Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 2, 2016

There is a calm that comes from accepting that the universe is always conspiring to help you. Your faith and trust allow you to finally move out of doubt and worry, into a willingness to be led. Faith and trust, along with acceptance and allowing, work together to build the foundation of balance, patience and peace, which great and glorious change can be built upon. So trust, Dear Ones, with your whole hearts and highest intentions and let the unconditional love of Source, which is the flow, lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 1, 2016

So many of you dear, tender humans carry such shame and sadness for your perceived failures. You see every event where you are less than your idea perfect as a sign of your lack of divinity. This is such faulty thinking!

You see, there is never a time when you are not divine! You are all individuated aspects of Source energy. This would amount to a tree refusing to absorb water and sunlight and withering away because it thought it was not a tree.

The goodness you seek is always inside you. It has never not been there. As soon as you take a moment to still yourself and delve deep within your precious heart, you will find the very thing you have been seeking all along. Once you embrace that and allow it to lead the way, you will finally be able to experience yourself in your truth and brilliance, as you gloriously find your way home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 29, 2016

So many of you feel like you have to present yourself as different than you really are to gain the respect and approval of others. This can be a very separating experience, as it does not allow people to connect with the true essence of you. When you are attempting to be someone other than who you really are, even your successes will feel hollow because they are not based on your authenticity. This will result in you feeling less present and less engaged in your own life.

There is nothing more beautiful, more glorious, than you expressing yourself in your truth and your own divinity! The unique energy and preferences you were born with are there to be your loving contribution to the world. As you accept this and step out into the light, unabashedly, in your divine perfection, you will finally be allowing the energies in that celebrate and embrace you in your truth. From there you will always be on the sweet spot of your path, finding yourself in the right time/right place situations, creating a real and deep connection with others and yourself. And that, Dear Ones, is when your path will get incredibly interesting and satisfying, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 28, 2016

Acceptance is the most powerful tool you have to move beyond judgment and resistance. It is the divine calm that allows you to be fully present in the magic of the Now. It is the foundation of patience, of peace, and of unconditional love. It is demonstrating your complete faith and trust in the universe, in your guides, and in your own highest self to deliver exactly what you need. More than that, through its gift of balance and presence, it allows you to become a safe person for others, an energetic anchor in the storm. It is a great gift! We encourage you to embrace this element as a vital resource for your day to day comfort and satisfaction as you learn to navigate your life expressions in a far more empowered way. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 27, 2016

Many of you have vivid dreams that you would like to interpret. Did you know that you can simply enter into meditation and ask your guides, angels or masters to show you what the dream was trying to bring into your awareness? This is an excellent method to discern the exact meaning specific to you. You may hear what you need to know, you may see the meaning play out, you may feel or simply have a sense of knowingness, or you may receive the answer you seek later in the day, but the answers will always come. It is yet another way your guides and helpers are available to serve and support you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 26, 2016

Dear Ones, know you are creating one Now moment at a time. In accelerated energies, everything is in a state of flux. What brought you comfort one day, might not the next. What helped you align one day, might not the next. What your body craved one day, it might not want at all the next. This is all normal and indicative of the vast changes that are happening, both internally and externally.

While we understand this may seem frustrating to you, we would like you to realize this is a tangible sign of change and progress. It is proof you are profoundly shifting, often as rapidly as day to day!

This also encourages you to lead yourself intuitively and by your heart. It keeps you present and aware, choosing what supports you in any given moment. This is helping you learn mastery with the flow and how to move willingly with a shifting planet. How wonderful that you have reached this stage of moment to moment, conscious co-creation with the universe! ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 25, 2016

So many of you wish for movement when you are experiencing a lull. You can make yourselves quite uncomfortable by resisting the gift of that phase, by starting to judge it or making it wrong. Many others while in an action phase start to feel overwhelmed and yearn for the lull.

Dear Ones, you always have the supports you need. Each stage serves a purpose and is there to serve you. By fully embracing the gifts of either period you will be allowing the universe to beautifully provide for you and you can joyfully experience the best of both worlds.

So enjoy lulls periods as tiny vacations for the soul – opportunities for self care, rest, and reflection. Enjoy the waves of movement during an action phase, knowing the energies are supporting you to accomplish a great deal. Know that your guides, helpers, and highest self are always there to help you get the most out of both and appreciate the unique benefits of each stage. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 24, 2016

As you move forward in these ever evolving energies, you will start to see more and more clearly that attempts to practice conditional love, control, judgment, and making decisions from head are less and less supported, and the energies of unconditional love, flow, acceptance and making decisions from the heart are giving relief and results like never before. This has become more obvious to remind you, time and again if necessary, that the old ways and habits simply don’t work any more, and it is time to transition into a more empowered, heart-centred way of doing things.

It is much like when an operating system on your computer that no longer has support. Even though it is what many of you know and have become very comfortable with, it is only a matter of time until it becomes too difficult to use and it is time to transition into the newer way of doing things. You can embrace the new system right away or you can choose to drag your feet until the frustration of using a system with no support becomes too much and you decide to finally embrace the newest version. With any new operating system, there is always a bit of a learning curve, but before you know it, you will become comfortable with it and see how it truly is an improvement over the old way.

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 22, 2016

Many of you fear the judgment of others. This is based on the old conditional love model, and the fear that if you do not please others you will be rejected.

Here is what we would like you to remember. You are the expert of your own unique incarnation, and only you can make decisions based on what you are on the planet to learn and experience. As the only expert on you, others are simply not qualified to judge you as they lack the information and vantage point to see the big picture of what your soul’s agenda is this time around.

If another was evolved enough to see such details, they would know there is no right or wrong, only experiences, and that all movement is forward movement, regardless of the result. Do you see? Once a person had all the information necessary to judge you, they would never choose that as an option, as they would be operating from a place of acceptance, encouragement, and love. If another is judging, by that very action, it automatically demonstrates their lack of ability to see you in your truth.

People will give you advice based on what would be right for them and their own unique path. Thank them for their love and caring, consider what they present, but always make decisions based on your own innate knowingness and wisdom. Forging your own unique path is your sacred mission and always what your soul is seeking to do. ~Archangel Gabriel


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