest foods to garden yourself. You can even grow some of these by simply throwing some old food in a pot and infrequently adding water. Each root vegetable is a super food of its own right, offering a host of vitamins, trace minerals, and important disease-preventing benefits.


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Goji Berries – Health Benefits of a Protein-Packed Superfruit

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By: Christina Sarich, 09/28/2013

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Most fruit, like apples, pears, bananas, oranges, etc. are wonderfully healthy foods, but we would never turn to them as a source of protein. All fruits have trace amounts of protein – a cup of apples will provide 1 gram and a cup of raisins will provide 5 grams (according to the USDA). Vegetables are similar – a cup of carrots, onions, or tomatoes will yield about 1 gram of protein as well. But one fruit, grown high in the Himalayan foothills, contains numerous trace minerals, vitamins, and is considered a great source of vegetarian protein – Goji berries. Just one cup of Goji berries, also called wolfberries, or Lycium barbarum, contain up to 12 grams of protein!


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4 Healthy Secrets of Avocados

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By: Elizabeth Renter, 09/27/2013

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Avocados have been called the perfect food by some, and this title doesn’t come simply from its role as the primary ingredient in guacamole. They are one of the sexiest vegetables out there. Correction, they are one of the sexiest fruits. Actually, avocados are a bit of everything; they are actually berries in disguise. But no matter how you label the…food, avocados still offer a wealth of benefits.


The health benefits of avocados are many. One recent study published in Nutrition Journal found that people who eat avocados are more likely to have lower body weight, lower waist circumference, and lower BMI than their avocado-abstaining counterparts. Researchers also found that those who eat avocados have higher good cholesterol levels, a lower intake of sugars, and a better diet overall.


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The Power of Leafy Greens – 5 Green Nutritional Heroes

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By: Christina Sarich, 09/27/2013

spinach greens 263x164 The Power of Leafy Greens – 5 Green Nutritional Heroes

Leafy greens are some of the most important super foods we can put into our bodies. The nutritional content of leafy greens are like adding the power of Iron Man, Super Man and Wonder Woman all into one. When we fortify our bodies with the power-packed nutrition in greens, we can enjoy elevated energy levels (just like a super hero), a quicker mind, and most importantly, protection against disease. Greens do everything from mitigate cancer cells to keep us from dying of a heart attack. In fact, ‘the optimal Primal plate is overflowing with mineral-and-antioxidant-rich plant matter.’


Leafy greens can be eaten from so many different types of vegetables and plants. When you make sure they are organic and not GMO, they will sustain your body and mind in incredibly surprising ways.


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5 Uses for Spent Coffee Grounds

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By Dr. Edward F. Group, 09/24/2013

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Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. It’s grown in over 70 countries and amounts to over 16 billion pounds of beans every year. That’s a lot of beans… and when they’re only used once and thrown away, it also amounts to a huge amount of waste.


If you drink a lot of coffee or have worked in a coffee house, you have probably looked at the massive amount of coffee grounds being thrown away after one use and wondered, “isn’t there something these can be used for?” You’re not alone, researchers all over the world have wondered the same thing and explored the issue. The good news — spent coffee grounds DO have value! What potential uses for used coffee grounds have been found?


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FDA Food Safety Rules Threaten to Crush the Good Food Movement

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By:, 09/19/2013

After years of deliberation in Congress, interagency meetings, lobbyist activity, and a never-ending stream of food poisoning outbreaks, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is finally poised to implement the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).


However, according to a just released white paper by The Cornucopia Institute, the FDA’s draft rules are so off the mark that they might economically crush the country’s safest farmers while ignoring the root threats to human health:  manure contaminated with deadly infectious pathogens generated on “factory” livestock farms and high-risk produce-processing practices.


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How to Make All Natural Vitamin Water

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Prevent, By: Natasha Longo, 09/23/2013


Although health experts have publicly questioned the bogus claims of Vitamin Water for years, people mysteriously continue to pay good money for what is essentially sugary, flavored and colored water. The vitamins added are also the most synthetic and poorly absorbed. So why buy this poison instead of making your own natural and healthy version with real nutrients from living foods?


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