Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 21, 2016

Dear Ones, when the energies begin to shift for you, embrace that flow. There may be several steps between where you are now and your desired result. Great change is created one step at a time, one Now moment at a time. Sometimes these small increments are required to move you into full alignment with the life of your dreams. Trust, and know that each step forward allows you to see just a little further, giving you more details and necessary elements for the divine unfoldment of your next great creation. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 20, 2016

Dear Ones, the times they are a-changing, and you are discovering this more and more on your planet. Things that were once energetically supported are very obviously no longer receiving that support.

This will be affecting every area of your life, your health, your self care, your pastimes, your ways of interacting with others (and yourself), and above all, your close personal relationships, as the templates shift from conditional to unconditional love. This is why we suggest to treat every day like a clean slate, and to follow your innate knowingness. What worked one day may not work another, but you will always find the perfect approach if you follow your heart and intuition.

You are energetic pioneers, and, as such, will discover many new ways of doing things. You will let old templates go and create new ones that match your evolution and intention. This is an exciting and glorious stage on your planet, and an era of great discovery as you forge ahead in these unprecedented times. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 19, 2016

Dear Ones, during such times of intensity it can be helpful to remember that you cannot get it wrong. You are part of a process that is highly intelligent and forward moving. You will not “miss the boat” if you don’t get a certain attunement or if you aren’t perfect. Your body knows exactly what it is doing, as does your planet and the entire universe.

So rest easy. Feel free to try things, to experience, and know if something is not a match to you, you can simply try again. Know that all movement is ultimately forward movement. Be willing to treat each day as a clean slate and allow yourself to be intuitively led by your innate knowingness.

Above all, know your beingness is more than enough. The fact that you are all shifting so rapidly is proof that you are well on your way and you are doing a much more masterful job with it all than you realize. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 18, 2016

A surrendered human being is not only using and flowing with the energies to get their highest results in the most efficient way possible, they are also available to be navigated to the perfect time and place to assist others, to be of their highest service, as well. Through surrender and flow, your prayers become answered, and you become the answer to a prayer. What an amazing system of support and supporting, of love and loving, and you are an integral part of it all through your willingness to move and be moved. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 17, 2016

If you have ever had a sliver in your finger that you could not get out, you know that if you leave it be, your body will push it to the surface so it can be removed once and for all. You would not see it there and shriek, “Ack, a sliver! I don’t want to see that!” and push it back down, would you? Nor would you worriedly check your entire body for slivers every day. You would simply accept that your body knew exactly what it was doing, you would give it whatever support it needed when the sliver was ready to be expelled, and you would carry on.

It is the same with your old wounds and emotions that no longer serve you. Your body knows exactly what it is doing, and will push anything that doesn’t belong up into your awareness so you can release it. You might need to stop and give yourself a little extra tender care when it is time for the release, but other than that you can count on the fact that it is an incredibly intelligent and efficient system, always designed for your wellness and evolution.

So trust, Dear Ones. Allow what is no longer comfortable in your body to leave with relief. Know that you have everything you need and you are being guided and supported in all ways, as you continue to energetically refine and evolve. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 16, 2016

Dear Ones, if you could simply commit to focusing on the rightness of your reality, rather than the wrongness, you would immediately start to move into a deeper satisfaction with your life expression than you have ever experienced before. Isn’t it time to stop waving the flag of what your perceive is wrong and start celebrating what is oh, so right? Isn’t that what you would like to pave the pathways to all your tomorrows with? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 15, 2016

Dear Ones, if you run into a situation that the energies are very obviously not supporting, it is simply a means of redirection for you. It does not mean that you cannot effectively create, or that the universe is out to get you, or any of the other things you can reactively tell yourselves. It just means that you cannot get to your desired goal that way.

Let us give you an analogy that will make this very easy to understand. If you were in a maze, trying to get to the surprise at the end of it, you would not fall into despair the first dead end you experienced. You would not stand there and continue to push against a wall that would not budge. You would not crumple to the ground in despair. You would simply realize that was not the way to get to what you desired and you would redirect and keep moving. While it may have been momentarily frustrating, you realize it was not personal at all, and through the realization that was not the right way, you can then move in a direction that will support your desired end result.

You could make your life experience so much easier by adopting this approach! Your highest self, your guides, the entire universe, are all helping you get where you wish to be by lovingly not offering support to what cannot get you there. If you understand that, you can start to have fun, to enjoy the unfoldment, knowing each time you are turned around you are pointed in the right direction of the next phase of your journey, and embrace the divine perfection of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 14, 2016

Dear Ones, we wish to remind you that you ARE love. You came from love, and you are a divine expression of that love. There is never a time that you are not a part of love, because that is your Source and your lineage.

So, on this day that celebrates love, our wish for you is that you will take a moment and acknowledge that truth, and from that place of union express yourself as love, knowing a deeper internal experience of love than you have ever allowed yourself to feel before. From there, know that you have become the most beautiful Valentine for the world, and that the world can only respond to you as such. We love you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 13, 2016

Until you can find gratitude in your Now moment you will not be able to experience the tomorrows you desire. You cannot create having from a focus on lack. Start looking for something, anything, that is working well for you, and you will automatically start to move in the direction of more things working well for you. Your focus is what sets your internal GPS in the direction you wish to go, and your appreciation is what provides feedback to the universe and works as the steering wheel of your flow. ~Archangel Gabriel


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