Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 1, 2016

If you are reactive on any given day, it is simply an indicator that there is a part of you that is looking for your own, tender, self care. It does not make you a bad, or non-spiritual person. It does however, show that you are out of balance. Your reactivity is merely a cry from self to self for love, support and balance. The more you make that a priority, the more you will be able to consistently treat people in the way that is your preference – with love, patience, and acceptance. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 31, 2016

Dear Ones, the act of co-creation can be seen as a relay between you and the universe. You take the baton when the energies are supporting physical progress. The universe has the baton when the energies are supporting behind the scenes progress. If you can look at it in this way, you will see there is always forward movement happening. Don’t let your doubt make you drop out of the event right before you are about to round the bend and see the finish line. The beautiful thing about the universal relay is that you can win no matter what speed you go and there are an infinite number of relays you can participate in. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 30, 2016

Dear Ones, if you are looking for deep, constant, unconditional love, we must ask you, do you love unconditionally? Are you consistent with your love, or are you still using a conditional love model in your relationships, doling out love for good behaviour?

Are you consistently loving to yourself? Are you listening to and honouring your own heart, or trying to force your relationships into what society says they should be? Are you allowing your love the time and space it needs to grow and thrive, watering and tending it like a sapling?

As you are evolving from conditional to unconditional love it is important to let go of the old templates and to pioneer your love relationships into something that truly matches who you really are and how you wish to express yourself. Again, the fastest way to make any change you seek is to apply to self, to be the change, and allow that new preference to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday January 28, 2016

If you are finding yourself in an uncomfortable place, ask yourself what you are being resistant to. Discomfort is always due to resistance of one sort or another. Once you discover what you are being resistant to, ask yourself, “What if this is divinely perfect, just as it is? What if there is purpose to this situation, even if I can’t see what it is right now?” If you really feel into those questions you should find an immediate easing of your discomfort. Acceptance is the anti-dote to resistance, Dear Ones, and if you can remember there is purpose to everything you experience, you will come to accept the “is-ness” of any situation, and be able to move with life’s ebbs and flows much easier. Simply put, acceptance is faith in action. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 27, 2016

Movement and lulls are part of the process of progress. One is not more right than the other, as both hold very specific gifts for you. It is you that assigns your perception of right or wrong from your limited vantage point. The second you make anything wrong, you enter into resistance, which will only stall your progress and make you feel more uncomfortable.

Most people do better with movement than lulls because in a movement phase progress is tangible. But the movement phase cannot occur without the lull. You see, during the times of quiet there are energetic shifts that occur that are necessary for the next phase. The lull is what prepares you for action! If you become resistant during this phase it becomes much more difficult for you to integrate the energies that are essential for the next round of movement. You cannot resist and accept at the same time.

Dear Ones, allow us to reassure you that nothing is ever wrong! There is always, always purpose to everything you experience. The way to find greater comfort and satisfaction is to fully embrace whatever energies are presenting. The act of complete and total acceptance allows you to fully harness the gifts of any stage and to move with the flow willingly and beautifully. The universe is always conspiring to help you and giving you just what you need. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 26, 2016

A helpful tip if you are looking to have more profound experiences through meditation – use something to cover your eyes. The act of covering the physical eyes (it doesn’t matter what you use but preferably something you do not need to hold in place) sends a clear message to the brain that it is necessary to start looking another way, with your psychic sight. Covering the eyes, especially with something that adds a comfortable weight like a rolled up towel, can also deepen your experience of relaxation. We suggest you give it a try, you might be surprised at how such a simple thing can add to your meditation practice. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday January 25, 2016

We speak about anchoring an energy into your energetics in order to experience more of it. It can be difficult for you to fully understand what that means. Let us give it to you in a way that will help you make sense of it.

Think of an area of your life where you really thrive, where you experience something as a constant. As an example, we will use having running water in your home. You expect that you will simply go to the tap and turn it on and have water. You do not wake up every day powerlessly wondering if you will have water. You do not wonder how to think about water so that you will create it. You simply have it. Even if something happens that you temporarily do not have water, your expectation is that you will have it again soon. It is simply a fact of life to you that is anchored into your experience.

There are parts of your life that are never an issue for you. Feel the matter of fact way you view those areas. Then compare the way you feel about that topic to another area in your life that you find more problematic. Do you see? Can you feel the difference? Once you can really see how different the thriving area feels to the more challenging area, you can know what to aim for.

Start to play with the energy of what you wish to create more of. What can you do to start to anchor in that energy? It could be through visualization, imagination, meditation, and choosing to immerse yourself in all things that represent the energy of what you desire. It could be any way that helps you energetically claim what is desired in an empowered way.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 24, 2016

Dear Ones, when we encourage you to practice self love, what we are really asking is that you treat yourself with the same loving care and consideration you give others. It is not about separating yourself, or making yourself more important, or taking away from others. It is simply, finally, including yourself in the love you share. That makes balance, inclusion, and love consistent parts of your life expression, allowing you to create from a far more stable foundation. Isn’t it time to honour and love yourself as beautifully and naturally as you do others? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 23, 2016

Do you play tug-of-war with what you wish to release? Do you intend to let something go and then take it back through habit and focus, only to keep it active in your energetics? Dear Ones, when you release really let it go! Feel it moving far away from you, well out of the furthest reaches of your energy field.

When you become aware of something that is trying to leave, there is no need to analyze it, simply wave goodbye to it on its way by. If you have trouble with that concept, you might try giving it up, meaning surrendering it to whichever guide or helper you feel comfortable working with. The idea is to feel it truly leave you and to let it stay gone. Once it has left, there is no need to look around for more stuff to let go of. If there is more, it will come up naturally when the time is perfect for it to leave, too.

You are continuous energetic sorters, shifting and evolving all of the time. Just as you let go of clothes that are out of style or no longer fit, let go of energies that are not your match any longer. Just as you don’t donate things and then run to the charity to buy them back the next day, it is perfectly ok for you to simply let them be gone, knowing they have finished serving their purpose for you. ~Archangel Gabriel


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